My Family Still Hangs Out with My Ex-Husband, and It’s Driving Me Crazy

My Family Still Hangs Out with My Ex-Husband, and It’s Driving Me Crazy

Listen, dear readers, let me tell you about a tasty little tidbit I stumbled upon while scrolling through the glorious madness that is Reddit. It’s one of those stories that makes you simultaneously clutch your pearls and let out a deep, sassy sigh because, oh honey, it is a doozy.

The Betrayal: A Soap Opera in Real Life

So, there we have it. A lovely woman, let’s call her Jane for the sake of storytelling, spills her heart out to the internet about her nightmare of an ex-husband. Imagine the scene: Jane and Mr. Once-Was-Perfect were madly in love for six years before he took a detour down Betrayal Boulevard. He didn’t just cheat, oh no; he cheated with Jane’s “best friend.” Cue the dramatics, people, because this is a betrayal worthy of a prime-time soap opera.

Jane’s world came crashing down in September of 2023. Hearts were broken, vows were shattered, and tissues were depleted. You’d think her family, the ones who are supposed to love her unconditionally, would rally around her with torches and pitchforks, ready to sever ties with this man. But no. That would make life too simple and entirely lacking in drama, wouldn’t it?

Family Fracas: When Blood Isn’t Thicker than Water

Brace yourselves. Instead of giving him the cold shoulder he undoubtedly deserves, Jane’s family seems to have thrown him a parade. They not only still talk to Mr. Ex every day, but they even bought him a plane ticket to visit Jane’s parents. Yes, you heard that right. They bought him a plane ticket. Meanwhile, Jane is left standing in the ruins of her former life, bewildered and betrayed, this time by her own flesh and blood.

It gets juicier. Jane’s sister, who had the audacity to visit Mr. Ex, then had the gall to spend the night at his house. I know, right? It’s not like they share custody of kids or anything. Apparently, her sister is currently engaged to someone else. The plot thickens!

Seeking Solace: The Modern Confessional, Also Known as Reddit

Jane, bless her heart, decided to turn to Reddit to ask for advice. Understandably, she’s considering cutting ties with her family because they’re acting like she’s the third wheel in her own Shakespearean tragedy. It’s as though they’re deliberately casting her in the role of the villain when all she did was fall victim to one man’s gross indiscretions.

One can’t help but ponder the layers upon layers of bizarre dynamics here. Is the family blind to her pain? Or do they derive some sick pleasure from prancing around with the man who crushed her soul? Either way, Reddit delivered the judgment it often does: the overwhelming sentiment was that Jane was well within her rights to pull the plug on family ties and prioritize her own peace of mind.

Roger’s Righteous Rant

Alright, darlings, strap in because Roger has some thoughts. First off, Jane, sweetie, you are under no obligation to maintain relationships that cause you this kind of distress. The fact that your family seems to be cosying up to your Judas of an ex is disheartening and downright confusing.

Family should have your back; they should be the people you can count on to support you through thick and thin. And yet, here they are, practically setting up camp at Camp Betrayal. If I were Jane, I’d be staging my own version of the Boston Tea Party right in my parent’s living room.

At the end of the day, if cutting ties with your family members brings you peace and keeps you from spiraling into a vortex of emotional turmoil, so be it. Meditate in your newfound serenity and let the rest of the world deal with its own drama.

Final Thoughts

To my readers: If there’s one thing you take away from Ms. Jane’s tragic tale, let it be this—never, under any circumstances, let anyone make you feel like a supporting character in your own story. Whether it’s a cheating ex-husband or a family whose loyalty baffles you, remember that your well-being comes first. Life’s too short to spend it playing second fiddle to someone else’s craziness.

And so, dear readers, stay sassy, stay sharp, and always remember to put yourself first. Because if you don’t, who will?

Original story

My ex and i were together for 6 years, we split up in september of 2023 and havent been on good terms since he cheated on me with my “best friend”. my family knows what happened but yet they still talk almost everyday and even bought him a plane ticket to go visit my parents.

i’ve voiced to them about how i think it’s weird that they still interact with him. my sister came up to visit this week and she went and hung out with him and then spent the night at his house last night.

i’m seriously thinking about cutting ties with my family because it’s like they just don’t care how i feel about it. i’m at a loss and need some second opinions.

. EDIT: we have no children together and my sister is currently engaged to someone else.