Spoiled Rotten: The Dilemma of Knowing Too Much

Oh, sweet readers, gather around, for I’ve stumbled upon a tale so juicy it could rival the latest episode of your favorite binge-worthy drama. This is a real Reddit story, straight from the keyboard of a perplexed individual caught in a cinematic tug-of-war with her boyfriend. Yes, you heard right, a real-life dilemma that’s got the internet divided and our very own Roger here to spill the tea, with a side of sass no less. Let’s dive into this popcorn-worthy predicament, shall we?

Imagine the scene: a cozy movie night, the popcorn is buttery, the couch is comfy, and the anticipation is high. But lo, there’s trouble in paradise. Our protagonist, let’s call her Spoiler Sally, has a habit that could make M. Night Shyamalan weep – she LOVES spoilers. That’s right, folks, she’s a pre-peeker, an ahead-of-the-act aficionado, a future-facts fanatic. Whether it’s a sitcom, a movie, or a juicy novel, she’s on the Wiki faster than you can say ‘plot twist.’

Now, enter the boyfriend – a purist, a first-timer, a real-time reveler. He believes in the sanctity of the surprise, the magic of the moment. To him, Spoiler Sally’s pre-watching wiki walks are akin to reading the last page of a mystery novel before even cracking the spine. The horror!

Despite Sally’s assurances that her spoiler spree remains a solo sport (she’s no spoiler sharer, mind you), her beloved begs to differ. He claims it ruins the shared experience, dims the surprise in her eyes that he so cherishes. And so, the debate rages: to spoil, or not to spoil? That is the question.

Sally, seeking solace and perhaps a sprinkle of validation, took to Reddit, that grand arena of judgment. And oh, did the masses weigh in. Her beau claims she’s the antagonist in this plot, a claim echoed by friends and family alike. They suggest her spoiler habit is not just quirky, but downright inconsiderate, given the grief it causes her partner.

Now, for Roger’s Hot Take: Darling readers, this isn’t just a tale of spoilers; it’s a narrative on compatibility and compromise. In relationships, as in movie genres, there’s room for all sorts. While Spoiler Sally revels in the known, her beau thrives on surprise. Yet, love, like a well-scripted series, thrives on compromise. Perhaps Sally could save her spoiler sessions for solo viewing ventures, or they could designate spoiler-safe shows and spoiler-free zones.

The real kicker, beloved audience, is this: Sally’s spoiler seeking doesn’t make her the villain of this piece, nor does her boyfriend’s desire for surprise. What we’ve got is a classic case of mismatched movie manners, a plotline as old as cinema itself. Communication, compromise, and perhaps a personalized spoiler diary (for Sally’s eyes only) might just be the sequel this relationship needs.

So, as the credits roll on our tale, let’s not cast aspersions but rather appreciate the diverse ways we enjoy our tales told. After all, whether you’re a spoiler or a purist, in the theatre of love, it’s understanding and compromise that deserve the standing ovation. Now, go forth and watch responsibly, my dear cinephiles, and remember, in the grand cinema of life, we’re all just trying to enjoy the show.

Original story

Tldr: I look up spoilers to media, this ruins my boyfriend’s watching experience but I don’t tell him the spoilers.

I LOVE spoilers, or just knowing what’s coming up on a show or movie or book. Even if it’s something silly like a sitcom, I enjoy looking at the wiki for what’s going to happen in the episodes.

I never tell anybody what I’ve read or spoil anything for them and my friends/fam never even knew I’d look stuff up beforehand until conversations about spoilers/hating spoilers etc. came up.

My bf hates that I do this because he says that it ruins the experience of watching things together for the first time, because I’m not experiencing it at the same time as him.

Since he told me that, I don’t look up spoilers/the wiki for things I know he’s excited to watch. And I’ve stopped doing it for mysteries because he likes to work it out together. And I put my phone away so he knows I’m not.

But looking up spoilers makes the experience better for me, and since I don’t spoil it for him I don’t think I need to stop completely and still do it for random things/when I want to.

But he keeps asking me before every show or movie if I’ve looked stuff up, even if it’s just a random tv movie he doesn’t care about.

We had an argument yesterday after he once again said this. I told him I don’t want to stop doing it for every single thing we ever happen to watch together, and that I don’t understand why he cares so much since I don’t tell him what happens or give it away with my face etc.

He says I’m the asshole for this because I continue to do it knowing he hates it and I’m being inconsiderate. Most of my friends and family agree with him, and say that I should stop doing it for all movies/shows because it’s strange/unusual and I know it bothers him.
