When Boyfriend’s Dad Turns Into a Creepy Uncle—What Do You Do?

When Boyfriend’s Dad Turns Into a Creepy Uncle—What Do You Do?

Sit down, folks, because I’ve got a story based on a real Reddit post that’s from the barrel’s very bottom of awkward encounters. It’s like that foggy town from Silent Hill decided to pop up right in someone’s living room but with less fog and more cringe-worthy tension.

Picture this: You’re a 26-year-old woman, brimming with all that youthful, “let’s-please-the-in-laws” energy, and you’ve got a boyfriend who you’re head over heels for. Life’s good, right? Well, sometimes life likes to splash a cold bucket of awkward on you. Ready? Let’s dive in.

The Day That Should Be a Simple Favor

Our heroine of this tale starts with pure intentions—helping out her boyfriend’s dad. Now, this isn’t just any old dad. No, no, we’re talking a 68-year-old recent widower who’s knee-deep in the post-funeral fog, trying to sort out the life’s leftovers. She thinks, “Hey, I’ll help him run some errands and score some major future daughter-in-law points.” Sweet, right? Ah, if only it stayed that way.

The day kicks off with this father figure waxing poetic about how much she reminds him of his late wife—a compliment that floats by like a sweet summer breeze. You’d think, “Aww, I’m nailing this,” envisioning future memories in cozy family gatherings with apple pie and warm laughter. But then—BAM! Curveball.

When Compliments Go Wrong

Things take a turn for the paramount in awkwardness when he shifts from character comparisons to the “you physically remind me of her” chapter of his creepy handbook. Now, flattering someone by comparing them to your late spouse might be endearing in some universe far, far away, but Earth is clearly not that planet. If we are here, brace yourself for the impact.

He then dives off the deep end of inappropriateness by suggesting they “shower together”—and I quote—“and keep it between us.” Hold the phone. Not only does this old geezer utter those words, but he does it with all the seriousness of a tax audit. Imagine the horror! Our protagonist can’t exactly throw a bucket of ice water on this situation, so she laughs nervously and declines. But let’s unpack how she must have felt.

Trapped in Awkward Land

Ever been so uncomfortable that you wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole? This is one of those moments. I imagine her inner monologue went something like, “Did he really just say that? Am I in some twisted version of reality? Maybe I’m on a hidden-camera show?!” Spoiler: Nope. Real as can be, like a horror flick but without the option to scream and run away.

Fast forward a bit, and our protagonist finds herself in a dilemma. Should she tell her boyfriend and risk unleashing a nuclear-level family drama? Or should she keep it to herself and navigate this swampy, mortifying labyrinth alone? Help, Reddit sages!

To Tell or Not to Tell?

Dear readers, this is the burning question. Imagine trying to explain to your boyfriend that his grieving, supposedly vulnerable father just tried to audition for a role in the sleaziest soap opera ever. Not a cute bedtime story, right?

Now, as an experienced life observer with a knack for sass and seeing through the murky depths of human behavior, let me throw in my two cents.

Roger’s Grand Finale Opinion

Ladies and gents, you don’t need a magic eight ball for this one. The writing’s on the wall clearer than a Las Vegas billboard. In my humblest yet fabulously insightful opinion, if a geriatric Lothario mars your Good Samaritan deeds with creep vibes, you should not only tell your boyfriend—you should document every detail like you’re writing a true crime novel.

Life’s too short to tiptoe around such grotesque weirdness, especially when huge red flags are waving like it’s the Fourth of July. Blow this popsicle stand of awkwardness right open! You deserve better, dear protagonist, and your boyfriend deserves to know the full extent of Daddy Dearest’s peculiar grief

Original story

So I (26F) feel disturbed by this because I want to tell my boyfriend but idk if I should. I was home with his dad(68M) all day while my boyfriend was at work because his dad asked if I would help him with running some errands (side note his wife passed away like a month ago so he’s been trying to organize/figure out the house stuff) and me being nice and trying to show I can be a good future wife for his son said yes.

But then his dad starts saying I remind him a lot of his wife character which is cool cus I guess that a good thing. But then he also says I remind him of her physically & proceeds to ask me if I would shower with him & we can keep it between us.

I just laughed it off and said no because I honestly felt so uncomfortable at that moment I didn’t know what to say. I thought he was joking but he was so serious.

I kinda want to tell my boyfriend but I don’t want to start problems what should I do? 🙁