No Sauce, No Fuss: An Epic Tale of a Car, Its Driver, and a Commandment Against Condiments

Imagine, if you will, cruising down the highway, wind tousling your hair (if you have any), and the open road promising endless possibilities. Now, add to this picturesque scene a menacing villain — an open container of BBQ sauce. Pure anarchy. Welcome to the world of one Reddit user, who has bravely set forth a decree in their moving chariot: No sauce on my watch! And oh, how the internet has chewed and stewed over this saucy tale. Yes, dear readers, this is a real Reddit story from a real person, and it’s time for Roger’s Hot Take to dish it out, with extra relish, of course.

In the red corner, we have our protagonist, the guardian of clean seats and pristine floor mats, who has endured not one, but two saucy assaults on their vehicle’s interior. The culprits? The dastardly duo of BBQ and ranch, leaving behind them a trail of stained upholstery and a car owner vowing never again to fall victim to such reckless condimental behavior. Thus, a sacred edict was born: No open containers of sauce in the moving vehicle.

Enter the antagonist, the boyfriend, bearer of mozzarella sticks and a small container of marinara sauce, ready to defy the decree for the sake of savory satisfaction. Our hero stands firm, invoking the tragic tales of sauces past, but to no avail. Accusations of archaism and stupidity are thrown faster than a speeding bullet (or a dipping stick), yet our protagonist remains unyielded. The ultimate retort? ‘I don’t give a flying French fry if your sticks are cold; microwave them, my dear Watson.’

The Reddit court is divided. Some applaud the staunch stance on sauce security, nodding in agreement over visions of their own vehicles marred by sloppy dollops of ketchup. Others decry it as a needless nay to noshing, a dictatorial decree dampening the deliciousness of drive-thru delicacies.

But here’s **Roger’s Hot Take**, served sizzling and fresh: The issue, my dear saucy sleuths, isn’t about the sauce. It’s about respect. When you’re rolling in someone’s ride, you respect their rules, be they about shoes on the dashboard, singing along to the radio, or yes, the containment of condiments. It’s their sanctuary on wheels, their bastion against the chaos of the outside world, and if the price of entry is holding off on the Heinz for a hot minute, then so be it. The boyfriend’s unwillingness to wait a mere ten minutes before diving into his marinara moat reveals not a hunger for flavor, but a famine of patience and understanding.

So, dear sauce spillers and car cleaners, next time you find yourself in the midst of a meal on the move, remember: Condiments are fleeting, but courtesy is forever. And surely, in the grand buffet of life, we can all afford to be a little saucier in our manners than our meals.

Stay spicy, readers, and tune in for more tales from the road less sauced with your host, Roger. Until then, keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your sauces safely sealed.

Original story

So there are 2 prior incidents in which people have spilled various things in my car. One was BBQ sauce and the other was an open container of ranch. Different incidents, different car, but it stained my seat and my floor.

As such, I have a rule of no open containers of sauce in my car.

This became an issue last week when my boyfriend and I were on our way home from somewhere and he asked if I could swing by Sonic so he could get something. No problem, we go, he gets his food.

Sonic is about 10 minutes from our house. He opens his food and goes to open his marinara sauce to dip his mozzarella sticks. I told him no, he can’t open the sauce in my car. He asks why, and I tell him about the ranch and the bbq sauce. He says he won’t spill. I said that my prior two passengers said the same thing. No sauce in the car. Eating in the car is fine but nothing spillable that I can’t get up with a vacuum.

He got mad and said my rules are archaic and stupid. I said he’s entitled to that opinion, but there’s still no sauce allowed in my car, he needs to wait till we get home.

Here’s where I may be the AH: He complained that his sticks were going to be cold by the time, so I told him idgaf if they’re cold he could warm them up in the microwave, and to just be an adult and learn some patience and wait 10 goddamn minutes if he has to have his sauce so bad.


Editing to add: I forgot the title says moving car. I’m okay with eating sauce in the car if it is PARKED (like if we were eating AT Sonic, not driving home). Just not while we’re on the road.