The Weekend Tyrant: My Boyfriend Won’t Stop Scheduling My Free Time!

The Weekend Tyrant: My Boyfriend Won’t Stop Scheduling My Free Time!

Oh honey, when it feels like you’re dating a personal assistant rather than a boyfriend, it’s time to pull out the sassy stops! This little story, plucked straight from the wild fields of Reddit, features our daring damsel, a 20-year-old gal, and her well-meaning but overzealous boyfriend, who’s a solid six years her senior. Yup, that magical age of 26 when some men think their time-management skills are nothing short of divine intervention.

Imagine our heroine waking up on a glorious Saturday morning, feeling all sorts of fabulous, with plans for, you know, whatever she decides on a whim. But, oh no! The boyfriend’s got a calendar invite, a detailed itinerary, and maybe even a PowerPoint presentation waiting for her. Girl, if I wanted my weekends planned down to the nanosecond, I’d go back to corporate life!

According to the Reddit post, the girl, let’s call her Rosie, has noticed a disturbing pattern. Her boyfriend, let’s dub him Tim, seems to think the weekends are his personal playground for their relationship. He’s organizing brunches, hikes, coffee dates with couples, and even her solo beauty appointments! And here I was, thinking control issues were out of fashion.

Now, before we declare Tim public enemy number one, let’s take a step back. Maybe he’s just trying to be engaged and is mistaking micromanaging for love. Or perhaps he’s affixed to a clock and schedule tighter than your grandma’s curlers on a Sunday morning. Either way, something’s got to give.

The Struggle is Real

Rosie is understandably torn. She loves the effort, appreciates the sentiment, but good lord, a lady needs some spontaneous, unscheduled freedom. That’s what weekends were invented for, right? A time to breathe, digest the week, maybe do something totally bonkers like nothing at all!

And here’s where Tim has gone waaaay off script. The poor babe thinks he’s helping, but instead, he’s borderline suffocating her with his meticulous plans. Rosie’s dilemma resonates with many—a whopping 90% of the Reddit folks advising her to set boundaries, reminding her that, yes, she’s allowed to reclaim her time.

Taking it Up a Notch

So, what should our dear Rosie do? It’s time for a strategy session of her own, minus the Excel sheets.

Step 1: Lightly but firmly broach the topic with Tim. Use humor, use charm, use that wit he fell for—let him know that while his enthusiasm is duly noted, she needs a little breathing room. Maybe start with a gentle: “Hey Tim, I adore your plans, but do you think we could chill a bit next Saturday?”

Step 2: Establish some ‘Me-Time’ in the weekend schedule. Remind Tim that everyone deserves some alone time to binge Netflix, do yoga, or just stare into the void.

Step 3: Create a shared hobby, something they both enjoy that requires minimal planning. This way, Tim gets his quality time fix without morphing into a project manager.

Roger’s Verdict

Now, listen up, Rosie. Here’s the sassy truth from yours truly, Roger. Love is a two-way street, honey! We appreciate the gents who put in the effort, but your weekends are not a corporate retreat.

If Tim’s really into making everything pitch-perfect, give him a gold star but don’t forget to reclaim your own time. Let him know it’s about balance. You enjoying your free time happily will only make the planned moments more precious. If he can’t understand this, well, boy bye! You aren’t his life-coach project.

Remember to keep smiling, be your wonderful spontaneous self, and make it crystal clear: your time is valuable and it’s nobody’s business to monopolize it. Tim can either hop on the balanced schedule train, or he can watch it leave without him.

And that, my dear readers, is how you handle the over-scheduler boyfriend with grace, wit, and, of course, a dash of sass!

Original story