When Your Date Can’t Stop Talking About ‘The One That Got Away’—Here’s What I Think

When Your Date Can’t Stop Talking About ‘The One That Got Away’—Here’s What I Think

There I was, casually scrolling through Reddit, the black hole for life’s most intriguing dilemmas, when I stumbled upon a post that made me spit my coffee in dramatic disbelief. It read: “Guy I’m dating, 24M, opens up about ‘the one that got away’ and I, 23F, don’t know how to feel.” Oh honey, buckle up, this one’s a doozy!

The Backstory

Picture this: Our heroine, a sprightly 23-year-old, is dating this seemingly wonderful 24-year-old guy. Let’s call her Jane and him Jack for context, but remember, these folks are as real as your high school nemesis’ Facebook stalking habit. So Jane and Jack are navigating the wildly unpredictable seas of new romance when, out of nowhere, Jack brings up—brace yourself—the one that got away.

Apparently, Jack can’t stop waxing poetic about this mythical creature from his past. We don’t know much about her, but I’m guessing by Jack’s reaction she either cured cancer, could levitate, or at the very least, baked the most divine banana bread known to mankind.

Should You Be Worried?

Let me dissect this with the precision of a Real Housewives reunion moderator. On one hand, we have Jack who is sharing something deeply personal, showing that he trusts Jane with his emotional baggage. “Bravo, Jack,” I say with a sarcastic golf clap.

But on the other hand, isn’t it just a tad messy to throw this ‘ex-girlfriend bomb’ into what’s supposed to be a blossoming romance? I mean, nothing spells ‘I’m totally over her’ like repeatedly talking about her, am I right? Poor Jane probably felt like a contestant on The Bachelor who just found out there’s already a frontrunner.

The Emotional Roller Coaster

Jane’s feelings? All over the place—naturally! One part of her might feel flattered. “Wow, he’s opening up to me!” How cute. But another part might be screaming, “Cue the alarm bells, sister! Your ship might just hit an iceberg!”

Is Jack measuring her up against this ex? Does she have to prove she’s better? Should she just bring cheesecake to every date to live up to the banana bread legacy? So many questions, so few answers. And let’s not even get started on Jane’s self-esteem at this point. Nothing drains the love tank faster than feeling like a poorly-cast understudy.

Deciphering the Hidden Signals

What could be going on with Jack?

Oh, let’s break this down, inspector-style. Maybe Jack’s still hung up on his ex. Maybe he uses this story as a way to protect himself from getting hurt again. Maybe this gal was indeed a superhuman and Jack’s just an idiot for letting her slip away.

But, dearest reader, here lies the crux: Is Jack even aware of how much he’s yammering on about her? Sometimes people are oblivious. He might as well be discussing his love for pineapple on pizza—totally indifferent to the uncomfortable undertones. Either way, someone needs to sound an airhorn right into his face to wake him up and smell the roses.

Roger’s Final Verdict

So what’s my expert opinion on this romantic quandary? Jane, darling, you deserve a standing ovation for not bolting out the door the minute Jack started his trip down Ex-memory lane. More importantly, it’s time for some straight talk. Let Jack know how this endless quest to compare you to the ex makes you feel like a contestant in a rigged game show.

If Jack’s head is still stuck in the misty cloud of his past romance after you’ve had this little come-to-Jesus talk, it’s time for Jane to evaluate her position on this emotional Titanic. Remember, sweetie, your value isn’t tied to living up to some passé banana bread queen. You’re the whole damn five-star dessert buffet. So act like it!

And Jack, if you’re reading this, how about you focus on the present? You’ve got a stellar gal right in front of you. If your ex was such a gem, perhaps you should’ve invested less time mooning over bread and more time being a decent partner.

So, Jane, chin up! Whether you stay or go, make sure you’re treated like the absolute goddess you are. Because if there’s one thing Roger can’t stand, it’s wasted fabulousness.

Original story
