Ghosted and Ghoulish: Navigating the Spooky World of Disappearing Dates

Hello, my loves, it’s Roger here, bringing you another sizzling slice of life from the digital depths of Reddit, where real people spill their guts and their ghost stories. No, not the ‘boo’ kind – the much scarier ex-kind. Today, let’s dish on a story that hits a little too close to home for many of us. Imagine: You’re vibing with someone at work, things get romantically charged, and then bam – they disappear faster than your New Year’s resolutions. Only to reappear later as if they haven’t just performed a Houdini on your heart. Spooky, right? Let’s dive in, shall we?

The protagonist of our story, a late 20-something-year-old dive-bombed by Cupid at the office, found themselves faced with the modern-day dating horror story: being ghosted. Ah, the joy of thinking you’ve found a potential love interest, only to have them vanish into the ether without so much as a ‘see ya.’ But here’s where it gets juicy – the ghoster, after a fortnight in the netherworld, decides it’s time to rematerialize. Like a cat returning home after days of wandering, acting like they haven’t shattered the porcelain of your fragile heart. Our Reddit hero, understandably infuriated, now treats their Casper with a cold shoulder that could freeze the sun.

Now, dear reader, you may be clutching your pearls and wondering, ‘Roger, isn’t that a bit harsh?’ Ah, but here’s where the plot thickens – because when it comes to matters of the heart, the line between self-respect and scorn is thinner than your patience when Netflix asks if you’re still watching. Yes, our protagonist feels like a ‘b*tch’ for serving up a frosty reception, but let’s not forget, this ghoster didn’t just leave; they skipped town with a pocketful of affections.

As your connoisseur of confrontation, I don’t believe in ghosting. It’s the emotional equivalent of leaving your shopping cart in the middle of the grocery store parking lot. But, darling, the real zest of this lime lies not in the act of ghosting but in the aftermath. How to act when the ghost decides to grace you with their presence?

Our Reddit friend chose the path of politeness peppered with indifference – a ‘hello’ here, a ‘thank you’ there, but without the warmth that once was. It’s like saying, ‘Yes, I acknowledge your existence, but only as much as I acknowledge that water is wet and the sky is blue.’ They refuse to play the part of the doe-eyed victim, opting instead to look their ghoster in the eye (or rather, pointedly not) with an essence of, ‘You can’t sit with us.’

So, dear hearts, here’s **Roger’s Hot Take**: When faced with your personal poltergeist, remember that your worth isn’t determined by their cowardice. Being ghosted says nothing about your value and everything about their inability to handle adult conversations. So, should you be ice cold or burning hot when they come crawling back? The answer is neither. Be the phoenix. Rise above the ashes with your dignity intact and let them marvel at the fire they missed.

Channel your inner Elsa and let it go, but remember, forgiveness isn’t the same as a re-entry ticket to your life. It’s okay to sing ‘Thank U, Next’ while internally reciting, ‘What you won’t do, do for love.’ You’ve got to put yourself first, darling. Politeness? Sure. Indifference? Absolutely. Your peace of mind? Non-negotiable.

Now, flutter away, my fabulous phantoms, wiser and with a laugh in your heart for the times you were haunted. Remember, every story, even this real Reddit tale from a real person, has a moral. And in this case, it’s that ghosts belong in haunted houses and horror stories, not in your heart. Keep shining, keep loving, and keep reading, because Roger will always have the Hot Takes you need to navigate this wild world we’re living in. Ta-ta for now!

Original story

Or, what did you do when you ran into your ghoster?

I’ve recently been ghosted by a guy I met at work. He ghosted me for two weeks. We are both in our late 20s, and we used to be friends before getting ‘romantically’ involved –we went on a few dates only. Shortly after ghosting me, he just approached and talked to me as if nothing had ever happened… which kinda infuriated me, to be honest lol. Personally, I can’t pretend everything’s okay. I just can’t. I try to be polite (ie say hi, or thank you or whatever), but don’t engage in conversation, or smile, or laugh at his jokes anymore. I rarely even look at him in the eye now.

I feel like a b*tch for treating him with indifference. But I also know he doesn’t deserve my attention or affection anymore. I’m not behaving like this on purpose, I simply cannot treat him the way I used to.

How would you act in my situation? Am I being too harsh?