WIBTAH for Uninviting My Friends from a Waterpark Trip Because They Don’t Want to Go to the Waterpark?

WIBTAH for Uninviting My Friends from a Waterpark Trip Because They Don’t Want to Go to the Waterpark?

Alright, grab your floaties and prepare for a wild, watery ride because we’ve got ourselves a Redditor throwing an epic splash-tacular dilemma out there!

So, there’s our main character with a bunch of waterpark tickets and an ambitious plan to conquer the waves with ten of their nearest and dearest. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend a weekend splashing around and applying SPF 50 like it’s going out of style?

Here’s the gist of it. Our brave organizer invited their squad, including a couple of so-called (sometimes the drama revolves around pairs, doesn’t it?). Everything seemed peachy until these two amigos had the nerve to rain on the water-slide parade with an alternate itinerary. The audacity!

Said couple responded, “We’re down, but we’re good on the amusement parks. [Spouse] has been wanting to see the historical stuff and I’m digging some aquarium action.”

The Plot Splashens (wink, wink)

Now, our Redditor (Dear Poster? Adventure Architect?) is fuming like a kettle just about to whistle. Let’s break down the three water-balloons of reasoning they threw at this picnic:

But wait—our hero is second-guessing, feeling that maybe, just maybe, they’re overreacting. Could it be the chlorine fumes? Should they just let this couple do their own historical-aquarium seduction while still coughing up some dough for the shared digs?

Airbnb & Awkwardness

Look, we’ve all been there. The simultaneous thrill and horror of planning can make you feel like the Joan of Arc of vacation logistics. You want unity, harmony, synchronized aquatic joy. You don’t want side quests breaking the flow of your carefully crafted weekend!

But our Redditor has an update! Judgment came from the wise council of Reddit, and oh, what a twist it was. They let the couple down easy, explaining how the tickets and spaces are precious liquid gold for waterpark enthusiasts, but maybe—just maybe—there’s room for them if all pans out.

The couple, being cool as cucumbers in a summer salad, apologized for the misunderstanding and even floated the idea of snagging alternate lodgings nearby. They’d meet up post-slide in a whirlpool of friendship. Potential conflicts averted. Deep breaths. No spas or therapy sessions required!

Roger’s Rippling Wisdom

Ah, dear fans of the written (and splashed) word, aren’t people fascinating? Here’s Roger’s take on this waterproof tale:

Firstly, kudos to our Redditor for dreaming big with those waterpark plans. You’re like the aquatic Steve Jobs of weekend fun!

Secondly, I applaud the initial chill approach to everyone’s feedback. It’s as if you were playing water dodgeball with grace rather than turning into Captain Dictator of Water Adventures. Good form!

Finally, here’s the kicker: it all boils down to how you communicate. Clear invites, flexible plans, and making space for alternative joys (as long as they don’t capsized your whole cruise) are the real wins. Everyone’s happy. No vacations ruined. Just a slightly bigger Airbnb bill, but hey, with the year we’ve all had, neutrality is a win in my book.

So, friends and strangers of the internet, like our protagonist, be clear, be kind, and maybe, just maybe, you won’t end up as the next viral “am I the drama?” thread. Stay savvy, and slice through those social dilemmas like a hot knife through butter. Until next time, this is Roger, keeping it real and always a bit sassy.

Original story

Pretty much the title. I have 10 water park tickets and we’ve invited ten people to go to the park and get an airbnb to split together for three days.

I invited our couple-friends and they took some time to think about it and eventually said “We are down, but we are good on the amusement parks. [Spouse] has been wanting to see the historical stuff and I’m digging some aquarium action”

Now I want to uninvite them because 1. They won’t be buying one of the tickets I already have, meaning I’ll be inviting two more people bringing the group to 12.

2. I think it’ll be weird to link up with them after a full day if everyone else enjoying the park as a friend group (not awkward just kind of weird) 3.

I’ll have to look for a bigger airbnb which could raise the price per person (not 100% sure yet)

My doubts come from: 1. I could be overreacting to the severity of the idea that someone wouldn’t join the rest of the friends in the adventure specifically intended to go to a water park 2.

They’d still pay part of the Airbnb cost even though they won’t be going on day adventures with the crew.

Edit for FAQs:

I bought 10 tix on the last day of a sale so it’s cheaper to buy from me than get their own at this point. Worst case I’m not opposed to returning a few tix but would rather everyone invited actually has the same experience and we all go out together.

I’m not worried about finding more people to go and fill in the two spots.

The original text was:

“Do you and [spouse] want to go to [water park name] the first weekend in July? We’re getting a group of 10 together.

It’ll be an all weekend thing if you want it to. We’re getting an airbnb.

Splitting costs”

Then after questions

“Friday, Sat night.

Friday is chill at the resort. BBQ, putt putt pools or whatever we want to do.

I’ve stayed there before. It’s a good place.

Everyone is there for the water park on Saturday.

Sunday I and [my spouse] are going to [sister park]. But this is optional”


Per the great advice and validation I found here, I told her that actually, I really wanted to invite friends who were interested in the water park first, but if there’s room when it’s all put together, I would love to have them come too. Happy ending, she simply apologized for misunderstanding the conditional invite and said she’d look at getting a place nearby if there wasn’t room and we can all still hang out at the end of the day if they’re up for it.

She even invited me to a lake that same day, and since I didn’t want to go to a lake, I declined the invite. No tension or issues at all!