Is It My Fault My Daughter-in-Law Got Excluded, or Is She Just a Drama Magnet?

Is It My Fault My Daughter-in-Law Got Excluded, or Is She Just a Drama Magnet?

Well, well, well, my darlings. Gather ’round and let Roger regale you with a tale of family drama plucked straight from the annals of Reddit. Picture this: a familial skirmish so juicy, it could make even the most diabolical soap opera seem tame. Our protagonist’s name is Jenny, a woman whose temperament goes from zero to red-hot fury faster than you can say ‘decaf latte.’

This little narrative begins about three years ago when our poor Reddit poster’s son decided to tie the knot with Jenny. Now, as much as this story might sound like your typical mother-in-law vs. daughter-in-law debacle, it’s sprinkled with a bit more spice. Jenny is a self-proclaimed warrior—loud, proud, and eternally ready for battle. According to her, growing up with a pack of boys trained her to make herself heard, and oh boy, she heard everything like a dog whistle.

The Drama Chronicles

Jenny isn’t just opinionated; she’s the poster child for spooked-out squirrels who think everyone’s out to steal their nuts. Got an issue with her drink at Starbucks? Jenny’s gonna make sure the entire coffee shop knows about it. Waiter a bit too sassy? He’s getting an earful. Someone accidentally bumps into her on the subway? They’ve just signed up for a free performance of Jenny’s ‘How Dare You!’ monologue.

Our Reddit poster, let’s call him Mr. Procrastinator, decided he’d had enough of the theatrics. First, he tried to be civil and offer some constructive criticism. Didn’t work. Jenny was having none of it. He figured his son might lend a sympathetic ear; nope, that was a dead-end too. Frustrated and desperate for peace, Mr. Procrastinator did what any sane individual would do—he started avoiding smaller family events where Jenny was queen bee.

Goodbye Drama, Hello Peace

Avoidance might not be the best coping mechanism, but it was working wonders for Mr. Procrastinator’s mental health. He was sipping his coffee in uninterrupted peace, attending only the major family holidays and watching his stress levels drop faster than Jenny’s tolerance for waiting in line. Naturally, people began to notice his absence and started asking questions. When they did, Mr. Procrastinator dished out the cold, hard truth about Jenny’s antics.

And guess what? The family got the memo. Invitations for Jenny dried up faster than a puddle in the desert, and she was left out more times than the gluten-free friend at a pizza party. No one wanted to deal with Jenny’s brand of high-octane drama, and honestly, who could blame them?

Fireworks on the Fourth

Things reached a turning point on the Fourth of July. Jenny thought she’d host a little gathering in the city. Spoiler alert: not a single taker. People declined her invite like she was offering them free dental surgery. When Jenny’s investigation led her to the source of her newfound isolation—Mr. Procrastinator—her hubby was not pleased. He brandished the phone like a sword and demanded his father “fix this mess.” Oh, the audacity!

Mr. Procrastinator, bless his soul, refused to bend. He reminded his son that Jenny’s behavior had long been a disaster waiting to unfold, and that, my friends, is when all hell broke loose. If you thought the drama was contained to Jenny, think again. The son threw around some colorful vocabulary, and Mr. Procrastinator was left second-guessing his decisions.

Roger’s Sass-Tastic Verdict

So, who’s the real villain here? Let me break it down. Jenny, darling, needs a lesson in civility and a crash course in ‘Not Everything Needs Drama 101.’ Believe me, the world can only handle so many diva tantrums before it collectively rolls its eyes.

Mr. Procrastinator, on the other hand, took the only route that preserved his sanity. We can’t fault him for wanting to sip his morning brew without the soundtrack of an unnecessary argument. Could he have handled it differently? Maybe. But let’s give the man some credit for trying to address the issue head-on.

And that brings us to the son. Honey, it’s high time you sat down with your wife for a lil’ heart-to-heart. Defending her questionable antics without realizing their ripple effect on the entire family isn’t doing anyone any favors. Sometimes tough love is the only path to harmony.

In conclusion, it looks like Jenny might just have to adapt to a world that doesn’t revolve around her outbursts. And for Mr. Procrastinator, it’s a high-five for prioritizing mental health. As for you dear reader, next time you encounter someone like Jenny, just remember: sometimes avoiding the drama queen is the only way to keep your crown intact.

Until next time, stay sassy! 💅

Original story

I will be as clear as possible, also on my phone.

This started about three years ago when my son married. My DIL, Jenny, is very opinionated and doesn’t handle any slight well.

She claims it is due to growing up and having to be very loud in order to have someone pay attention to her. She was in a family of all boys and during any issue she goes to 100% percent.

This is a problem, any time she has a small issue she will escalate it very quickly. This has caused about half of outing to be ruined.

It’s like she thinks everyone is out to get her and a small slight will set her off. She can never just keep her mouth shut.

Everything needs a reaction from her.

A few examples, a mix up at Starbucks for her drink, a waiter seemed impatient, someone pushing past her. These situations at most need a polite request to fix ( like her drink) or just ignore.

Instead she is just a dick. It is an awful feeling to leave and know I shouldn’t step back on that place for at least 6 months.

I tried to talk to her about the issue and it didn’t go well. I tried to talk to my son and nothing on that front.

So I stopped doing to small family events that she is invited to, I still go to big ones like holidays. My life has been better for it.

People noticed and when asked I told them the truth. Overtime people stopped inviting her or stopped going to events.

She invited people to go to the city of the Fourth of July. Everyone turned her down.

She asked around and it came back to me.

I got a call from my son telling me to fix this. That I am a huge bully and caused this.

That his wife has been upset since and got in a few argument with family members.

I told him no, and I told him a while ago that her behavior was horrible. That this isn’t my problem

He called me some lovely names and I am doubting myself