Roger’s Neighbourly Nuisance: When Calling the Cops is Justified

Roger’s Neighbourly Nuisance: When Calling the Cops is Justified

Alright folks, gather ‘round because I’ve got a tale from the yet-unmapped lands of suburban warfare. This week’s story revolves around a brave soul who dared to question the sacred social code: WRONG. NEIGHBOUR.

So, picture this: Our noble protagonist is living their best life in a ‘mostly quiet’ neighbourhood. You know, the kind where the only sound interrupting your meditation is the eager trill of a Starbucks order or the dulcet tones of ‘Judge Judy’. Life is good, the grass is greener, and everyone minds their P’s and Q’s—except, of course, for one chaotic kingdom next door with six (yes, six) kids, aged 9-15.

These tiny terrors have discovered that our hero’s lawn is the perfect playground. So it becomes their daily hangout spot, much to the protagonist’s initial nonchalance. I mean, hey, sharing is caring, right? The sound of innocent laughter and fun is charming—until it reaches a decibel level where you start reconsidering your life choices and Googling “how to build soundproof walls” at 3 AM.

Things take a sharp turn toward ‘Hell on Earth’ when the kids grow bolder, not just in volume but in behavior. Our shining hero’s own offspring becomes a target for these junior tormentors. You read that right—serial playground bullies. As one does, the protagonist decides to establish some boundaries: “No more playing on my lawn, thank you very much.” They even extend this little request to the parents, who clearly got their parenting lessons from the ‘Let them do whatever’ school of thought.

Predictably, the kids don’t take the hint. They must think ‘personal property’ only applies to their house, and your lawn is their new summer retreat. No amount of talking (or polite scolding) can dissuade them from launching their noisy invasions. And as Murphy’s Law would have it, things go from bad to worse—a cracked window, the ultimate physical manifestation of their mischief.

Now, here’s where our protagonist reaches the end of their rope. They decide it’s time to play their ace card—bringing in the police. Oh honey, the plot twist is spicier than a jalapeno margarita. The kids are slapped with charges of vandalism and trespassing. You’d think they were newcomers at a prison mixer, with the penalty hitting harder than a spilled secrets night at your AA meeting.

So now here’s the burning question: Is our hero the a**hole? I mean, who’da thunk calling the cops could divide opinions more fiercely than the pineapple-on-pizza debate?

Roger’s Rundown: The Clapback Edition

Alright, buckle up buttercups, because here comes the Roger Rundown—the sassiest, wittiest, irresistibly entertaining verdict in the blogosphere.

First off, let’s address the absurd parenting style of the delightful neighbors. Imagine thinking it’s A-OK to let your gaggle of gremlins run wild on someone else’s property. That’s like strutting into someone’s house and helping yourself to their last slice of cake. I don’t care if you pop out six kids or sixty—you’ve got to raise ‘em right!

Harassing someone’s child? Oh, honey, no. That’s a ‘No-Go’ code red situation. Like, who died and made them Supreme Overlords of the Suburban Jungle? Ever heard of teaching your kids boundaries and respect? Apparently not.

And seriously, breaking a window is no minor goof. Let’s interchangeably imagine an adult pulling that trick. Vandalism is vandalism regardless of the size of the perpetrator—age and cuteness don’t acquit you from being a little monster.

So, let’s cut the drama: No, dear protagonist, you are not the a**hole. You are, in fact, a beacon of hope for silently suffering neighbors everywhere. When relentless harassment follows repeated, ignored warnings, it’s basically the law begging you to send up the Bat-Signal. Teaching these kids a lesson now might save them from doing something worse in the future.

If you ask me, our protagonist did the responsible thing by insisting on some legal follow-through. Now, if that makes them a villain in the eyes of neglectful, entitled parents—so be it. Might as well own that role with style!

Remember, folks, Roger’s wisdom for the day: “You’re not an a**hole for standing up for yourself. You’re an a**hole if you don’t.”

Until next time, stay fabulous, stand firm, and for heaven’s sake, respect your neighbor’s lawn.

Original story

I live in a mostly quiet neighbourhood, my next door neighbour has 6 kids ranging from (9-15) his kids always play in my lawn because it’s big and I don’t mind it, until they started playing loudly and they always pick on my son and harass him so I told them they’re not welcome to play near my house anymore and I told their parents, but they didn’t listen and continued to play on my lawn. They stayed like that for a couple weeks and every time I scold them and tell their parents.

Until one of the kids cracked my window, I lost it and called the cops on them.

They were charged with vandalism and trespassing. AITA?