No RSVP: Why I’m Skipping the Ex’s Surprise Bash (And You Would Too!)

Hello, my dearest hot messes! It’s your favorite scribe of sass, Roger, here to dish on the ultimate social snub that’s got everyone (well, at least one person) talking. Picture this: an invitation lands in your lap, not just to any shindig, but to your ex’s surprise birthday bash. Plot twist? It’s thrown by his new sweetheart. Yes, darlings, you heard that right. This isn’t just any old tale of RSVPing ‘No’; it’s a real Reddit story from a real person who found themselves in a pickle sharper than Grandma’s homemade chutney. So, grab those martinis, and let’s dive in. Cheers to pettiness and profound self-discovery, shall we?

Our protagonist, let’s call her Jane (because why not?), was initially thrilled at the prospect of seeing her ex-flame after their fizzled love affair turned friendship with benefits — a tale as old as time, or at least as pervasive as unsolicited DMs. However, like any great movie plot or poorly lit early morning, reality hit, and it hit hard. Jane realized that attending this surprise fiesta would be akin to putting her heart through a shredder. Not ideal party attire, wouldn’t you agree?

You see, Jane and the Ex had a past more tangled than my last attempt at holiday lights. From FWB to short-term lovebirds, the trajectory of their romance was less ‘happily ever after’ and more ‘thanks for the memories, I guess?’ Pay attention, hot takers, because here’s where it gets juicier than a season finale cliffhanger. Our Ex quickly moved on to his new leading lady, giving her the sun, the moon, and the kind of attention Jane could only dream of during their stint. Ouch.

This revelation stung more than a slap with a wet noodle. Why? Because Jane, our unsung hero, had been nothing but generous to the Ex. We’re talking about financial aid, cross-city commutes, and gifts galore. And what did she get in return? Dinner bills paid and, presumably, a pat on the back? Gee, thanks.

As D-day approached, Jane’s inner monologue went from ‘Maybe this won’t be so bad’ to ‘What in the fresh hell am I thinking?’ faster than my interest in my gym membership post-January. It dawned on her that attending the party would not only be a one-way ticket to Awkwardville but also a glaring reminder of what she perceived as unequal love and affection. And let’s be real, who wants to be the guest who cried in the corner over cocktail shrimp?

So, she decided to pass. And pass, she did with the grace of someone who realizes they’re worth more than being an extra in someone else’s love story. Now, dear readers, as you hover over the edge of your swanky bar stools and velvet loveseats, itching for Roger’s Hot Take, let me lay it on you: Jane did the right thing.

Yes, party people, navigating the murky waters of post-breakup friendships, and social engagements is akin to threading a needle in a windstorm. It’s tricky, often thankless, and requires a level of emotional gymnastics that would make even Simone Biles pause. Jane’s decision to bow out gracefully wasn’t just about avoiding an awkward encounter or nursing a wounded ego; it was a bold statement of self-worth and boundary-setting. And if there’s anything your saucy commentator stands for, it’s the unabashed celebration of choosing oneself, especially in the face of discomfort and societal side-eye.

So, here’s to those moments of choosing peace over pandemonium, self-care over social circus, and tranquility over tequila-induced tears. May we all have the courage to know when to show up, and more importantly, when to peace the hell out. Cheers, misfits, until next time, where we’ll undoubtedly dive into another riveting saga of human folly and fabulousness. Remember, in the grand soirée of life, sometimes the most empowering RSVP is ‘No.’

Toodles, Roger.

Original story

This is gonna be a stupid rant, but I’d like your opinions on it and I wanna see from your point of view if my feelings are valid or not.

A couple of weeks ago my ex’s girlfriend invited me to a surprise birthday party she planned for him and I told her I would try my best to go. Today is the day.

I was okay about going at first and excited to finally see him again because it’s been over a year, until I came to realization I have no reason to actually go and I shouldn’t. Reason being is because before my ex and I dated, we were fwb for an entire year. Before then, he seemed like he was interested in me until I realized all he wanted was sex. So after that entire year of just messing around he finally wanted to date me and it didn’t last for more than a month. I ended it. Even before we dated, I did a lot for him. I gave him money when he asked for it and drove 40 minutes every other day just to see him and even went out of my way to give him gifts.

I never really asked for much from him. But he never really went out of his way to give me anything. He paid for my food when we actually dated but that’s pretty much it. So I feel like he’s gotten enough from me. He gives his current gf everything, and it pisses me off knowing he jumped right into a relationship with her soon after they met and not me… I don’t need to go to his birthday party. Plus, I’d be jealous to see him and his new girlfriend together even tho I ended it cause I didn’t like him as much as I thought. Am I wrong for feeling this way??

I hope he enjoys his party.