Road Trip Heartbreak: From ‘I Do’ to ‘Adieu’

Road Trip Heartbreak: From ‘I Do’ to ‘Adieu’

So, gather around, my lovely digital friends, because today we’re diving headfirst into a tale ripped straight from the pages of Reddit. Imagine you’re on a serene road trip, vibes all set to cruise mode, just you, the open road, and a podcast—or shall I say, an uninvited episode of Cheaters: Roadside Edition. It’s a story that screams tragedy, betrayal, and let’s be honest—some dark humor.

The Unwanted Broadcast

Picture this: a woman driving back to LA from Texas, probably singing along to her favorite tunes, minding her own business. And then it happens. Her phone rings, and it’s her man. He’s supposed to be her Prince Charming, but this call? Honey, it’s straight poison.

She says his name—no answer. What she hears next is a symphony of betrayal: a female voice, followed by moaning and giggling. Oh, yeah. We all know where this is going. If that isn’t a Shakespearean plot twist modernized, I don’t know what is.

Heartbreak on the Highway

So there she is, pulled over in the middle of San Antonio, heart smashing into pieces like a crystal champagne glass at a rock concert. “I feel like my heart’s just been ripped out of my chest and I’ve been punched in the gut,” she shares with the kind of raw honesty that makes you want to drive over and give her a hug—or at least a stiff drink.

Blocked his number? Hell, yes she did. Because who has the emotional bandwidth to deal with a butt dial of betrayal while maneuvering through interstate traffic?

The Emotional Fallout

Yesterday, this guy was chatting about getting down on one knee and being her forever—but today? Now she’s left with only nausea, disgust, and a whole lot of cheat notes (pun totally intended) to process.

So now, she’s got this long haul drive back, her only companions being a turbulent mind and maybe a comforting podcast. And let me tell you, that’s like trying to solve calculus while riding a roller coaster without a seatbelt.

Roger’s Roadside Recommendations

Okay, darlings, let’s switch gears. What should our sobbing road trip heroine do? Here’s where your Uncle Roger—full of sass and so much class—steps in with some guidance:

1. Blast the Empowerment Anthems

You know the ones, babes: Beyoncé, Lizzo, Gloria Gaynor. Crank that volume knob up until your windows vibrate. A few choruses of “I Will Survive” can do wonders for a broken heart.

2. Drive-Thru Desserts

Pull over at every In-N-Out and Whataburger along your route. Emotional eating isn’t always the answer, but let’s not kid ourselves—new-age gurus and kale smoothies ain’t gonna cut it today.

3. Phone a Friend

Yes, block his number, but DO NOT isolate yourself. Call up your besties, and let them flood you with loving, sarcastic, and supportive banter. Their sass is your saving grace right now.

4. The Ultimate Car Karaoke

Belt out those tunes like your life depends on it. Feel the betrayal ooze out with each lyrically-charged scream. Be your own star of the saddest yet most powerful Carpool Karaoke ever.

5. Process—Don’t Suppress

When the initial shock wears off, give yourself the grace to feel everything. Hate, cry, laugh, curse. Rip up photos, throw darts at his memory—get creative with your catharsis.

Roger’s Sass-filled Verdict

Look, heartbreak is as human as it gets, and being betrayed? That just straight-up sucks. But here’s the thing, darling: this moment is a comma, not a period. As gut-wrenching as this “Texas Chainsaw Heart Massacre” feels right now, it’s merely a detour, not your destination.

Consider this butt-dial a blessing in disguise—a backstage pass to his true character. Instead of a lifetime of playing second fiddle to his shady symphonies, you now have the liberation to compose your own solo masterpiece.

So, put the pedal to the metal, drive into the sunset with your head held high, and when you reach LA, you won’t just be a girl who survived a heartbreak—you’ll be a bona fide rock star of resilience. And trust me, darling, that’s way better than any counterfeit fairy tale.

Remember, in the grand operatic drama of life, never let a butt-dial be your final aria.

Until next time, keep it sassy and classy.—Roger

Original story

My man just butt dialed me… I said his name a couple of times but he couldn’t hear me. I heard a female voice and then I heard moaning and giggling …and we all can figure out what I was listening to …

I am now pulled over on the side of the road. I’m in San Antonio and I still have a ways to go, I can’t stop sobbing.

I feel like my heart‘s just been ripped out of my chest and I’ve been punched in the gut.

I now have this long ass drive back with just my thoughts to keep me company and your podcast of course.

I’ve instantly blocked his number because I can’t deal with this right now

I have to collect myself and still even process what I heard. just yesterday he was talking about how he wants to marry me… it’s so crazy how you can go from loving somebody and thinking how lucky you are and then in an instant that is all gone now the only feeling I feel is nausea, disgust and betrayal.


What would you do in this situation? I welcome jokingly suggestions just to make me smile….

But also a real approach that you may take.

Damn. …