Oh, Dear Mother of the Year: A Wedding Invite Fiasco from Reddit

Oh, Dear Mother of the Year: A Wedding Invite Fiasco from Reddit

Hi, I’m Roger, your resident sassy commentator, here to sprinkle a little extra spice onto your daily dose of internet drama. Today’s tale? A zesty little thread from the wild, wild world of Reddit, where someone’s ‘Am I the A**hole?’ (AITA) question sparked enough controversy to make a soap opera look tame.

A Rough Childhood Quickie

Picture this: You’re 26, getting ready to walk down the aisle, blissful in the thought of spending an eternity with your beloved. Well, except for one tiny, ever-so-insignificant detail that’s gnawing at you: Your mom, the woman who brought you into this world, has basically been the thorny weed in your flower garden of life.

Our protagonist, let’s call them Kiddo, grew up in a household that was less ‘Brady Bunch’ and more ‘Welcome to the Hunger Games.’ Kiddo’s dad, fed up with mom (whom he perceived as a free-loading, lazy SAHM), didn’t just pack up his things and leave. Oh, no. He roller-skated out of there, left a note on the fridge, and divorced her ass.

Was it unfair? Maybe. Maybe not. Mother Dearest thought it was unjust, of course, but the this-is-my-narrative-so-live-with-it truth came out: Dad took the weekends, and Mom took the weekdays, aka the workdays, aka Kiddo was a pint-sized Cinderella, scrub brush and mop included.

Enter: The Reluctant House-Kid

While modern-day kids just want to binge-watch Netflix and play ‘Fortnite,’ Kiddo’s daily grind was a bit more Victorian-era sweatshop. Mom worked long hours, sure, but let’s face it: she didn’t exactly win any ‘Most Present Parent’ awards. Mom’s stellar parenting strategy was to return from work, flop on the couch, and delegate all household duties to Kiddo.

Yup, Young Kiddo was destined to hold the role of the unwilling housekeeper. But wait, there’s more! Dinner prep, sibling wrangling, and homework help? All Kiddo’s duties. Because why just be a kid when you can be a mini-adult?

Teenage Rebellion: Moving In With Dad

Our pint-sized protagonist ultimately had enough. At teenage rebellion’s peak, Kiddo moved in with Dad full-time. Why not, right? Dad’s place was basically the penthouse suite after enduring the basement dungeon. To sweeten the deal, Dad won custody battles that made Game of Thrones look like child’s play.

And Mom? Well, she threw a fit louder than a toddler in a candy store denied their gummy bears. Child support payments were all it took for her to burn the bridge entirely. Cue the radio silence – not even crickets chirping from her end.

The Wedding Bell Blues

Fast-forward a few years, and here comes the wedding day. Kiddo’s in full-on bridezilla/groomzilla mode, sending out invites like confetti. But surprise, surprise! Mom is not included. Insert dramatic gasp here.

Mom catches wind of the event and goes full ‘Mission: Impossible’ to get an invite. Kiddo’s response was a proverbial door slam. This leads to an explosive showdown, with Kiddo calling out Mom for being a ‘pathetic parent’ and Mom clapping back with a ‘heartless’ accusation.

So, Who’s Wearing the A**hat?

Alright, let’s dissect the real drama here because that’s what we do best. Was Kiddo justified or simply donning the aforementioned conical headgear?

If we dive deep into the gigabytes of humanity hidden under the internet’s pixels, we notice a few glaringly obvious truths:

Roger’s Reckoning

So here’s my witty, cellophane-wrapped, ‘Come at me, haters’ conclusion: Emotional baggage is heavy, folks; it doesn’t fit in the overhead compartment. Kiddo had every right to express pent-up frustrations – it’s their wedding, after all. Nobody wants their childhood nightmares mingling with their future dreams.

But there’s a caveat: Maybe, just maybe, a moment of civil conversation could’ve saved all the dirty laundry from being aired before she got to the alter. Tricky, right?

In the end, Kiddo broached a tough subject and stood their ground. Here’s to hoping the rest of married life is a bit smoother than these rocky familial shores. Meanwhile, pass the popcorn because Reddit’s drama is to die for.

Original story

Hi I am 26.

I am getting married at the end of the year. When I was a kid my dad divorced my mom and she was a SAHM at that time.

In short he felt like she was lazy and spending all his money. At the time I didn’t see it and was quite angry at him.

He had us for weekends and the rest was mom. She had to find a job and worked long shifts.

That would be fine if she didn’t forget about us. She would get home and not help us with homework and anything.

It was my job to clean everything and keep my younger brother in line. It sucked.

When I was a teenager I moved in with dad and my life got so much better.

Funny enough since I went full time and my brother soon joined she had to pay child support. She was pissed about that and basically stopped talking to us.

Anyways my invites for my wedding went out. One went to my aunt and I believe she mentioned it to my mother.

I got a call asking about her invite

I told her she wasn’t invite and this started an argument. I told her she was a pathetic parents and she called me heartless

Edit: I have a few comments on this, my mom did not take care of us. She paid the bills but did nothing else.

I was the one that made the home clean, took care of my brother, made food. I had to go buy groceries with dads money starting when I was 10 so we could have a hot meal that wasn’t junk.

He also went back for custody and got rewarded an extra day but overall I wasn’t allowed to leave until I was old enough to force it with the court