Doggone Pool Drama: A Splashy Tale of Community Pool Etiquette

Hey, hey, hey, HotTakers! Roger here, dipping into another steamy morsel of drama that’s been making waves in the community pool of life—or rather, a dog-friendly apartment complex in Arizona. And oh boy, do I have a tail-wagging tale for you today. Remember, this spicy story comes straight from a real person’s Reddit confession. So grab your floaties, because you’re not gonna want to dry off until you’ve soaked up every last drop of this one.

Imagine this: the sun blazing down like it’s trying to personally roast each and every resident of Arizona, and there you are, just a 24-year-old human popsicle melting in the heat. Desperate for a dip in your apartment’s communal pool, you think, ‘Ah, yes, the oasis in this desert!’ Only to find—not a mirage—but a dog paddling around like it’s on vacation in the Bahamas. Yep, a real doggy paddle in action.

Now, our protagonist, let’s call him Pool Patroller, is no Scrooge. He’s all for dogs living their best lives, but when there’s a big, fat ‘No Dogs’ sign glaring down, things get a little hairy. He tries reasoning with the pooch’s owner, a stubborn character who seems to think the rules are more ‘guidelines’, but to no avail. Frustrated, Pool Patroller reports the matter to management, earning nothing but a gold star for civic duty.

But wait, the plot thickens! The dog and owner make a repeat performance, and our hero, not one to back down from a showdown at the OK Corral—or, in this case, the community pool—reports them again. This time, security boots them out faster than you can say ‘furball fiasco’.

The dog owner, clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed, confronts Pool Patroller, hurling accusations and demanding respect for his situation. Our man stands his ground, serving some hard truths with a side of sass. ‘Shut the fuck up,’ he says, mic drop and all.

But it begs the question, dear readers: who’s really the bad guy here? Is it the man who just wants to enjoy a canine-free swim, or the dog owner who believes communal rules are beneath his furry friend?

Here’s **Roger’s Hot Take**: Listen, living in a dog-friendly complex doesn’t mean turning the community pool into a pet spa. Rules are there for a reason—like keeping the water clean for everyone to enjoy, not just the ones with four legs and a wagging tail. Our Pool Patroller might have dropped some F-bombs, but in the scorching court of public opinion, he’s not the villain of this story. He’s just a guy trying to enjoy a basic amenity without getting dog hair between his toes.

So, before you dive into the comments section ready to unleash the hounds, remember this: community living means compromise. If your fur baby needs to cool off, invest in a kiddie pool. Your neighbors—and their filter system—will thank you.

That’s all for today, HotTakers! Dive into the comments and let me know: would you have reported the doggy dipper, or are you all for a more the merrier, paws and all, approach to pool life? Catch you on the flip side—where the takes are always hot and the drama never dries up.

Original story

I (24M) live in a dog friendly apartment complex in Arizona.  Its starting to get balls hot around here.  The dog friendly part of my complex is miserable.  Dog shit everywhere, barking, i’m moving out in 2 months of this complex.  

I went to the pool last friday and a guy was letting his dog swim in the pool.  He blatantly ignored the no dogs sign.  I pointed out the sign, let him know his dog shouldn’t be there.  He babbles some stuff and didn’t leave.  I left and reported him.  Management said thank you and noted it.

Today he was there again, I didn’t engage and went to management again.  I went back out to the pool, I wasn’t going to let that guy ruin it this friday.  I went back out.  A few minutes later security came and kicked the guy out.  

The guy saw me, remembered me from last week and called me an asshole for reporting him.  I said you are the one that fucked up and brought your dog here.  He said the dog and him can’t do anything during the day except swim.  I said too bad.  Security asked him to leave again and he started leaving. He said I should have a little respect for his situation and that if I don’t want dogs around, don’t live in a dog friendly complex.  I told him to shut the fuck up.  AITA?