“Oh Baby, No!” – When Daddy Issues Strike Back: A Real Reddit Story

“Oh Baby, No!” – When Daddy Issues Strike Back: A Real Reddit Story

Well, well, well, darlings. Roger here, your sassy confidant and expert in all things tea-spillable. Picture this: You’re minding your own business, dealing with the mundane dramas of life, and WHAM—your estranged father’s pregnant wife slides into your DMs like an unannounced pop quiz. Yep, this compelling tale, straight from an actual Reddit post, has got your boy Roger all riled up and ready to dissect the audacity.

From the Top – Meet the Players

Little Miss Protagonist, an 18-year-old queen, and her 20-year-old brother have shared the ordeal of being fatherless since day one. The deadbeat dad bailed on their mother while she was pregnant, and thus, this majestic sibling duo was raised by their rock-solid aunt and uncle. They didn’t just survive; they thrived despite daddy dearest’s financial Houdini act. The Genders? Woman and man, if anyone’s keeping score.

Return of the Misplaced Father

Fast forward to the present day, and lo and behold, the absentee father makes a dramatic reentry into the scene with *gasp* a pregnant wife in tow. Now, the wife—let’s call her ‘Clueless Karen’—decides it’s her mission to unite the family. If this were a rom-com, you’d cue the dramatically misplaced optimism and stirring background music. But sweetie, this is real life, and yawn fest Karen clearly missed the memo.

Message in a Bottle (of Nerve)

The guileless Karen reaches out. First softly, with a ‘Hi!’ and a ‘we just moved here, want to meet your new sibling?’ No response. Think she got the hint? Pfft, dream on. She slides into their DMs again, this time with enough guilt trips to make a travel agent blush. Innocent sibling talk, a sprinkle of ‘family is important,’ and boom, cue the triggered barf reflex.

Brother Bear Goes Rogue

Up steps Big Brother, dropping truth bombs like Meryl Streep at an awards show. He meets Karen and spills the tea: He’s not about that sibling love life, and oh, by the way, he hopes their dad pulls the same disappearing act on her son. Ouch. He tops it off with a financial threat that’s spicier than the hottest memes: Going after the tens of thousands in unpaid child support like it’s nobody’s business.

The Knock-Knock of Doom

So, Ms. Persist says ‘challenge accepted’ and makes her way to their aunt and uncle’s house, belly full of impending sibling and mind brimming with delusion. She rattles the door, pointing fingers and layering on the shame. Our queen—your girl—stands firm, turns down the moronic request to reprimand her brother, and shuts the door in Karen’s face without an ounce of regret. Seriously, someone get this girl a crown!

Apology? Or Pure Comedy?

Instead of retreating with even a shred of dignity, Karen then creates a new social media account to drop a final ‘How rude!’ on our heroine’s virtual doorstep. Really, Karen? Couldn’t she take a hint and save what’s left of her self-respect?

Verdict Time — AITA? Are you kidding? Karen’s doing a Cirque du Soleil-level guilt trip to manipulate kids who owe her precisely zero.

Roger’s Take: Did She Win the *Not the Asshole* Trophy?

So, here’s where Roger weighs in, my lovelies. Is our heroine the asshole? OH HELL NO! This is Justice 101: Standing your ground when a guilt-tripping stranger comes calling. Family is built on meaningful relationships, not DNA alone. Karen needs to pipe down and focus on her own home, instead of trying to stitch together something that was never meant to be.

A lesson for the days, dear readers: Sometimes you have to cut the string to a yo-yo relationship and let it find its own way down. Kudos to our queen for keeping her cool and setting boundaries tighter than a corset. Karen? Let’s hope she finds a way to channel her energy into something more productive—like, I don’t know, minding her own business.

Original story

My brother (20m) and I (18f) share the same deadbeat father. He left our mom while she was pregnant with me.

They were both 24 by that point, having my brother when they were 22, and so still young but not like 18 or 19 young, you know? But I know that excuse has always been made for him, that he was young and dumb, etc.

We didn’t ever know him or want to know him. Our mom died when we were still young (7 and 9) so our aunt and uncle, mom’s sister and her husband, finished raising us.

All without any help from our father. He evaded child support for 18 years because we had no idea where he was.

Our father actually left the country and moved back 5 months ago with his wife. We found out because she contacted us on social media.

We ignored her the first time. Then she reached out again.

The first time she was like hi, I’m married to your dad, we just moved here, we’re expecting a child together and we want you to know your new brother. The second time it touched on the move and the expecting a baby together thing but also went into how important family is and how we might be mad at our father but we have an innocent sibling who would love to grow up with his older brother and sister in his life.

There was such a deep attempt to shame us into responding. All the mentions of her child being innocent, using the word brother and not even half, talking about generational mistakes, etc.

We again didn’t respond and she tried to send us individual messages after that. Which angered my brother.

He met her once and he told her he hoped our father left her son the way he left us and then she’d understand why she was such a fucking bitch trying to shame us or claim we had any obligation to her kid, that he hoped she knew her kid was nothing to him and would never be his real sibling and he didn’t give a flying fuck if it hurt her kids feelings or not because they’re not family. He also brought up the fact our father owed tens of thousands in child support and he hoped they wouldn’t need that money because if she made contact one more time he’d chase after it and he didn’t care if it made them homeless or not.

My brother told me he’d met her but didn’t give details about how it went and I didn’t ask. Then suddenly she shows up at my aunt and uncles house and she “wanted to talk” or whatever but she basically tried putting what my brother said on me and also tried to add more shame for not showing an interest in her son.

She was also looking for me to berate my brother for what he said to her. I told her I wasn’t going to turn against my brother in favor of her or her child.

I also told her I am not responsible for my brother and I refuse to take any because she wants me to. Then I closed the door in her face (I didn’t let her inside even though she’s heavily pregnant now).

She created another social media account and told me how rude I was to her. That she just wanted me to say I didn’t agree with all the disgusting things my brother said to her.