The Great Decaf Deception: A Tale of Coffee, Roommates, and Sweet Revenge

Hey there, caffeine aficionados and justice seekers! It’s your pal Roger, coming at you with a tale that percolates with suspense, intrigue, and a dash of petty revenge so delicious, it’s practically espresso. So, buckle up and grab your favorite mug as we dive into a real Reddit story from a real person that’s stirring up quite the brew-haha.

Imagine living in harmony with your roommates, sharing everything from laughs to household appliances. But there’s always that *one* thing that grinds your gears like a coarse blend on a Monday morning. For our protagonist, it was their precious coffee pods – a tale as old as time (or at least as old as pod coffee machines).

Our hero openly shared their pod coffee machine, equipped with environmentally friendly aluminum pods, setting the stage for a drama more intense than a triple espresso shot. At first, all was well, until their coffee pods began to mysteriously disappear. Confrontations led to denials, prompting a strategic retreat of the pods to the safety of their room. But, alas, a momentary lapse resulted in pod-napping once again.

Fueled by principle rather than the mere dollar cost, our coffee crusader embarked on a stealthy mission: replace the precious caffeine-loaded pods with decaffeinated imposters. As the decaf pods slowly vanished, a delicious plot brewed. Upon revealing the ruse and demanding restitution, the caffeine-deprived roommates admitted their coffee crimes, paying up in a mix of guilt and desperation for a caffeine fix.

When the truth of the decaf decoy was unveiled, outrage frothed amongst the roommates, akin to milk in a cheap latte. Accusations of dickishness were flung like hot coffee in a paper cup with a loose lid. Yet, had they merely glanced at the packaging, they would have seen their jitter-less fate spelled out in bold.

Now, loyal readers, here comes **Roger’s Hot Take**. Was our devious barista in the wrong? In the java jungle, is it not survival of the fittest (or most caffeinated)?

Certainly, the execution was a masterclass in passive-aggressive behavior, a maneuver so sly it makes a fox look downright straightforward. But before you label our hero the villain, consider the sanctity of personal belongings and the golden rule of communal living: if it’s not yours, don’t touch it. This tale isn’t just about coffee; it’s about respect, boundaries, and the consequences of overstepping them.

In an age where coffee is often more valuable than gold, our protagonist used decaf as their weapon of choice, teaching a lesson more potent than any caffeine buzz. They turned their plight into a teachable moment with a side of humor, and honestly, isn’t that the best kind of revenge?

As for those roommates, let’s hope this espresso episode leaves them percolating on respect and personal responsibility. After all, a world where one cannot trust their coffee pod stash is a chilling thought indeed.

So, next time you’re tempted by someone else’s coffee pods, remember the tale of the great decaf deception, and for caffeine’s sake, just buy your own. Until next time, this has been Roger, brewing up justice one hot take at a time. Keep sipping, darlings.

Original story

I live with three roommates and we all try to get along. We are not perfect but we try. I have a pod coffee machine that I like. It uses fully recyclable aluminum pods not plastic. I leave it in the kitchen and I let everyone use it.

It wasn’t a problem when everyone bought their own pods. Then mine started going missing from my shelf. I asked and none of my roommates admitted to taking them. It stopped for a while. Then it started up again. So I started keeping my pods in my room. All was good in the world.

I made the mistake of leaving an unopened box of my pods in the pantry on my shelf. When I went to get it there were five missing. I know it is not a big deal. I know they cost like a dollar each. But it is the principle of the thing.

I bought a sleeve of decaf coffee and a sleeve of decaf double espresso. I opened them and left them on my shelf. They slowly disappeared over the week. I bought more. The whole experiment cost me about $40. On Friday I asked everyone if they had taken my coffee if they could please pay me so I could go pick up some more. I pointed to the four empty sleeves of coffee and said I had not had even one of those. So either fess up or I would consider all food in the house fair game until I felt I was even. All three confessed they had borrowed a pod or two since they did not have a machine none of them thought to pick any up. I said that if they each sent me $15 I would pick up four more sleeves and leave them out to share. They each sent me the money. It is the cost of like three cups at a coffee shop. After I got the money I asked if they any requests for the pods. They all said to get whatever had more caffeine. I said that would not be too hard since the sleeves they emptied were decaffeinated.

Now they are pissed off that they drank decaf for a week. They were wondering why they had no energy. I just pointed at the sleeve where it clearly says that the are decaf. I suppose they didn’t bother looking when they were stealing my coffee. They called me a dick and said that I did it on purpose.

They are upset but not in any major way. But they do think I am a jerk for tricking them. One had the gall to jokingly ask for her money back.