Sleeping Beauty vs. The Car-less Crusader: An Epic Reddit Tale

Sleeping Beauty vs. The Car-less Crusader: An Epic Reddit Tale

Alright, gather ’round, folks. Today we’ve got a tale pulled straight from the glorious, digital trenches of Reddit’s AITA (Am I The Asshole) section. It’s a white-knuckle saga featuring one sleepy protagonist and her agitated beau as they clash over a mission to procure that elusive four-wheeled beauty. Ready your popcorn, people. This one’s hotter than an overheated engine on a summer road trip.

The Setup

Our tale begins with a sprightly 23-year-old woman (let’s call her Sleeping Beauty) who’s been tirelessly driving her boyfriend around ever since he crashed his car. Mind you, the accident wasn’t his fault (at least that’s what he claims). Without insurance to cover her beau and seemingly no intention of joining hers (because who likes spending money, right?), our hero has been manning the wheel for over a month. Sounds like a real-life Uber without the gratuity, honestly.

Deceptive Morning Calm

Yesterday evening, Sleeping Beauty and her 29-year-old boyfriend (henceforth known as The Car-less Crusader) agreed on a daring quest to explore the realm of used car dealerships. The mission was set for morning. Alas, as the Saturday sun lazily peeked over the horizon, Sleeping Beauty woke at 8 a.m. and asked the most critical question of the day: “When are we leaving to see the cars?”

The Car-less Crusader, either lost in the haze of early morning or just plain disorganized, muttered something about not having heard back from the sellers yet. With uncertainty clouding the air and no definitive plans, Sleeping Beauty reached the most logical conclusion: back to bed. Who needs rose bushes when you’ve got the comfort of a cozy blanket, right?

The Plot Unravels

Fast forward to noon. Sleeping Beauty awakens, not from a prince’s kiss or blaring alarm but from her body’s need to finally stop IDing itself as a corpse. She stumbles groggily into the living room, expecting The Car-less Crusader to have a decent plan. Instead, she gets catapulted into domestic warfare.

Turns out, The Car-less Crusader had received replies from the sellers, but oh no, nobody told Sleeping Beauty! And let’s not forget, the one car her boyfriend desired above all others had sold. Why? Because of Sleeping Beauty’s apparent betrayal in returning to her slumber. What is this, a Shakespearean tragedy?

Overheated Arguments and Misfired Communication

With all the charm of a malfunctioning horn, The Car-less Crusader launched into a tirade. Glorious expletives were deployed, accusations flew faster than a Formula 1 racer, and blame circled back to Sleeping Beauty like a boomerang. And for what? Returning to bed without a formal, written contract stating, “Dear Knight, do awakeneth me when it’s go-time!”

Sleeping Beauty brought up logistical solutions, trying to be the voice of reason amid the chaos: “Let’s find another car,” “Tell me which car you wanted,” etc. But no, The Car-less Crusader was having none of it. Drama, folks, is an insatiable beast.

In a final act of rebellion, The Car-less Crusader stormed out to his friend’s apartment—an establishment known more for its alcoholic offerings than its conflict resolution strategies. Cleaning up this mess was not on Sleeping Beauty’s to-do list, let’s be real.

The Double Commute Conundrum

Now, here’s where things get spicy. Our protagonist has been chauffeuring this dude to work, doubling her commute for over a month. Bless her exhausted soul. So, just when and where exactly is this selfishness he loudly proclaimed? Is it in the reliability she constantly manifests or in the luxury she affords him by not having to face the horrors of public transit? Quoth the bard, “Methinks not.”

Rodger’s (Witty) Verdict

Alright, here’s the tea, folks. This is less about the missed cars than it is about The Car-less Crusader feeling unseated (pun intended) in his masculinity or control over the situation. Public displays of sleeping-related discontent are not relationships’ finest moments, but summoning this level of melodrama over letting someone sleep in? Classic.

Sleeping Beauty, darling, sleeping in wasn’t the crime of the century. If he really wanted that car, channel some of that gumption into an alarm clock or perhaps courtesies like, I don’t know, **waking your partner up**? As for The Car-less Crusader, honey, get your act together. Uber is a thing. Public transport is a thing. Your legs? Those weird appendages are also a thing.

So, sweet readers, the final call? Not the Asshole, Sleeping Beauty. Take that extra nap, guilt-free. Because love means letting someone snooze while you handle your own damn business, at least occasionally.

Until next time, stay sassy and keep those car keys (and relationships) in check. XO, Roger

Original story

Yesterday evening me (23F) and my boyfriend (29M) agreed that I would take him to look at some cars this morning. He lost his previous car in a crash (not his fault) and because he’s not a covered driver on my insurance I’ve been driving us everywhere since the accident.

This morning I woke up around 8. I asked him “what time are we supposed to go and see the cars” and he didn’t know because the sellers hadn’t responded to him yet.

Since he wasn’t sure I said “ok, I’m going to go back to sleep” and did.

I fully expected him to just wake me up when it was time to go. I am not a heavy sleeper, I am not grouchy or combative when woken up, and it hasn’t been a problem in the past for him to wake me up when it’s time for us to go somewhere.

I didn’t expect that he would need to be specifically instructed to wake me up when it was time to go. But instead I ended up waking up on my own at noon without him ever entering the bedroom at all.

I came out kind of groggy from oversleeping and asked him if the people selling the cars never got back to him. He snapped at me “they did.

HOURS ago.” I asked him if it was time to go soon and he said “NO.

We f-ing missed it because of you. And now the one I wanted is sold.

” I asked him what about the other ones and he just said forget it. I asked him why he didn’t wake me up and he said I chose to blow this off by going back to sleep in the first place.

He ignored me when I tried to suggest a few methods of how this could be resolved, like tell me which car it was and I’ll look for similar ones nearby, until he snapped and just screamed at me that I’m selfish and I ruin everything and I can’t ever be relied on for anything. Which seems extremely unfair as I’ve been driving double his commute to get him to and from work 6 days a week for over a month and have never missed a day.

He told me he was going over to his friend’s house (an alcoholic who he only ever hangs out with to get drunk) and hasn’t come home or communicated with me since.

On one hand I do feel bad for oversleeping but I kind of feel like he might be using this to get back at me because i’ve been hounding him to replace his car so i don’t need to keep driving him everywhere. Like maybe he wanted a reason to be angry with me more than he wanted to look for a new car.

But my mom scolded me for sleeping in when I called and told her about it. AITA?

Edit: To answer a few questions,

Yes he was insured. Yes, he has the payout check from the accident.

No, he hasn’t spent it. He’s not a covered driver on my insurance because he said he wouldn’t pay the cost difference if I added him on.

No he doesn’t reimburse me for gas. His friend’s apartment is in walking distance, he wouldn’t have needed a ride there.

We live in a city so both uber and public transit are possible options for getting around. I do not know which type of car he wanted, its actual sale status, or whether he actually did his due diligence in trying to set up a time to go see it.