Lawnmower Man Strikes Again: A Tale of Love, Leaves, and Loathing

Hey, HotTakes aficionados! It’s your pal, Roger, sliding into your digital abode with a story so juicy, you’d think it’s gossip. But trust me, it’s all real life, straight from a confessional on Reddit. So, grab your favorite guilty pleasure snack (I’m partial to a cheeky bit of gelato myself), and let’s dive into a botanical kerfuffle that’s got more layers than your grandma’s lasagna. 🌼🚜

Imagine, dear readers, a hard-working, recently divorced hero of our story. No, this isn’t a Hallmark movie pitch, but the real-life saga of a mom turned instant family matriarch after discovering her fling-turned-baby-daddy would rather roll joints than dough. Our protagonist found herself footing all the bills and playing supermom to a blended family overnight. Kudos, darling, we’re not worthy!

In a plot twist Dickens himself couldn’t conjure, our leading lady’s boyfriend (let’s call him Mr. Greenfingers for irony’s sake) turns villain in an act of such heartless horticultural homicide it makes ‘Edward Scissorhands’ look like a quaint gardening show. Yes, you read that right. During a tiff, Mr. Greenfingers, perhaps feeling a bit too green, decided to mow down the offspring’s beloved pollinator garden. A space where dreams (and butterflies) were meant to flourish, reduced to mulch under the wrath of a lawnmower. Can you believe the audacity?

But wait, it gets worse! Our heroine, already at her wit’s end with love’s labor lost on a partner more invested in his dispensary discounts than family dynamics, sees this act of defiance not as a mere garden variety disagreement but as a whack to the very roots of their relationship. She’s not just cultivating plants, my friends, but attempting to grow a family dynamic harder to maintain than a Venus flytrap.

The question pulsating through the Ethernet cables into our collective consciousness is: ‘Is it overly dramatic to consider leaving over a demolished garden?’ To which I, Roger of HotTakes, must opine: when the garden is a metaphor for the care, time, and love you’ve sown into a relationship only to have it thoughtlessly shredded—it’s not just about the flowers.

Here’s **Roger’s Hot Take**: Relationships, much like gardens, require nurture, patience, and a mutual respect for growth. When one party can’t distinguish between ‘weeds’ and ‘wants,’ it might be time to prune your personal landscape. Because, darling, if they can’t see the garden for the grass, then it’s probably time to let go of the lawnmower and find someone who appreciates the flowers.

So, as the sun sets on our tale of vegetative vandalism, let’s remember: in love and landscaping, it’s important to know not just how to sow, but also when to mow. Tend your gardens wisely, my dears, and may your relationships bloom brighter than the most well-tended bed of roses. Until next time, this has been Roger, melodramatically signing off. 💔🌷

Original story

Little backstory-A few years ago, I was barely divorced, and found out I was pregnant from a fling at work. I worked hard to try to make it work and bought a bigger house so we could live together with his kids. He quit his job when our baby was less than a year old and he is working at a dispensary. This has led to a lot of issues especially with schedules and has left me with most of the child rearing for our son and his older kids. I love the kids but it’s been hard going from 0 to 3. It is especially frustrating as I am in a career that allows me to pay all household expenses. A lot of his money goes to the company store and he gets a huge amount of employee samples on top of that. There have been so many fights that make no sense. It would be a book to write about all of them, but I think I’m losing my mind sometimes and just need some perspective.

So today we were arguing and I went outside for air and saw our cat run by. So I was coaxing our cat out between my boyfriend’s car and the fence. When my boyfriend came out he accused me of messing with his car and was blocking my way inside. I told him I wasn’t and he continued to block my way, so I finally responded that I probably popped his tire and he should get out of my way and look for myself (I know nothing about cars and I know this was not a great response). He went and checked and then followed me back inside and was upset I would say that and told me he accused me of messing with his car because prior to my divorce I crashed my ex husbands truck into a tree in our yard when I caught him cheating(But like at 2 miles an hour because I can’t drive a shift).

I asked him for space and for him to leave for a while. He went outside to mow, and I again said he should just leave. He mowed over the pollinator garden the kids and I were growing. I came out when he started and asked him to stop saying again it was our pollinator garden. He responded it was just grass and mowed it down. I know it was just a strip of plants but it honestly felt heart breaking. The kids and I spent hours out there getting it ready and putting a fence around it. We were so excited to see it all grow and all the bug friends we could see this summer. Am I being dramatic feeling this heartbroken over this? I’m honestly just done right now but want perspective for the kids.