When Couch Potatoes Throw Shade: The SAHM Saga

When Couch Potatoes Throw Shade: The SAHM Saga

Alright my lovelies, gather ’round, because Uncle Roger has a fresh brew of tea straight from the delightful depths of Reddit. This isn’t your watered-down Earl Grey—oh no—this is the double-shot espresso kind of gossip that will have you gasping, giggling, and possibly gagging.

Our tale today springs from a real Reddit post by a user who posed a question that’s basically the social equivalent of poking a beehive: ‘Am I the Asshole for bringing up my friend’s gross lifestyle when he said being a SAHM wasn’t real work?’

The Setup: A Battle of Perceptions

This modern morality play begins in a cozy living room, where our heroic protagonist (let’s call her Sally for sassiness’ sake) had her patience tested to the limits by a couch-dwelling philosopher we’ll name Frank. Now, Sally, bless her multitasking soul, is a Stay-At-Home Mom (SAHM). For anyone who’s ever had the sheer audacity to think taking care of children, running a household, and not losing your sanity is a walk in the park—Spoiler Alert—it’s not.

Enter dear ol’ Frank, whose life’s ambitions have so far peaked at mastering the smell of Cheetos embedded in a couch cushion and providing unsolicited life advice between binge-watching marathons. In one ill-fated conversation, Frank, in his infinite wisdom, dropped a bombshell on Sally:

“Being a SAHM isn’t real work.”

Oh Frank, you sweet summer child.

When Words Become Grenades

In a classic case of

Original story
