When Your Sperm Donor Sends a Friend Request: A Tale of a Drifter, a Dam, and a Fallout 76 Breakup Text

When Your Sperm Donor Sends a Friend Request: A Tale of a Drifter, a Dam, and a Fallout 76 Breakup Text

Hello readers! Buckle up because today, we’re diving into the wild, wild world of a Reddit post that’s got more drama than a daytime soap opera. Imagine this: 31 years of silence, and then out of the blue, you get a digital knock on your FB Messenger. Spoiler: It’s not your middle school crush. Nope, it’s your sperm donor. Intrigued? You should be.

The Shady Past

Let’s start with a bit of backstory. The protagonist of our drama grew up with tales of a father who sounded like he should have been cast in a

Original story

There’s a lot to put here but I’m gonna explain things as best as I can. Me and my sperm donor have a very strained relationship.

From the stories my mother told me, he used to do drugs a lot before and after I was born. She told me that while she was pregnant with me, he never once helped her do anything.

He took her money, made her cook and clean and treated her like shit. He even allowed his friends and family to treat her like shit.

After I was born, he got worse until he just took everything (his stuff and all of the money. He left my mom $38 to use to take care of me) and left.

My mom told me that when he left, he looked at her and then me and said “she’ll be alright” then ran off down the road like a fucking drifter.

There were a few times he came into my life trying to be involved but they were all big let downs. Nothing to sing home about.

So, fastforward to yesterday, I get a message from him on FB Messenger with him saying “I love you”. I was confused and basically just asked really blunt questions of what he wanted.

He told me he wanted a father-daughter relationship and that, “when I’m ready. Let him know”

I will admit reddit, I saw red and the 31 years of built up anger, rage, and sadness exploded like a damn. I.

Went. Off.

I told him he was a terrible father and that he walks around caring about other people’s kids and preaching about how God wants us to do this and that but he could never follow those teachings and do right by me. He ignored every single attempt I made to get him to recognize that he didn’t do right by me.

He flipped everything around to make it seem like he’s the victim. He even had the nerve to shame my mother for choosing me instead of him!

I was a newborn. I needed her but all he cares about is himself.

I left him a long message pointing out his faults and how he needs to better himself then called it a night.

About two days later, he messages me while I was playing Fallout 76 with my friends and tells me to “grow up” “and that I don’t know anything about him” (yeah no shit. You left me dumbass) he then throws in a curve ball by telling me he has cancer and that if I don’t want a relationship with him then it’s basically my loss and he’ll pray for me.

Now, I will admit I may be an asshole on how I went off on him but I feel like my feelings are warranted. His side of the family doesn’t care about me.

His mother preaches God to me every time she calls me on my birthday and pressures me to have children because I have yet to give her grandbabies. I’m not against having children but I’m enjoying life before I focus on carrying for a little human.

His sister used to make fun of me and call me a football player as a baby because I was a chubby baby. (Ironic since her daughters look like pit bulls) They don’t even try to get to know me.

The only time I matter is my birthday and that’s if they care enough.

So people of reddit, am I the asshole for going off on my dad?