The Hoodie Showdown: A Tale of Love, Laundry, and Ludicrousness

The Hoodie Showdown: A Tale of Love, Laundry, and Ludicrousness

Alright, darlings, gather around because Roger has a little tale to tell—a juicy little slice of life straight from the drama-laden aisles of Reddit. Spoiler alert: it involves a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a hoodie, and more emotional turbulence than a soap opera. Strap in because we’re diving headfirst into this whirlwind.

The Setup: Wisdom Teeth and Target

So, picture this: Our heroine, a brave 20-year-old soul fresh from the battlefield of wisdom tooth extraction, decides to treat herself with a little outing to Target. (Because, honestly, who doesn’t need some Target therapy post-surgery?) She dons her boyfriend’s hoodie—yes, the hoodie—because it’s cozy, smells like him, and, let’s face it, no boyfriend in history has ever owned a hoodie that a girlfriend didn’t want to borrow. But oh, how quickly things can turn perilous in the land of relationship fashion choices!

The Catalyst: The Great Hoodie Dispute

Fast forward to that evening. She’s lying in bed, minding her own business after a rather teetotaler night thanks to some good ol’ meds. Meanwhile, her boyfriend, a spry 25-year-old, returns from a family gathering, just a tad inebriated—because of course, he is—and oh boy, does the proverbial poop hit the fan. He spots his neglected hoodie on the bed and makes a snarky remark that sends our gal’s patience into a spiraling nosedive.

The Melodrama: Adolescent Antics and Anger

And then, in true melodramatic fashion, he stomps off, only to come back for a retaliatory strike. Imagine him flinging her hoodie at her like it’s some weapon of mass destruction, demanding she puts it away like a petulant child. Oh no, honey, this is not going to end well for him. Our lady does what any self-respecting queen would do—refuses to pander to his childish whims and demands an apology fit for royalty.

The Clash: Words Are Flung, Emotions Are High

As you might suspect, the trivial hoodie predicament escalates into a full-blown verbal sparring match. Names are called, accusations are hurled, and tensions soar—all over the misplacement of a hoodie, can you believe it? Our girl stands her ground, wielding a threat she’s never uttered before: break up or put up. But, surprise, surprise, Mr. Hoodie-Obsessed opts to walk away, face unrepentant, right back to his gaming console. Mature, right?

The Aftermath: A Silent Storm

She, in the stupor of disbelief and frustration, finally gives in, puts the hoodie away, and calls it a night. Now, before you go clutching your pearls too tight, here’s an update: She’s planning to take a diplomatic route and sit down for a conversation with Mr. Can’t Let Go. Because, folks, it’s pretty obvious this debacle is deeper than fabric mishandling—it’s a cry for proper adult discourse.

Roger’s Sassy Verdict

Now, it wouldn’t be a Roger story without my sizzling hot take, would it? Let’s break this down. First, this performance deserves a Tony—Bravo! Secondly, threatening a breakup over a hoodie, while a tad dramatic, speaks volumes about underlying troubles. Honey, if your relationship’s stability is swayed by one misplaced piece of clothing, maybe it’s time for a full-on Marie Kondo session—purge the toxicity.

And to Mr. Petulant Peelie—Darling, you might want to check your maturity at the door and realize your partner is a human being, not a maidservant. It’s 2023; validation and respect are non-negotiables. This isn’t a reality show; it’s real life. Remember—nobody likes a whiny Prince, especially one with an attitude dirtier than a college frat house.

There you go, lovelies—an exquisite display of relationship ridiculousness for your reading pleasure. So, ladies, gents, and everyone in between, remember: choose your battles, wear the hoodie if you want, and for heaven’s sake, communicate effectively. Until next time, this is Roger signing off, wrapped snugly in a drama-free hoodie.

Original story

Okay. This just happened last night and I don’t know how to feel.

I will try my best to keep this short(ish).

Last night, my boyfriend (25m) and I (20f), got into an argument over a hoodie. I recently got my wisdom teeth out, and have been doing my best to keep myself busy even though I have had an awful recovery.

Yesterday, I went to Target to pass time and treat myself as I was feeling a bit better finally. I grabbed his hoodie, and wore it out shopping.

He had gotten our plans mixed up for the day, so I ended up having to rush back and meet him at the house. I changed really quick, and left his hoodie lying on the bed with the rest of the clothes that I had washed and folded earlier in the day.

We went out to a family gathering and a graduation party, he had a lot to drink (which is typical), and usually I would’ve too, but I can’t with the medication that I am on. Which is fine, I drove us home and everything was okay.

When we got home, he was putting his clothes away. I was laying in bed next to the clothes, and he saw the hoodie.

He made a snarky comment about how I didn’t put it away after wearing it. I told him that I didn’t feel it was a big deal, I wore it for less than an hour and it’s still clean, and I apologized.

He scoffed, continued putting his clothes away and then walked out of the room. When he walked back, he got into my closet, took one of MY hoodies off the hanger, acted like he was going to put it on.

He threw it at my lap on the bed. He said, “You can put that away.

I was BAFFLED. For some reason, this really sent me over.

I understand the point he was trying to get across, but being so childish about it when I had just apologized, (when I don’t even feel that I should’ve) really pissed me off.

I told him no. I said that if he felt it was such a big deal, he can express that to me like an adult.

I am in bed already, under the blankets, and he is throwing a fit. I said “I washed and folded your clothes, I do your dishes, I clean up after you, and work full time.

For you to throw such a fit over picking up after me once, is crazy.” He told me he wasn’t putting it away, and he wasn’t apologizing.

We went back and forth. We started yelling.

It became SO much more than the damn hoodie (to me). He started calling me names, telling me I’m stupid and disrespectful for leaving it out, and that I need to get up and put mine away now.

Over a fucking hoodie! I have really been trying hard to stand my ground in arguments, because it’s one thing I’m not good at.

And I never do this (like EVER), but I said “If you don’t get up and put that hoodie away and apologize, we’re done.” I was furious.

(Once again, threatening your relationship isn’t right, and I have never done this before).

But he didn’t even care anyway! He got in my face, said he wasn’t putting it away, got up, left the room, and started playing his game.

I got up, put the hoodie away. And went to sleep.

I know this is so much more than the hoodie, and there’s so much context that I could provide. But, AITAH?

And also, how could I have dealt with this better?

(PS I have listened every week since the beginning… Love you guys more than u know.)

UPDATE (kinda): Thank you guys so much for overwhelming response. I have been provided with so much advice… It’s so hard to actually do something.

I plan on sitting down and trying have a conversation with him. Depending on how that goes, we will go from there.

This whole thing has been weighing on me, and since it’s happened, he hasn’t really seemed to notice that I’ve been upset. I’ll let you guys know how it goes.