Found My Girlfriend’s Hinge Account: To Confront or To Ghost?

Found My Girlfriend’s Hinge Account: To Confront or To Ghost?

Oh, the delicious drama of modern dating. Roger here, and buckle up because we have a tale of digital deceit that’ll make your morning coffee taste scandalously good.

This juicy narrative is cooked up from a real Reddit post by someone who had a rather eventful weekend. Ever been snooping around and found exactly what you hoped you wouldn’t see? Our Reddit protagonist, a strapping young chap (let’s call him Bob for anonymity—I mean, it’s not like Reddit usernames shout ‘real names’), discovered his (F28) girlfriend’s Hinge and Bumble accounts. Oh yes, she was double-dipping in the infidelity buffet.

The Scene of the Crime

Picture this: Bob was snoozing away next to his supposedly devoted girlfriend. They had been arguing a lot (cue dramatic music) because she battles depression and anxiety. So while she’s in La La Land, Bob’s mind went on an unscheduled night shift. After pressing a few forbidden buttons on her phone, Bob found not just one, but two active dating profiles. Hinge and Bumble. Yikes.

And, as destiny would script it, Bob stumbled upon messages from some dude who mentioned Hinge. Now, if this doesn’t sound like the plot twist of a soap opera, I don’t know what does. Bob, reeling from this discovery, found himself in the spotlight of a moral dilemma: should he confront her with the screenshot evidence, or should he just leave?

Scheming and Dreaming

Bob, feeling like a scummy Sherlock Holmes, took to Reddit to parade his woes. Would he get pummeled by virtual tomatoes? Only time would tell. He sought the wisdom of the crowd, curious if others thought his snooping was justified. The relationship detectives there didn’t hold back—oh, the advice was plenty, ranging from ghosting like a pro to having a theatrical showdown.

Now, Bob being no stranger to a dramatic flair, decided to employ a classic “friend-as-an-alibi” move. Clever, but smacks a bit of 7th-grade lunchroom drama, don’t you think? Nevertheless, Bob sent screenshots to a friend who was to act like he had stumbled upon them. Oh, the humanity! He prepped himself with the resolve of a denial-proof detective, ready to confront his girlfriend on a Friday.

The Showdown

When Friday rolled around, Bob marched into his girlfriend’s place. She took a shower, completely unaware her relationship was circling the drain. When she came out, Bob laid down the gauntlet: tell him the truth or he was walking out faster than you can say ‘Swipe left.’

Her reaction? Nothing. The clock ticked, the tension thickened, and she still didn’t confess. Bob, clearly channeling his inner drama queen, packed up and started to leave. That’s when she broke down, grabbed his hand, professing love and allegiance like a rebel caught in the act. Bob, unimpressed, unleashed the ‘receipts.’ Seeing her face go pale, he stomped out and stormed over to her best friend’s place to spill the tea. Yes, he went there. This man went to her best friend’s pad, showed the damning evidence, and unveiled the façade.

The Aftermath

Now, you’d think that was the end of the tale, but reality TV-worthy drama never ends so easily. As expected, the ex-girlfriend didn’t take the break-up well. She was relentless, peppering Bob’s life with text messages, letters, snacks, and some, ahem, explicit photos that were more desperate than alluring.

Bob, showing remarkable self-restraint, ignored her desperate attempts and focused on his healing by visiting the ocean, started medical school, and played video games (therapy of champions, might I add). Ah, Bob, the resilient lone wolf, standing stoic against the turbulent tides of love lost.

Roger’s Two Cents

Alright, let’s break this down. Was Bob right to snoop? No. But do I blame him? Not entirely. Here’s the blunt truth: if you’re tempted to venture into someone’s digital closet, something’s already off in the relationship. But let’s not excuse the girlfriend’s breezy jaunt through dating apps while still attached, either.

Ultimately, trust is a fragile flower, and once plucked, it seldom blooms again. Bob’s decision to leave, albeit a bit theatrical, was for the best. If she wanted to juggle guys on multiple dating apps, she should be single enough to handle it without creeping on someone else’s trust issues.

To anyone out there dwelling in similar circumstances, remember, self-respect is non-negotiable. Live your truth, even if you must be a bit of a detective to find it. But pro-tip: Instead of Sherlock Holmes-ing your way through your partner’s phone, maybe have an honest conversation first. It’s less dramatic but way more adult-like.


So there you have it, folks. Bob is on the mend, his ex is now history, and we’ve all learned a little something about trust and fidelity in the digital age. Until next time, keep your dating profiles clean, your conversations honest, and never, ever underestimate the emotional carnage a screenshot can unleash.

Love, Roger 🍸

Original story

Hey yall. This is my first post ever and I’m needing some advice.

So last night I was with my gf (F28) and we had been arguing over the weekend. She struggles with depression and anxiety and a few other things but that’s the main ones she battles with.

I was sleeping next to her and I let my mind get the better of me and I found her hinge account along with her bumble. I didn’t see her bumble but I did see she had a message from a guy that said ( hey it’s blank from hinge) I don’t know what to do and I know the phrase (don’t get upset if you find what you’re looking for) but I also saw she had mentioned to numerous people that she’s thinking of breaking up with me.

She downloaded the app on Monday and has it active. I know it’s scummy of me and I totally understand if I get ripped in the comments about it.

But to be fair she also looked through my phone and found nothing when she asked. She’s always defensive with her phone and something was telling me to look.

Any advice?


Hello everyone! I’m so sorry for the delay from my first post.

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone that posted and gave me their advice about how I should go about this situation. There were a lot of really great people.

Some of you also sent me some private messages and telling me your thoughts and giving me support about the whole situation. Those that did message me I greatly appreciate you beyond words.

Now to the main part lol. So basically, I was going to see her later that week on Friday.

So, I took the time to really think about what I should do and how I should go about this whole situation. A lot of people were saying ghost her, “do” her then ditch her lol or just be up front about the whole situation.

What I decided to do was to ask my friend if I could send him all the screen shots and that he could send them back as “hey I found this” instead of saying I saw it and her lying to me about it. I sent them, he sent them back with a similar message and I felt as though I was ready for what was to come.

On Friday, I went over to her house, and she went to take a shower. I sat in her bed for a while and just kept thinking about what I was going to say.

After she was done, she sat down and asked me what was wrong and that I looked like I had something on my mind. I told her “If there’s something you want to tell me tell me now or I’m walking out” she froze and didn’t know what to say.

I told her she has 5 minutes to tell me what she’s hiding, or I’m gone. And the end of the time she hadn’t said anything, and I got up, grabbed my stuff and was walking out.

She grabbed my hand and told me to please not leave and that she loves me and wants me and me only. I just said “well you should’ve thought about that before you made this” I proceeded to send her the chat of my friend with the screenshots and all the screenshots that followed.

I saw her face go ghostly and I just walked out. Her best friend lives down the street so I went over because my ex told her friend that she doesn’t use dating apps or anything like that.

I knocked and when she answered her first question was, “how did the talk go?” I just showed her the screen shots and what I know and saw.

After that I left and went home.   The past couple days though my ex has been blowing up my phone saying it was a mistake and that she misses me and wants to see me or come over.

She lives down the way from my work, so she’s been stopping by everyday either to give me letters food, snacks, and other little things. She also waits for me to be off (which is past midnight) that way we can talk and sort stuff out, but I just get in my car and leave.

She’s also been leaving explicit photos and letters and telling me to meet her at our “spot”, but I just don’t respond and leave. Overall, I’m ok.

I’m crushed by what happened and it really got me down. There was a comment about doing the Bill Burr advice and getting a pack of drinks before I do it and then I’ll have them there.

Funny thing is, I got a herniated disk in my back the very next day, so the pain medication is crazy lol. To say the least they have me on hydrocodone.

But I’m not abusing it and if I need to cry, I cry. I’ve been going to the ocean a lot and sit there enjoy the waves and watching the sunset and being mindful about my feelings.

Does it suck right now? Yes.

But I will get better, and I will keep pushing on. I started medical school, so I’ve been busy with that, and I’ve just been gaming to fill in any time.

If anyone has any advice on what they did that helped them I’m more than happy to hear them. If anyone has questions, I’m more than happy to respond and clarify anything.