The Wedding Woes: Toddler Tiaras and Family Feuds

Ah, weddings – a time for love, laughter, and apparently, ludicrous demands. Today, grab your popcorn, my dear readers, because I’ve stumbled upon a matrimonial melodrama that’s juicier than your Aunt Gertrude’s wedding cake. Straight from the world of Reddit, from a real person with real wedding woes, comes a tale that’s bound to have you tut-tutting and maybe even shouting at your screen. So, buckle up, here’s Roger’s Hot Take on a family fiasco that’ll make even the most seasoned wedding planners blush.

Picture this: A 34-year-old mother, our protagonist, finds herself in a pickle when her sister-in-law-to-be, let’s call her Tia, makes some…interesting demands for her upcoming nuptials. Tia, the family’s ‘precious princess,’ has decided that our hero’s 3-year-old daughter, Em, despite being a shy toddler fearing big crowds, must grace her wedding as a flower girl. But wait—there’s a catch! Post-ceremony, little Em is expected to vanish into thin air because, you guessed it, it’s an ‘adults-only’ reception.

Now, let’s dive into the deep end of this pool of madness. Our protagonist, not exactly a fan of the ‘bridezilla’ to begin with, is put in quite the bind. Tia, who once commandeered her own brother’s wedding to the point of snatching the bouquet from another guest, expects our leading lady to conjure a babysitter out of thin air in a place 3.5 hours from home.

The suggestion that Em could leave post-ceremony is audacious, to say the least. Can you imagine? “Thanks for your adorable flower-tossing, now scoot, kid, the adults want to play.” It’s akin to thanking someone for baking a cake but telling them they can’t have a piece.

Our mom, rightfully so, isn’t having any of it. Standing her ground, she opts for the only logical solution—either Em stays for the whole spectacle, or they bow out early. Tia and the in-laws, clinging to the hope of a child-free rager, are less than thrilled. The audacity to suggest outsourcing caregiving to a stranger in an unfamiliar town for their own convenience? I can’t even.

The cherry on top? The husband, a silent character in this soap opera, supports his wife’s decision but lacks the backbone to confront his family directly. Ah, marital bliss.

So, dear readers, as we reach the climax of our wedding waltz, we’re left pondering – would our protagonist be the villain for refusing to play into Tia’s hands? In the world according to Roger, absolutely not.

**Roger’s Hot Take:** Let’s call it like it is – Tia’s demands are as absurd as expecting to ride unicorns down the aisle. Our protagonist is not the antagonist in this family feature film. Children, especially at family events, shouldn’t be treated like disposable accessories, only useful until the main event’s over. It’s high time Tia and her entourage realize that weddings are about bringing people together, not dictating demands like a diva.

In conclusion, standing up against unreasonable family expectations doesn’t make you the family foe; it makes you a hero in my book. And to our brave mom standing her ground, I say, ‘you go, girl!’

Family feuds, flower girls, and ‘farewell post-ceremony’ – who knew weddings could be so wildly entertaining? Well, my delectable readers, this wedding saga serves as a reminder: sometimes, real life is stranger (and sassier) than fiction. Until next time, this is Roger, signing off with a reminder to keep your toddlers close and your bridezillas closer.

Original story

I (34F) don’t like my husband’s youngest sister (30F). She is the baby and acts like a brat. Everyone coddles/caters to her. I have seen her throw tantrums, flip out on family, make her mom cry, and pout because she didn’t get her way, lost at a game, etc. Thankfully she lives 3.5 hours away. I like my MIL and other SIL. We’ll call the one getting married Tia.

I was fine with Em (will be 3 at time of wedding) being flower girl despite the logistics stressing me out. Wedding is 3.5 hours away. We need to go up night before for rehearsal, and setup next day. Wedding is at 5pm. It would be a long day for Em. She’s shy around big groups. I doubt she’ll walk down the aisle when it’s time. At my wedding, I had my nieces as flower girls. 3yo was excited until it was time and then freaked out. Her mom carried her. Tia later commented that it ruined it. Tia also took control of things I asked not to happen. After ceremony, we had pictures. Food was to be put out for guests. I didn’t want them waiting on us. Tia knew that but still told people they had to wait for us and she would dismiss them by table. When we returned I was annoyed and told people to get food. Tia got pissy and said she was dismissing them.

During the bouquet toss, my cousin caught it. Tia ripped it from her hands. Tia’s now fiance got upset for the way she acted. My MOH witnessed him telling Tia that wasn’t cool and Tia threw the bouquet at his face and stomped off. Back to the point. We found out the wedding is kid-free. They want to party without kids. That’s fine and dandy. I love a night off from being mom. We also have 11M and 15F I adopted before I met my husband. In my family we have lots of blending and there is no such thing as half or step or whatever. Nobody gets treated differently. My in-laws use words like “real” when describing family. I don’t like it. I didn’t like when Tia wished me a happy FIRST mother’s day after I had my bio daughter.

Tia said she expects Em to leave after the ceremony. That I should get my mom to come, or bring our babysitter who could stay with her at the airbnb. My mom doesn’t want to. She’ll have the other 2 kids since they aren’t in the wedding. She doesn’t want to make the drive. My babysitter has a prior commitment. I told my MIL and Tia that Em was not going to be in the wedding or my husband and I would leave early. They are pissed. They want me to find someone else. (My 15yo can’t do it because she’s autistic.) They suggested Tia find someone where she lives. I said no. Outside of family, only our babysitter has ever stayed with Em. I am picky. The wedding is two months away. I could look for someone, but I don’t want to. My husband agrees that the best solution is for Em to stay with my parents, but he won’t tell them. So, AITA if I say Em won’t be in the wedding?