Sister vs. Wedding Dress Style Showdown: Who’s the Real Diva?

Sister vs. Wedding Dress Style Showdown: Who’s the Real Diva?

Ah, weddings. The time when two people vow to love each other forever, and everyone around them decides it’s the perfect time to stir up some drama. Today’s tale of woe, dear reader, comes straight from the Reddit trenches. Meet Bride-to-Be (BTB), a 29-year-old woman meticulously planning her dream wedding. But hold onto your veils, because here comes the plot twist: BTB’s older sister (SOS), a 32-year-old with a penchant for turning familial harmony into high drama.

So BTB (let’s call her Jane) has this vision, and it’s not just any vision, it’s the Holy Grail of wedding dress styles for her. Asymmetrical—isn’t just a word, it’s a lifestyle choice. She articulated this vision to her closer family for, well, years. Pinterest pics were shared, sighs were sighed, and everyone nodded in tepid approval, except for her sister… Let’s call her Sarah.

The Asymmetrical Agony: A Timeline

The battlefield was set last October when Sarah brazenly declared her love for—you guessed it—an asymmetrical dress. Jane, in an act of diplomacy that would put world leaders to shame, gently informed Sarah that this particular style was a no-go zone. “Sorry, Sis. That’s my dress style,” was the message, and she might as well have tattooed it on her forehead for how clear she made it.

Fast forward to now, with the wedding a few months away and Jane practically bursting with excitement. Enter Sarah, stage left, with another asymmetrical dress picture. Honestly, dear reader, at this point, you’d think she was trying to start the next World War. Jane repeated her plea, which let’s face it, was less a plea and more a protective measure for her sanity. Sarah, predictably, was not amused and decided to employ the classic sibling counterattack: the silent treatment.

Sassy Observations and Biting Commentary

Alright, let’s get real—a wedding day is ideally when the bride gets to shine like the star she’s always imagined herself to be. It’s not called Bridezilla Syndrome for nothing. And an asymmetrical dress is, well, more than just a dress for Jane. It’s the damn embodiment of years of dreaming, and yes, Pinterest scrolling. You can almost smell the desperation to be unique wafting off the wedding invitations.

Now, let’s address Sarah. Could she have possibly picked any other style in the pantheon of dress options? Mermaid, ball gown, sheath? No, she went for the asymmetrical not once, but twice. You can’t swing a bouquet without hitting a dozen places where she could have found a different dress. It’s almost as if she’s doing it on purpose. Drama, thy name is Sarah.

Word to the Wise

Dear Jane, you’re not the asshole here. Asking your sister to not steal your thunder on your big day is not unreasonable. Imagine if the roles were reversed, and it was Sarah’s wedding. She’d probably have a 30-page list of fashion do’s and don’ts.

And Sarah, girl, pick another style. Trust me, no one’s going to faint from fashion shock if you show up in something symmetrical. The wedding is supposed to be a day to celebrate your sister, not an episode of “Who Wore it Best?” featuring the two of you.

Roger’s Dazzling and Devastating Opinion

Now, for my grand finale: Jane, keep your boundaries firm and stand your ground for that asymmetrical slice of wedding magnificence. And as for Sarah, darling, it’s time to pivot. Think of it as a challenge—a chance to explore the vast universe of wedding fashion that doesn’t involve you throwing a wrench in your sister’s plans. Remember, family harmony is just another shade of fabulous you can add to your style palette.

In conclusion, Jane, keep sipping your champagne and rehearsing those vows. Sarah, you might want to start exploring other asymmetrical options in your life—just not in your sister’s wedding pics!

Original story

I (F, 29) will get married to my boyfriend (M, 29) this year in November. for YEARS I have very well definied which will be my style for my wedding dress.

I choose asymmetrical for the top part, I have shared this in several occasions now and my closer family has already seen the style for the dress, a picture I found on pinterest, since my mom will make my dress and some details will change. However, my sister (F, 32) shared a picture for an asymmetrical dress saying “she likes it” I kindly said to her “sure, I love it, however, that style it’s prohibited” when she asked why, I told her, “well, that’s my dress style” this was last october, so I thought I had made it very clear that I did not want her to attend to my wedding with the same style.

Today, she sent me another picture for dress inspo..

.again, asymmetrical style.

I told her what my feelings are and she told me that I could not avoid if anyone uses the same style, and I said “maybe not for a plus 1, but for the SOB yes, since you will appear in more pictures” she got upset and stop responding. I don’t think I’m asking for too much, but to be honest I do feel a little hurt that I have kinldy requested her to use another style and she keeps bringing the same one.

Am I asking for too much?