Would I Be The Jerk If I Pulled a Pool-Party Plot Twist?

Would I Be The Jerk If I Pulled a Pool-Party Plot Twist?

Alright, dear internet wanderers, gather ’round because I’ve got a tale fresh out of the Reddit oven. Spoiler alert: It’s juicy, it’s relatable, and it involves a pool. Buckle up.

Our protagonist—a 39-year-old man who I’ll fondly call Pool Protector Peter (since he’s all about that aquatic safety life)—is married to Jane, who’s 38. Now, Jane comes with a bonus feature: a family that can only be described as an oversized Game of Thrones cast. You know, minus the dragons and dubious family dynamics but plus a whole lot of summer BBQs and Midwest charm.

Picture this: Tomorrow, Peter and Jane are hosting one of those gloriously chaotic family BBQs. The kind that involves herds of over-excited kids, parents mingling, a grill working overtime, and—here’s the kicker—a swimming pool.

The Prequel: Mayhem in Mid-May

Now, rewind to mid-May, when our dear Peter learned a hard lesson in the treacherous waters of family get-togethers. Cue the flashback: Peter’s BIL (Brother-in-Law for the uninitiated) decided to let his two kiddies (both under five, mind you) jump into the pool. These little ducklings were sans life jackets and parental supervision, all under the bold declaration of “they can swim.” Spoiler: they could not.

Peter did what any sensible person would do. He asked for proof. And oh boy, the aquatic performance was anything but Olympic-worthy. Suffice to say, Peter felt his stress levels spike higher than a synchronized swimming routine. Cue dramatic close-up of Peter’s face, sighing deeply.

The Present Day Plot Twist

Fast forward to the present BBQ planning scene. Peter, traumatized from the last aquatic adventure, is seriously contemplating locking up the pool like it’s the crown jewels of England. But here’s the dilemma: his wife, Jane, thinks this plan is straight out of the Ebenezer Scrooge playbook.

You see, the pool isn’t just a patch of chlorinated water; it’s the main event, the pièce de résistance for the galaxy of kids descending upon their home. So, the debate rages on: Is it safer to be the gatekeeper of the pool or give in to a backyard water wonderland?

Reddit’s Verdict: A Fiesta of Opinions

Ah, the people of Reddit. Givers of unsolicited wisdom and defenders of the digital realm. Naturally, they have Thoughts™. Allow me to break down the general sentiment:

Then there were the diplomatic unicorns, suggesting a hybrid solution. “Leave the pool open, but hire a lifeguard or make sure multiple adults are on duty. Supervision is key!”

Roger’s Sassy Solution

Alright, it’s time for some sage advice wrapped up in a witty, sassy bow from yours truly, Roger. Peter, let me break it down for you:

First, I commend you for being the Aquaman of responsibility. Drowning risks are no joke. Yet, locking down the pool is the nuclear option—and not the fun kind that lights up the sky with fireworks. Instead, consider these:

Bottom line? Don’t be the Grinch who stole the summer fun, but don’t be the oblivious host either. Balance, Peter. Balance.

So there you have it, folks—a Reddit roller coaster about pools, BBQs, and the timeless dance between safety and fun. May your dives be graceful, your hot dogs perfectly grilled, and your summer mishaps minimal.

Until next time, keep swimming safely and party responsibly.

Original story

I (39M) am married to (38F). My wife’s family is huge.

Like, big and tight knit. Most of her family either lives a bit north of us, others live in Midwest, and some live in TX area.

Very few live too far.

Tomorrow we’re having a bbq. Most of her family is coming, Overall, no big issues except our pool.

I don’t feel comfortable with kids in the pool unless they have a life jacket, and an adult or two are watching. Last time they came over (Mid-May), my BIL was trying to let his two kids which are both under 5 in the pool with no life jacket or parental supervision, under the explanation “they can swim,” but when I asked for proof to back up the statement, he complied, and in short, those kids cannot swim.

Well they’re coming over again, and I’m considering locking up the pool this time. Or at least not allowing my BIL or his kids to enter it if the previous situation repeats itself.

Like, everybody else is willing to comply, what is your problem?

WIBTA? My wife thinks im wrong because the pool is the thing the kids (a WHOLE LOT OF KIDS) will be most excited about.

Will add any other information that people request