The One Who Lives Below: A Tale of Unexpected Reunions and the Dilemmas They Bring

Hello, darlings! It’s your favorite scribe of the scandalous and absurd, Roger, coming to you with a tale that’s as spicy as it is shocking. This story, fresh from the depths of Reddit, involves love lost, new beginnings, and an ex-boyfriend with a flair for dramatic re-entries. Buckle up, because you’re in for a rollercoaster of emotions, questionable decisions, and my signature hot take on the whole debacle.

The drama unfolds with our protagonist, a 32-year-old happily married woman, who stumbles upon a discovery that turns her world upside down. Imagine coming home from a long day, deciding to play the good neighbor by welcoming the newcomer downstairs, only to find that the person you’re about to serve dinner is none other than your ex-boyfriend. Yes, the very same ex who, after a six-year relationship, decided to break your heart via text, claiming he never loved you. Ouch.

But wait, there’s more. Our girl isn’t just any woman; she’s moved on, found the love of her life, tied the knot, and even brought a new life into the world. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend seems to be on a personal quest for what could’ve been, having tried to rekindle their failed romance multiple times before ultimately marrying someone else, only to get divorced six months later. Talk about a plot twist! And as fate would have it, he’s now her downstairs neighbor, thanks to his new military assignment in her city.

Now, our heroine stands at a crossroads, fraught with confusion and fear. Does she tell her husband about this blast from the past living just one floor below? Keep it to herself? Or pack up and move to escape potential drama? And let’s not forget the ex is in the military – which for our protagonist signals alarm bells about her husband’s safety, should confrontation arise. I mean, who wouldn’t be a tad anxious?

For those shouting, “Of course, tell your husband, duh,” let’s sprinkle a little context into the mix. We’re dealing with fragile male egos, cultural nuances, and the ever-looming threat of violence that unfortunately still pervades some parts of modern society. Our protagonist isn’t scared of her husband’s reaction to her past; she’s terrified of what could happen between the two men. Turkish dramas have nothing on this real-life saga!

Before you start suggesting she turn her bedroom into a battleground to spite her ex (seriously, what’s wrong with some of you?), let’s dive into Roger’s Hot Take. Here it is: Communication is key, darling. Secrets in a marriage, especially ones that live right below you, are like time bombs waiting to explode. The foundation of any strong relationship is trust and honesty. Sharing this might be awkward, yes, but it’s essential. And as for moving? Running away from problems only gives them more power. It’s time to face this head-on, with open dialogue and perhaps a dash of couples therapy.

Remember, life’s too short to live in fear or run from the past. Confrontation doesn’t always lead to conflict; sometimes, it’s the first step to resolution. And if both men in this story can’t handle the situation like adults, well, then maybe it’s not the ex who’s the problem.

Until next time, keep those chins up and those tales coming. Roger out.

Original story

English is not my native language, I apologize for any mistakes.

I (32) had a relationship for 6 years (2 of them were long distance) when I was at university. One day, for no reason, he texted me and broke up with me, saying that he had never loved me this whole time, and that he couldn’t break up with me because he knew that if we had broken up, our group of friends would have chosen me and he would have been left alone.

I was speechless but I let him go. I also knew deep down that he had found someone he thought was better than me, and instead of cheating on me, he wanted to break up with me and move on with her. Which is kinda better, idk.

After the break up, following 2 years he periodically texted me saying he regretted his decision and wanted to get back together. Everytime I rejected him because he didn’t even loved me for 6 years bffr.

Anyways, I moved on found someone,married with him, had a son. I heard some news from my ex here and there. I heard he got married 1 year after I got married and 6 months later he got divorced.

I’m 5 years into my marriage now and yesterday when I got home from work I found out someone moved in the apartment right below to us.

We’re Turkish, so of course I made some dinner thinking they could be tired from moving and took the tray to our new neighbor to find out that it was my ex boyfriend. He’s in the military and I guess his new work base is in my city.

I almost going to act like I didn’t remembered him but he was in shock too I just gave the tray and ran to my apartment. Idk what to do, should I tell my husband?? Should I keep quiet?? Should I just convince my husband to move out? I don’t want my husband to be oblivious to the situation. Please help


1- This happened yesterday and my husband worked the night shift, he came in early morning and went to sleep, I went to work so I didn’t even saw him to talk about this. I’m still at work, I’m going to talk to him tonight so calm down.

2- For the people who says “ofc tell your husband duh” : in case you missed it my ex is military and he has a gun so, sorry for getting anxious in case things go south. I’m hesitant obviously i don’t want my husband to die

3- I don’t know if my ex is stalking me or he’s genuinely clueless. I don’t wanna know tbh because when I tell my husband he’s probably gonna suggest that we should move out.

4- I’m not scared of my husband, I’m just scared that there will be a fight because; Turkish men and I don’t expect for you to understand. Yes they’re childish.

5- and no we can’t fuck so my ex would listen how I got railed every night that’s disgusting