Virtual Love Affairs: Is It Cheating If It’s Online? Roger’s Hot Take on Digital Infidelity

Darlings, gather ’round because today we’re diving into the murky waters of virtual love affairs. Straight from the horse’s mouth—or should I say, straight off the screens of Reddit—a real person shared their heartache, and who am I, Roger, not to plunge headfirst into this digital drama?

Our protagonist found herself in a pickle when she discovered that her boyfriend, let’s call him Mr. Virtual Romeo, had been engaging in what can only be described as digital dalliance. But not just with one lady, oh no, dear readers. He’d been on ‘virtual dates’ with at least 15 women, via an app named Crema Social. Yes, you read that correctly. Fifteen. More plot twists than a season finale of your favorite soap opera, right?

Now, before we dismiss Mr. Virtual Romeo as a villain in this saga, let’s consider the context. He justified his online escapades by suggesting that they were merely platonic connections, a way to combat loneliness. He pointed the finger at our protagonist’s busy schedule, claiming it left him in the lurch, craving interaction. However, when his double life was unveiled, he admitted his mistake and proposed deleting the app and all contacts to cleanse his digital sin.

But, the burning question remains: Is this cheating? Or, in the age of the internet, have we stumbled upon a new frontier of fidelity—emotional infidelity, where hearts are engaged in deceit, but bodies remain untouched?

Let’s not dance around the topic. Emotional intimacy with someone outside of your relationship, layered with secrecy, is a betrayal, whether it’s conducted online or face-to-face. The platform might be virtual, but the emotions? Oh, they’re as real as they get. And when someone feels the need to hide these interactions, it suggests they’re fully aware of crossing a boundary.

Yet, this saga speaks volumes about modern relationships as well. It reminds us that connection isn’t solely physical; emotional bonds are the backbone of any partnership. Mr. Virtual Romeo’s virtual escapades underline a gaping void in his real-life relationship, one that apps and texts temporarily filled.

Our protagonist now faces a dilemma more challenging than choosing what to binge-watch next: Should she proceed with the plans to cohabitate with a man who found solace in the arms (or rather, chat boxes) of virtual strangers? Or, is this a breach of trust too vast to bridge?

Now, for Roger’s Hot Take: This is a loud wake-up call dressed in digital disguise. It’s a beacon, shining a light on the necessity of communication, trust, and mutual respect in relationships. Yes, exploring new friendships is healthy, but not when it’s bathed in secrecy and draped in the guise of emotional infidelity. Our dear protagonist deserves transparency and loyalty, both online and offline.

To anyone navigating the blurred lines of online interactions: remember that relationships thrive on honesty and respect. The digital world offers a myriad of ways to connect, but it also tests our integrity and commitment. Let’s not allow the ease of access to virtual connections to erode the foundation of trust and fidelity in our real-world relationships.

In the end, whether moving boxes or moving on, our real-life protagonist has some thinking to do. As for Mr. Virtual Romeo? Perhaps a digital detox is in order, focusing on the real-world connection that’s right in front of him—before it’s one swipe too far and beyond repair.

Remember, darlings, in the age of the internet, let’s not lose sight of what’s truly real. Until the next scandalous tale, this is Roger, signing off from HotTakes.

Original story

So a couple nights ago I saw my boyfriend got a text from a weird number with a +57 country code, he said it was spam so I thought nothing of it.

Then yesterday I saw him texting the same number and did a bit of digging to find out he’s been texting with this women from Colombia. My bfs never even been there so I was confused and demanded that he explained.

He went on to tell me how he’s been using some app called Crema Social to go on all these virtual meetups and apparently he’s dated at least 15+ of these women. He’s claiming he’s done nothing wrong because they are just virtual and he’s just trying to make friends but this really feels like cheating to me, atleast emotional if nothing else.

He admitted this was wrong but told me he felt lonely recently, I’ve been to busy with work, etc, etc. He told me he’d delete the app and all their numbers but to me the damage is done.

We were suppose to move in together when my lease ends this fall but now I’m reconsidering everything. Is this cheating?