How Would You React if Your Best Friend Started Dating Your Ex? Dive into Real-Life Stories in the Comments 👇

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, I want you to know that there’s more to this topic than meets the eye. Oh dear, I’m going to stir the pot a bit with this one. But hang on tight, because you won’t want to miss my two cents on this pickle of a situation.

Picture this. You’re sipping on a lukewarm cup of coffee at your regular spot – maybe it’s the diner down the road, or perhaps your kitchen table by the morning sunlight. Either way, you’re minding your own business when it happens. The phone dings, and there’s a message: Your best friend, let’s call her Sally, is now dating your ex, let’s say, Jimmy. How should you react?

Now, if you’re expecting me to spit out a cookie-cutter Hallmark card response, think again. Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into some good ol’ fashioned, folksy storytelling. Don’t turn away now; you gotta read to the end to get the juicy bits.

When you think about Sally and Jimmy, remember the times when you and Sally would sit on the porch, sipping iced tea, laughing about just about anything. And Jimmy, well, was he your high school sweetheart or the charming devil that gave you butterflies in your 40s? Either way, you invested time, heart, and maybe even tears into that relationship.

I remember like it was yesterday—my own dear friend Linda, who couldn’t wait to tell me about her new beau, Ed. Lo and behold, Ed was my ex from 30 years back. Well, honey, I was tempted to throw my crochet needles at the wall! But instead, I took a deep breath and thought, “Mary, what’s the Christian (and dare I say, American) way to handle this?”

I ended up inviting them over for Sunday dinner. That’s right, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy. I figured that if this budding romance was gonna last, I better see it with my own eyes—and what better way than over a hearty, home-cooked meal? I smiled through it, and I can tell you, it wasn’t easy. But you know what? That Sunday dinner became a turning point. I realized that my happiness shouldn’t hinge on an old flame—God has a way of turning situations around for good if we just give Him the chance.

Now, don’t get me wrong. The Bible didn’t say anything about inviting your best friend and ex over for supper, but it does say in Romans 12:18, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Notice it says, “If it is possible.” Sometimes, Sally dating Jimmy might feel like a betrayal of the highest order, like when they canceled ‘Matlock’. But if you cling to bitterness, who’s really feeling the brunt of it? (Hint: It’s you.)

If I’d held onto that anger, I’d have missed out on some darn fine chicken, not to mention the fact that Linda and Ed actually helped me build a new tool shed the following summer. Turns out they’re not so bad together. Besides, anyone who tangles with building that monstrosity deserves a bit of grace.

Another funny thing about life—God sometimes uses these quirky little twists to show us our own growth. See, the past is like a compost pile. Yes, stinky, but it makes rich soil. So, what’s sprouting from your compost? Maybe some patience, some wisdom, or even a sense of humor you didn’t know you had? Surely, you’ve grown since your time with Jimmy.

And let’s not overlook the gift of perspective. Remember, Sally is your best friend for a reason. She’s there to cheer you up, bring you soup when you’re sick, and she darn well better be if she’s wearing your old beau on her arm! Sally didn’t mean to hurt you – she found love, the same thing you once found in Jimmy. Maybe Jimmy learned a few lessons from his time with you and is now a better man for Sally. And let’s face it, if the good Lord saw it fit for you and Jimmy to part ways, well, He’s probably got someone else in store for you, too.

So there you have it, folks. Sometimes, what looks like a frayed end is really just a thread unraveling for a new pattern. Don’t you dare let the devil steal your joy over something you no longer need in your life. And speaking of joy, imagine the freedom when you release old hurts into the hands of God, who knows far better than we do what’s good for us!

Sure, you’ll need to restitch some emotional seams, and it might take a few nights of Lord help me’s and even more days of why’s, but in the end, you’ll be the stronger for it. Now go ahead, mull over my words, and check out those real-life stories in the comments. Each one holds a lesson, a laugh, or a nodding “I know right?” And remember, when life throws you a curveball like your best friend dating your ex, sometimes the best thing to do is sit back, enjoy the ride, and trust that God’s got the wheel.