Sisterly Love or Sibling Rivalry? The Great BIL Conundrum – A Real Reddit Drama

Hello, dear readers! It’s your favorite sassy and witty commentator, Roger, back again with another jaw-dropping tale from the wild world of family dynamics and Reddit revelations. Buckle up, buttercups, because this story is so packed with drama, intrigue, and questionable behavior, you’ll think it was scripted for prime-time TV. Remember, this is a real story from a real person, so as outlandish as it gets, know that somewhere out there, this saga actually unfolded. Stay with me till the end, and you’ll be rewarded with Roger’s Hot Take, which, let’s be honest, is the cherry on top you’re all waiting for.

The tale begins with a young woman, our protagonist, navigating the murky waters of family ties and the curious case of the Brother-In-Law (BIL) from the depths of Hades. Imagine living with your sister and her husband, only to find yourself inexplicably on the husband’s hit list over – wait for it – choosing to run an errand alone. Yes, my friends, you heard that right. Our girl merely wanted to zip out and back after a grueling 10-hour shift, but this somehow translated into an unforgivable slight in BIL’s eyes.

Fast forward through months of the silent treatment, rude comments, and a financial low blow from BIL – and you have our protagonist at her wit’s end. Despite her best efforts to mend fences, including a bewildering apology for an offense she still can’t pinpoint, the BIL remains as chilly as a snowman in January. Thankfully, our heroine has since flown the coop and landed her own apartment, a sweet escape from the daily drama.

Now, with an escape room adventure on the horizon, our leading lady faces a dilemma: to endure an evening with the BIL for the sake of family unity or to protect her peace at the risk of being branded the family drama queen. Her decision to opt out has landed her in hot water with her sister and mother, both of whom seem to have developed amnesia regarding the months of cold war tactics employed by BIL.

So, should she suck it up and go, or stay true to her gut and sit this one out? That is the question, my friends.

**Roger’s Hot Take:** In the grand scheme of things, family gatherings are fleeting, but peace of mind? That’s the stuff of legends. Our protagonist is not the villain in this soap opera; she’s the unsung hero, choosing self-respect and mental well-being over forced familial pleasantries. To the sister and mother offering up guilt trips instead of understanding, perhaps a reminder that family means supporting each other’s boundaries is in order. And to our leading lady, I say, order your favorite takeout, pop on a feel-good movie, and enjoy your drama-free evening. You’ve earned it.

In summary, stand firm, protect your peace, and let the BIL marinate in his own pettiness. In the end, we all have the right to choose our battles, and sometimes the bravest thing we can do is walk away from the ones not worth fighting. Cheers to that, and until next time, keep those boundaries strong and those heads held higher.

Yours in sass and solidarity,

Original story

cross post from THT
a little bit of context: I (22f) until a few months ago lived with my sister (28f) and her husband (31m). in january i had an errand to run after work that would take less than 10 minutes (driving time included). as i was getting in my car my sister stopped me and said BIL had to go to the same place so we should just go together. i really insisted that i’ll just go alone and i didn’t want to ride with him but after a lot of convincing eventually caved. BIL said he was putting pants on and we would leave in a minute. i had worked a 10 hour shift starting at 4am that day so i was really tired and just wanted to get this done and go to sleep. so after waiting half an hour and him still not being ready i just left by myself and went to bed. i wasn’t mad about it, just tired, so i just forgot about the whole incident.

after that i had started to notice BIL blatantly ignoring me or making mean comments about me. so after about a month i asked him if i had done something and was willing to apologize cause i didn’t want to have conflict. he said no but he continued to ignore me and be rude.

in march i was really struggling financially and my sister told me she was gonna let me not pay rent that month cause she new i was broke but that BIL said not to help me cause he was pissed at me and wanted to make sure i “struggled in life” and i didn’t deserve help from them. she said he was still mad about what happened in january and is pissed that i never apologized. i asked why he didn’t say anything when i asked him and he said he shouldn’t have to tell me how i disrespected him, i should just remember. So i just apologized to him for not remembering and i didn’t mean to disrespect him. he still ignores me and makes rude comments so i am protecting my peace and making sure to stay low contact with BIL.

i’ve got my own apartment now so i dont have to live with him anymore. a few days ago my sister invited me to go do an escape room her and some family this friday and i immediately said yes. after i found out BIL is coming too i told her that since he is going id rather stay home and that we should go another time without him as a girls night. sister said she thought i was joking in march when i said i didn’t want to speak to BIL again. now my sister and Mom are saying im a bitch and i should just get over it and that im having a dramatic reaction to an insignificant comment.

should i get over it and still go or stick to my gut and stay home? AITA?