The Best Relationship Advice From Women Who’ve Been There – Click To Learn More 👇

Well hello there, dear readers! Now, don’t think for a minute that this is one of those articles you should just scroll past and not bother reading. Nope! You may feel tempted to move on, thinking you’ve heard it all before, but I’ve got some good ol’ relationship advice right from the heart of a 60-year-old gal who’s danced this dance for more than half her life. I promise you won’t regret staying till the very end.

Love is Not a Feeling. It’s a Decision.

Now, I know Hollywood and those dime-a-dozen romance novels teach us that love hits you like a ton of bricks and you’re supposed to float on cloud nine forever. But let me tell you from experience, when the honeymoon period has worn off, and it will, love becomes a daily decision. It’s like those old pickup trucks; they don’t just keep running by themselves, you’ve got to put in the work. If it starts sputtering, it might just need a little more than gas—you might have to roll up your sleeves and give it some TLC.

A Husband and Wife Revival Needs a Good Cook and a Lot of Patience

If there’s anything I’ve learned in my 40 years of marriage, it’s that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. My Earl can get grumpy as a bear when things go south at work, but toss a good ol’ meatloaf in front of him, and suddenly the world ain’t as bad as it looks. Ladies, master those home-cooked meals. More often than not, it’s the simple things that get us through the tough days.

Communication: It Ain’t Just a Buzzword

Ah, the dreaded ‘C’ word. And no, I’m not talking about Christmas carols. Communication is absolutely essential, darlings. Earl and I used to argue about the silliest things, until my dear friend Betty Sue shared a little secret with me. She told me to always let him finish his thought before offering my two cents. Now, maybe it’s the hot air, or maybe he just needs to get it out, but it’s worked like a charm. When we take turns to really listen, and I mean really listen, it’s amazing how many conflicts dissolve like sugar in sweet tea.

Faith First, Always

We all know the good book says, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” The way I see it, God should be the third strand in your marriage. Earl and I pray together every morning and night. It keeps our hearts humble, our spirits close, and our minds focused on what truly matters. Marriage isn’t always a walk in the park, but those shared moments with the Lord make it all worthwhile.

Finances: The Silent Relationship Killer

I told Earl on our wedding day, “Honey, we’re never going to be rich in dollars, but we’ll be rich in love.” And boy, was that the truth! But navigating finances together can be trickier than threading a needle on a shaky hand. Be transparent with each other about your spending, and always plan together. Early on in our marriage, we realized that we needed to be a team. Now, even though we’re still not bathing in gold, understanding our financial limits has kept us sane and happy.

Never Stop Dating

Remember those early days when he’d bring you flowers just because, or you’d leave little love notes in his lunchbox? Those little gestures mean a whole lot. They say “growing old together” doesn’t mean you stop having fun together. Take time to date even after decades of marriage. Sometimes Earl and I take a walk by the lake, or go out for a drive in the countryside, and it’s those moments that keep us connected and invested in each other.

The Magic of Laughter

Earl and I laugh—oh, do we laugh. He’ll catch me doing my ridiculous chicken dance in the kitchen, and I’ll find him tryin’ to fix something but secretly watching football. It’s these laughter-filled moments that crack our hearts wide open and remind us that life, and love, should be joyous. Remember, don’t take everything so seriously! Life is too short to lose our sense of humor.

I bet by now you’re glad you stuck around, aren’t ya? Relationships are complex, and sometimes they might feel like pushing that proverbial boulder uphill. But trust me, with godliness, a bit of elbow grease, some down-home cooking, and a hearty laugh, it’s a journey worth taking.

Until next time, keep the faith and keep loving, y’all.

God bless,
