Revenge Served Cold: The Wedding Prank That Went Down the Drain

Oh, my dears, gather round, for I have a tale that will rivet you to your screens—a real Reddit story from a real person, seasoned with a healthy dose of teenage rebellion, matrimonial drama, and scandalous shenanigans. A story so juicy, you’ll be thirsting for more. Let me, Roger of HotTakes, be your guide through this deliciously wicked wedding debacle. Who needs reality TV when reality itself serves drama this rich?

Once upon a not-so-fairy-tale, a 42-year-old mother found herself in a pickle when her twin daughters, barely 16, decided to give their father’s mistress—a central figure in their family’s unraveling—a wedding gift she’d never forget. This mistress, you see, wasn’t just any other woman, but the ‘other woman’, the homewrecker, the office romance gone too far, who had the audacity to marry their dad. Oh, the audacity, indeed!

As the mother shares, she’s been trying to play nice for the sake of co-parenting with her ex, a man who clearly didn’t treasure what he had. But how can one truly be impartial, when the wounds are still fresh, and the betrayers are gallivanting in the spoils of their conquest? The daughters, teenage ticking timebombs of emotions, acted out their pain in a way that would make any mischief-maker proud—or horrified, depending on whom you ask. They spiked the mistress-now-stepmother’s food with laxatives during the rehearsal dinner. A prank that left her running faster than a bride from a bad marriage proposal.

The plot thickens, my dear readers, as mommy dearest finds herself torn. Punish her daughters for their ‘crime’, or chuckle at the sight of poetic justice? In a moment that may define ‘mother of the year’ for some (and ‘accomplice’ for others), she chooses laughter—and buys them brand new iPhones as birthday gifts to boot. If this isn’t modern-day parenting wrapped in layers of moral ambiguity, I don’t know what is.

Daddy dearest wants justice served, but much like his choices, it’s too little, too late. The stepmother remains blissfully unaware of the true cause of her nuptial nightmare—believing it to be a mere food intolerance. Ignorance, in this case, is indeed bliss.

Here’s Roger’s Hot Take: While revenge may taste sweet in the moment, it’s a dish best served with a side of caution. In an age where pranks can go viral and vindictive actions have real-world consequences, this jest veers dangerously into the territory of being harmful. It’s one thing to dislike someone who has caused your family pain—it’s another to potentially endanger their health. Yet, amidst the chaos, one lesson shines through: Actions always have consequences, whether they come back to haunt us in laughter, lessons, or litigation.

The seamless blend of teenage angst, moral dilemmas, and bridal bum rushes makes this story a perfect storm. A lesson wrapped in a cautionary tale, dipped in the delicious sauce of scandal. The moral of the story? Perhaps, it’s that healing from betrayal takes more than time; it requires grace, something our protagonist mother is still searching for. And for the daughters, a glimpse into the consequences of letting bitterness lead the way.

In a world where real-life dramas unfold with the swipe of a finger, remember, dear readers, to choose your actions wisely. For every prank played in the shadows, the light of day awaits to reveal the lessons nestled within. Until next time, stay sassy, stay savvy, and always stay splendidly scandalous. Toodles, Roger.

Original story

My (42F) ex husband (44M) cheated on me when we were married. I have two 16 year old twin daughters who haven’t really coped well with their father cheating on their mother with a much younger woman in her 30’s. They hate her and I haven’t really encouraged my daughters to consider her a maternal figure. The mistress also knew we were married and were having problems and she had an equal part in ruining my marriage as she pursued him first. They were working in the same office.

I try to maintain a civil relationship with my husband and we coparent, and have 50/50 custody. After a year now, my husband married the mistress, which personally felt like a slap on my face and a funeral of my marriage as I still had some love, even though he didn’t deserve it, for him. I was obviously not a part of the wedding festivities.

My daughters are teenagers and act out like teenagers do. Lately, I’ve seen an increased amount of aggression in them and their teachers have also brought to my attention that they have bullied a girl who was dating their common friend’s ex. It’s just not a great situation and they are currently on the waitlist for individual counselling.

My daughters do not like the mistress and are very disrespectful towards her. My husband wanted me to intervene and facilitate a civil dynamic but honestly why should I care how my daughters treat the woman who tore apart our family? Don’t get me wrong, I hate him more than her, but we could’ve resolved our issues on our own if she hadn’t inserted herself in our marriage. There’s always a possibility.

Anyway, during the rehearsal dinner, the bride apparently had to leave for bathroom every 5 minutes. Turns out she got diarrhoea and was pretty upset about it lol. The next day, her stomach issues weren’t as bad, but it was still a miserable day for her and as a bride I can understand the fear of exploding one from your bum. She had a constant pain in her stomach the entire day and my husband had to postpone his honeymoon because she developed a stomach bug. Safe to say her nuptial and post nuptials were ruined haha.

My daughters gleefully told me that they had crushed up some strong laxatives and spiked her food with it. The right approach would’ve been to scold them for what they did but I did have a good laugh over it. I did tell them that what they did was inappropriate and they shouldn’t repeat it but I’m not going to punish them for it as I understood where their actions came from. I do not condone it, but still had a good laugh over it. My husband found out what had happened and he wants to ground our both daughters. He wants to take away their phones for a whole month but I purchased them new ones (they had iPhone 10X and they both turn 17 in 2 weeks so I consider it a birthday gift) when they got here. I disagreed with him and told him that when my daughters stay with me, I’m not gonna punish them for a silly prank.

To their credit, they didn’t intend to ruin her wedding day that’s why decided to prank her only on the rehearsal dinner. I just don’t think punishing them when they are hurting like this is going to help.

My husband has no intentions of ever telling the mistress what my daughters did though. She probably thinks she got food poisoning/intolerance and doesn’t want to discuss it out of embarrassment