What if You Found Out Your Best Friend Has Been Hiding This From You? Full Story in Comments 👇

If You’re Curiosity Gets the Best of You, Read On!

Well, hello there, lovely reader! I’ll tell you this right now – you’re in for a real treat. But, of course, you don’t have to take my word for it. In fact, you might just find yourself chuckling away and swelling with a bit of righteous revelation by the time you reach the end of this story.

Imagine this: You’ve got a best friend. Let’s call her Annie. Now, Annie and you have been thick as thieves since you could both crawl under the church pews and giggle at the preacher’s too-long sermons. She’s your confidante, your sister-in-spirit, and, bless her heart, she’s always been there – rain or shine, potlucks or pity parties.

The Day Everything Changed

It was an ordinary Thursday afternoon, with the sun shining down as if the Lord Himself was patting the Earth on the head. Now, you were feeling mighty fine – baked a batch of your famous apple pies, did your daily Bible reading, and even beat the ever-growing number of weeds in your garden. Life was, in every sense, just peachy.

Then, the phone rang. It was Annie. “Hey sugar, you mind if I pop by for a bit?” she asked.

“Well, of course not, honey! Come on over,” you said, wiping flour off your hands.

She arrived with a smile that seemed a bit too tight and eyes doing a tango. You offered her a slice of pie and a tall glass of sweet tea. After some small talk about Sister Johnson’s new perm and the upcoming church bake sale, Annie blurted out, “There’s something I’ve been needing to tell you.”

Let’s Cut to the Chase

Folks, there’s something about secrets that makes ’em slippery like an eel in a creek. It took Annie a good minute to fish out the words, but when she finally did, my jaw nearly hit the floor. She confessed to having joined an online book club. And not just any book club, but one dedicated to reading… wait for it… science fiction novels!

Gasp! Sci-fi? Here?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Mary, I thought it was going to be something serious, like she got a tattoo or started eating kale!” But listen, there’s more to it than just strange books about space aliens and time machines. Annie was worried about what you’d think – about whether you’d judge her for stepping outside the safe, snug bubble of the familiar.

As a church-going, God-fearing woman, I’ve always believed in strengthening the bonds of friendship and trust. Our Lord teaches us compassion and understanding, after all. So, I put on my big-girl pants and told Annie just that. I reminded her of our shared values and that the Good Book teaches us not to judge lest we be judged. Who knew if these science fiction books had a hidden nugget of wisdom? I giggled, “Well, if you start talking like one of those green Martians, we’ll just have a good laugh about it!”

The Closer Look

You see, the real gem in all this hoopla is the discovery that our friendships aren’t built on the sameness, but rather on the kindness and understanding we have for each other’s quirks. Annie and her silly sci-fi adventures didn’t make her any less of a friend. If anything, it reminded me of the vibrancy and depth that comes from seeing our friends in new lights.

Now, I’m not going to start reading those books myself – I’ve got too many Psalms left to get through. But I did tell Annie that I’d love to hear about her favorite stories because, who knows? Maybe God sprinkled wonder in places we’ve been too single-minded to look.

The Folk Wisdom

So, next time you think your best friend is hiding something from you, remember my story about Annie. The real question isn’t about what they’re hiding; it’s about whether you’re ready to accept them with love and grace when the truth comes out. And if it turns out to be something more peculiar than a fondness for sci-fi, well, take it with the humor and wisdom the Good Lord gave you. Life’s too short to be stone-faced, my dears.

Well, I think I’ve kept you long enough. You go on now and cherish your friends, oddities and all. Remember, a little love and understanding go a long way, especially as we march on through this grand parade called life.

Written by Mary