The Classroom Catfight: ‘AITA for telling my skinny friend that she’s obese?’

The Classroom Catfight: ‘AITA for telling my skinny friend that she’s obese?’

Buckle up, folks! Roger here, your flamboyant and fabulously sassy tour guide through the jungles of teenage drama and the treacherous land of Reddit. Our story today is a juicy one, plucked straight from an AITA thread, ripe with conflict, confusion, and a hefty dose of ‘Oh no she didn’t!’

A 17-year-old girl (let’s call her Jane) and her friend Maria are caught in a veritable tempest of teenage angst. Jane, who identifies herself as obese—no thanks to the kind folks on the internet—loves herself just the way she is. Brava, Jane! But her so-called friend Maria? Well, cue the eye-roll because Maria is that infuriating mix of being skinny, insecure, and a chronic weight-commentator.

Meet the Frenemies

Now let’s deconstruct this delightful train wreck. Jane’s been subject to Maria’s unsolicited comments about her weight for months. Maria throws her lunch away daily (we get it, Maria, you’re dieting or whatever), but not before making some dig about how Jane eats so much. This isn’t your garden-variety teen insecurity; it’s quite literally a new level of mean-girl behavior.

One fateful day, Maria, ever the charmer, decided to float the ol’ “Can I try your jacket?” request. Thinking Maria was genuinely cold, Jane obliged. Cue Maria’s Oscar-worthy performance: “Oh my god, this is SO huge on me!” she gasped, seemingly opening a portal to Mean Girls’ Burn Book with her thinly veiled insult. A chorus of laughter from their other friends? Absolute cherries on this bitter sundae.

The Clapback Heard ‘Round the Cafeteria

And then came the moment of truth. Jane, after months of enduring Maria’s passive-aggressive and not-so-funny comments, unleashed a truth bomb: “You do look fat, and you look fatter than me. My jacket fits you really well!” Boom, mic drop!

No one expects a securely-attached defense mechanism, much less teenagers embroiled in lunchroom politics. Maria pivoted quicker than a ballerina, quickly changing the subject to presumably something less seismic. Bravo, Jane!

The Fallout

But of course, the drama didn’t stop there, oh no. Later that evening, Maria shot Jane a message, feigning the victim role, yapping about how Jane should know she’s insecure. *Cue the world’s smallest violin*. Jane, clearly running low on tolerance, simply had enough. Girls gotta stand up for themselves, am I right?

Maria, ever the artistic gaslighter, retorted that Jane was

Original story

Hi, me and my friend are both 17F btw.

I’m obese, nearly morbidly obese according to the internet. I don’t really care about that stuff because I think self love is more important and Im happy with my weight, but it’s kinda an important part.

My friend Maria is average, if not quite skinny. She’s made fun of my weight before, but she always says it’s just a joke.

She constantly asks everyone in her friend group if she’s fat, I understand being insecure but it’s genuinely really excess and it’s weekly while we’re eating lunch at this point. She never eats her lunch and always throws it away, then points to mine and tells me that im eating so much and that even half of that would fill her up.

She’s said this everyday for the past 3 or 4 months. I don’t think she’s on a diet or anything either she just makes weird comments like that a lot.

Today she asked to try my jacket on because she was cold, I thought she was actually cold but after she said “oh my god this is so huge on me … does this actually fit you” obviously im paraphrasing i don’t remember exactly, but my other friends started to laugh. I told her that she does look fat, and she looks fatter than me.

And that my jacket fits her really well.

She got quiet and changed the subject, but tonight she messaged me and asked me why I would say that when I know she’s insecure. I told her that Im tired of her fishing for compliments and being rude to me because of my weight.

She said that Im just jealous of her and she left me on seen. I asked my parents for advice but they agree with her and think I was very rude, but I don’t know how else I would’ve made it stop