The Great Birthday Face-Off: A Tale of Stepmother Complexes and Unapologetic Celebrations

The Great Birthday Face-Off: A Tale of Stepmother Complexes and Unapologetic Celebrations

Once upon a time, in the wild wilderness of the internet, nestled on a quaint little platform called Reddit, a tale of birthday drama unfolded. Picture a debate hotter than a midsummer bonfire and juicier than a soap opera cliffhanger—this, dear reader, is the tale of a person who courageously refuses to share their birthday spotlight with their stepmother. Brace yourselves, the tea is exceptionally piping today.

The Setup: A Double Trouble Birthday

Our protagonist (we’ll call them the Birthday Sovereign—the ruling monarch of their own yearly celebration) finds themselves in a bit of a pickle. You see, the stepmother in question—a woman whose very birthday falls one measly day after the Birthday Sovereign’s—has been a shared centerpiece in all their birthday celebrations for the past decade. Imagine the audacity! 🎂

From the perspective of a fresh-faced twenty-something-just-got-out-of-college youth, sharing a birthday might feel like a minor inconvenience—especially when you have other avenues of celebration with friends and family. But fast forward a few years, and suddenly the Birthday Sovereign has a spouse, two adorable kiddos, and a special tradition of their very own.

The Tradition: Pixar and Popcorn

Enter the scene-stealer: an annual Pixar movie marathon. It’s their cherished tradition, involving a trip to the theaters to watch the latest Pixar flick, followed by a lovely dinner just for their little family. This year, it’s a double whammy—catching “Inside Out 2” and their daughter’s first time sitting through a full-length flick—magic in the making!

But here comes the plot twist: our unsuspecting kids blab to Grandpa and Stepmom about their movie plans, and before you know it, the dynamic duo decides to crash the Pixar party. To throw salt on the wound, they graciously offer to foot the bill for everyone, hijacking the sovereign’s day as another opportune moment to celebrate Stepmom.

The Smackdown: A Most Needed Boundary

As any Birthday Sovereign worth their salt knows, there’s only so much one can take before metaphorically flipping the table. So, our protagonist lays down the law: thanks, but no thanks. The family Pixar-palooza is their sacred tradition and must remain untainted by impromptu joint Birthday-In-Law celebrations. And thus, they politely decline Grandpa and Stepmom’s benevolent offer.

Que the dramatic fallout—Dad branding the Birthday Sovereign with the dread label of “entitled,” laments and guilt trips flying around like confetti. Cue the existential crisis—Is it childish to defend one’s birthday turf so vehemently?

Roger’s Sassy Verdict: Hoist the Birthday Banner, Solo!

Let’s get real here, birthday darlings, because here comes Roger, your favorite sassy expert with opinions.

Listen, no one—and I mean no one—has the right to Coachella your birthday tradition without express consent. How dare they waltz in on your Pixar parade?! Just because your birthday happens to be next to Stepmom’s doesn’t mean you’re required to share every single birthday moment like you’re some celestial twinset!

Boundaries are the bread and butter of healthy family relationships. It’s not unkind to want a day that’s solely about you, especially when that day kicks off a cherished tradition with your own nucleus family. Disney magic doesn’t lend itself well to forced multi-birthday gatherings.

Furthermore, parenting 101: it’s valuable for your children to witness you standing up for yourself. You’re teaching them the essence of personal space and celebration rights. If anyone is showing entitled behavior here, it’s the would-be birthday invaders who couldn’t imagine a birthday celebration not revolving around them for once.

Straighten that birthday crown and enjoy your solo Pixar sessions sans any guilt. 🎬🍿 If Stepmom can’t handle it, well…there’s always next year for her, isn’t there?

Live royally, laugh loudly, and definitely never compromise on your sacred Pixar day! Cheers! 🥂

Original story

My stepmother’s birthday is the day after mine. Since my father started dating her (about 10 years ago), I’ve been expected to share almost every celebration we make for my birthday with her.

I was fine with it because I was in my early 20s and had other people to celebrate with (namely, my mom and my friends), but it still bothered me that my dad and I couldn’t have our own thing.

I’m married with two kids (8M and 3F), and we have a little tradition. Because I was born in the second half of June, there is usually a Pixar movie playing in theaters.

Every year on my birthday, we go to the movies to watch it and then have dinner together. 

We’ve been doing this since my son was three (though we watched the movies at home in 2020 and 2021). This year, we’re watching “Inside Out 2”.

It will be my daughter’s first time joining us (she just started sitting through movies), so we’re all very excited.

I’d never told my father or stepmother about this tradition. Last week, while we were visiting them, my kids told them we’d be going to the movies for my birthday, and I ended up explaining everything.

The next day, my father and stepmother called me to tell me they were paying for the whole family (me, kids, husband and both of them) to go to the movies and have dinner, just like I’d planned.

It was obvious they intended to celebrate my stepmother’s birthday at the same time. They referred to it as “our birthdays” and suggested her favorite place for dinner.

I told them that while I understood it was close to her birthday as well, this is a tradition intended to only celebrate mine, and I prefer to enjoy it with my children and husband. As such, I prefer to pay for myself and would appreciate it if they didn’t join us.

They’re both very upset. My father called me entitled for refusing to celebrate my stepmother’s birthday as well as mine, and said I’m sending a terrible message to my kids by refusing to share.

I feel like I’m too old to be acting like this over my birthday, but I don’t want to share this tradition with her.