Hey Half Sibs, Show Me the Money! Or Not: The Reddit Saga of Jared’s Unwanted Inheritance Drama

Hey Half Sibs, Show Me the Money! Or Not: The Reddit Saga of Jared’s Unwanted Inheritance Drama

You know, Reddit never disappoints when it comes to existential family dramas far more riveting than any soap opera. And today, darling readers, I’ve got a juicy tale to vent about—a real-deal, hot-off-the-press Reddit confessional that’ll make you clutch your pearls. So grab your popcorn and settle in because this one’s going to be a rollercoaster.

The Players and the Plotline

Our main man Jared (30), who’s married to Faye (a vibrant 29), had quite the conundrum. His father was a veritable Casanova, having Jared as the result of some extracurricular activities otherwise known as an affair. Enter Jared’s half-siblings, the legitimate spawns of the same father’s holy matrimony. Following along? Great. Now, since his father passed away while still legally hitched to the first Mrs. Casanova, Jared got nada, nothing, zip—while the lawful offspring swam in dollar bills.

Time Heals All Wounds. Or Does It?

Fast forward to years of simmering resentment. Jared occasionally simmered with righteous indignation about being given the cold shoulder from half-sibs who basically treated him like something they scraped off their shoes. As life would have it, Jared and Faye faced some money troubles. And what did our brave but slightly desperate hero decide to do? He went and found his estranged half-siblings, asking them for financial aid on account of their shared genes and the sheer weight of paternal guilt, thinking they owed him a slice from their oversized inheritance pie.

Reality Bites

Here’s the twist: the half-siblings, in keeping with their long-established M.O., laughed him off. They made it abundantly clear they wouldn’t give him a single dime, not even for all the therapy sessions in the world. Shocked? Furious? Jared was both. He ranted and raved, perplexed by their cold-hearted refusals.

The Explosion: Cue the Sassy Dance

And that’s when our dear narrator (Jared’s brother-in-law, let’s call him Mr. Slightly Clueless) decided to wade into the whirlpool of emotions. With the subtlety of a firecracker on Christmas, Clueless BIL asked Jared why he even bothered asking the half-sibs for money when everyone and their granny could tell he wasn’t getting a cent. Literally everyone. The half-sibs probably reported him to their spam filters! And honey, let’s just say Jared didn’t take kindly to that comment.

Demanding Apologies: The Fallout

Jared flew off the handle, labeling Clueless BIL as insensitive, judgemental, and every kind of ass you can imagine in the book. Now, poor Clueless BIL is left scratching his head, wondering if he really was out of line. Did he cross a boundary or was he just verbalizing the obvious? Was he an AH for saying what we were all thinking?

Roger’s Unsolicited but Fabulous Opinion

Oh, dear reader, this is the part where I, Roger, bless you with my pearls of wisdom. Here’s the tea: Jared, my darling, is confusing justice with charity. Sure, life gave him the short end of the stick—no one’s denying that. But expecting empathy can be a fool’s errand, especially from people as emotionally constipated as his half-sibs. You can’t demand sympathy any more than you can squeeze water out of a stone.

In truth, our Clueless BIL might be a bit tactless, sure. But sugarcoating the obvious doesn’t always help someone face reality. Was he an AH? Hmm, borderline. But should he apologize for it? Probably, if it means keeping the peace and sanity during future family dinners.

Jared needs to channel his energy elsewhere, maybe into something productive rather than chasing after mirages. Because honey, sometimes healing means letting go of what you wished could have been and embracing the messy, flawed life you’ve got. Wisdom with a dash of sass—that’s what you come here for, right?

Original story

My sister Faye (29f) is married to Jared (30m). As long as we’ve known Jared we knew he had half siblings who had no relationship with him.

He was open with us about his father having an affair that he was the result of and the kids from his father’s marriage not liking him. He also mentioned that when his father passed, because he was still married to their mother (only legally, apparently they no longer lived together and Jared’s parents were in a relationship), he inherited nothing from his father and suing did not help either.

Jared was about 13 or something when his father died. His contact with his half siblings was basically over once his father had passed.

But he was aware their mom had given them the money from their father and Jared was upset his half siblings didn’t offer him anything from it since he was also their father’s son.

Over the years he has brought this up on occasion and has expressed some hurt but also some anger that he was shunned and cut out and treated like he wasn’t also his father’s son by his father’s other children.

I bring all this up because of the conflict between us. So Jared and Faye had some money issues and it was a stress.

It’s dealt with now. But Jared mentioned two weeks ago that he had tracked down his half siblings to ask if they would be willing to help him out given he never got anything from their late father and seeing as he is their sibling.

Needless to say, they made it very clear he was not getting a single dollar from them. Which came as no surprise to me when he said it.

But he was so shocked and I guess angry about it. He rambled on for a bit and I asked him why he went to them for money when he knew they’d never help him in a million years.

He flew off the handle and told me to stop being such an ass and I have no idea what it’s like being him. Faye tried to settle him but he said I was being a rude jackass and judging him for being a decent person.

He demanded an apology and ever since then he’s been demanding apologies from me for being so negative to him.

I’m genuinely confused by his actions but maybe I was TA to ask?