Puppy Love or Trust Issues: A Tail of Modern Romance

Hello, dear readers! It’s Roger here, spicing up your day with another steaming hot take. Strap in, because today’s story is a juicy mix of furry cuteness, potential betrayal, and modern-day relationship boundaries drawn straight from a real-person saga on Reddit. Yes, folks, I’m not making this up – real people, real drama. Let’s dive into the doghouse, shall we?

Imagine, if you will, a relationship put to the test not by infidelity, not by financial woes, but by…a puppy. Yes, you heard me right. A furry, four-legged bundle of joy has become the bone of contention between our protagonist and her boyfriend. Before you start thinking, “Roger, girl, are you for real?” let me clarify – it’s not about the dog. It’s never just about the dog.

Our heroine, a 21-year-old feeling sidelined, is grappling with her boyfriend’s suspiciously canine-centric behavior. The boyfriend, a 22-year-old Good Samaritan (or so he claims), is “fostering” a puppy for a female friend – a friend with whom he has a history of unreciprocated flirtation. Alarm bells much?

Now, fostering a puppy for a friend moving back in with her parents sounds noble, right? Except for the part where the ex-flame regularly visits the puppy at the boyfriend’s place, sometimes even when Cinderella’s coach is pumpkin-ifying at 2 AM. And let’s not gloss over the secret rendezvous our leading man denies – thank you, modern technology for Find My iPhone – which adds a layer of mistrust thicker than the plot of a daytime soap opera.

But wait, there’s more. While our protagonist is facing the heartbreaking impending loss of her childhood pet, her prince not-so-charming is seemingly more invested in his fair-weather friend and their shared pup. Accusations fly, boundaries are crossed, and ultimately, our girl blocks her beau, torn between her feelings and what she perceives as betrayal. Now, she wonders if she’s the one barking mad. Confused, heartbroken, and on the cusp of losing not only a boyfriend but perhaps a slice of her sanity, she turns to the court of public opinion: Reddit.

Let’s not forget, this isn’t about being anti-female friends or anti-puppies (who could be?). It’s about respect, transparency, and trust – three pillars that seem to be on shaky ground in this love triangle (yes, the puppy makes three). We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Torn between trusting our partner and heeding the warning signs blaring like sirens in a silent night.

Now, for Roger’s Hot Take™: First off, sweetie, you’re not overreacting. When it comes to relationships, there’s nothing wrong with setting boundaries, especially when both parties have agreed to them. Forget the puppy – this is about respect and trust, two non-negotiables in Roger’s Big Book of Love and Drama.

Transparency is sexier than any secret midnight rendezvous could ever be. If the boyfriend truly has nothing to hide, sharing a quick tidbit about whose doorbell he’s ringing at witching hour shouldn’t be an issue. Communication, darling, is as fundamental as the leash on a puppy – it offers guidance, security, and, most importantly, the assurance that you’re walking side by side.

In essence, our protagonist isn’t just mourning the potential loss of her furry childhood friend; she’s also grappling with the realization that her relationship may not be as sturdy as she once thought. While puppies might grow into dogs, trust, once broken, doesn’t always grow back.

So, to the lady wondering whether you’re howling at the moon for feeling betrayed – no, my dear, you’re just in tune with your instincts. In the theatre of love, always choose the role of the hero in your story, never the martyr. If something feels off, it probably is. And remember, in Roger’s world, we do not settle for less.

There you have it, folks – a modern-day cautionary tale sprinkled with puppy love, crossed boundaries, and digital age detective work. In the end, whether it’s about a puppy or personal space, what truly matters is feeling valued and trusted by your partner. Now, go forth and set the world on fire with your boundary-respecting, trust-building, and not-so-secret-loving selves.

Until next time, keep it sassy, keep it classy, and always keep it real. Roger, out!

Original story

I put quotations on “fostering” because he calls it that but to me it just seems like co parenting a puppy at this point lol. Also before reading this, I’d like to say the issue is not the puppy like the title makes it seem. Nor is it the female friend. For me, it’s his shady behavior along with past history with this girl and how it makes me feel.

For background, he (22m) had told me (21f) that his friend was moving out her apartment to live back with her parents and wouldn’t be able to take the puppy with her. She was trying to find someone to adopt it and he offered to “foster” it until she can have it back. However no one knows when that will be and he claims it’s his puppy but also hers? I didn’t really mind it when he told me about it until he started mentioning how she will be over at his place to take the puppy sometimes or just even hang out with it in his place. I had told him how I don’t feel comfortable with him and her being alone at his place and he basically just said “well it’s her dog she can see it whenever she wants.” But I’ve always expressed how I don’t feel comfortable with him hanging out with another girl alone, especially at his place. He understands that and agreed until now.

He keeps saying how he’s only doing it to help her out because he knows how painful it is to give your pet away which I completely understand. I just wish it didn’t have to be all the time with him constantly texting her updates about the puppy at 2 am. I have a feeling he’s just using it as a way to be closer with her. There are times where sometimes she’ll go ghost on him for periods of times. I also know that before we were together he would flirt around with her and try to go beyond friends but she never reciprocated it, according to him. I can understand that it was in the past, so I try not to hold it against him.

Now what really pushed me to my limit was how he said he was driving back home from work and he needed to drop something off at his boss’ house later. Out of curiosity I checked his location and saw he was at her place for a few minutes. Keep in mind this was at 11pm. When I tried calling him he would not answer. He then drove to his boss’ house like he said and only then did he answer my call. I asked where he was before his boss’ house and he kept ignoring the question by saying he’s at his boss’ house. I asked him if he went to her place (which is out of the way from his boss’) house and he said no that she still lives in her apartment. I know that’s a lie because he already has the puppy and said she is back to living at her parent’s house which is where he was at. He thinks I’m being weird for overthinking it and the whole puppy situation.

Kind of related but this is all happening while my cat of 18 years may pass soon and it feels like he’s more empathetic to his female friend’s situation but has barely even comforted me with my situation. All he says is he’s sorry then goes on to gush about his new puppy that’s also her puppy ? I know I sound so selfish but it’s just hard to deal with it on top of losing my own pet that I grew up with. It constantly feels like he’s more understanding to other people, especially his female friends, than to me who has always been there for him. I feel kind of dumb to be upset over a dog but it just hits more deeper than that. Especially since he lied about seeing her and now saying I’M the one being weird. I ended up blocking him but now I feel like I’m overreacting about the whole thing like he claims. Am I wrong for being upset about something like this?

EDIT: I’d also like to clarify that I don’t have an issue with him having female friends. We had agreed on a boundary of not hanging out with the opposite sex ALONE. I have plenty of guys friends that I hang with but in groups. That’s not to say I never met half way with him. There were times he has hung out with female friends alone but he told me the circumstances and would let me know. In this case, he straight up lied and he also has had a history of trying to pursue this female friend. Regardless of your personal opinion on it, this was a boundary we BOTH agreed on.

Find My Iphone is a thing. We both shared each other’s location and you need permission to have access to it. Please drop the conspiracy that I’ve planted some tracking device on his phone that he has no knowledge about and check it 24/7 lol.