Do You Believe in Soulmates? The Surprising Reason Why Sometimes They Marry Someone Else

Oh, dear reader, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found yourself pondering this question while sipping a hot cup of chamomile tea on a quiet Sunday morning. There’s something almost magically absurd about the notion of soulmates, isn’t there? And yet, it seems to captivate our hearts and minds, especially when we’re feeling a little nostalgic or sentimental.

Let me start by saying, if you think reading this article will give you the secret recipe to unveil this mystery, you might want to stop right here and go read the bumper stickers on your neighbor’s car instead. But if you’re the curious type, stick around—I guarantee you’ll leave with a smile on your face, and maybe, just maybe, a fresh perspective on this age-old question.

Stumbling Upon Love: A Tale as Old as Time

Picture this: It’s 1972. A young girl, fresh out of high school, meets a dashing young man at a local diner. She’s there for the pie, he’s there because he’s lost (men have a knack for that, don’t they?). Their eyes meet over the counter, and it’s like a John Wayne movie scene unfolding right before your eyes. They chat, share a laugh, and spend the entire evening discussing everything from baseball to their favorite Bible verses.

Is he her soulmate? Perhaps. But hold your horses, folks. Three months later, he’s shipped off to Vietnam, and life takes them their separate ways. Fast forward a few decades, and they’re both married—to different people. If you’re scratching your head and wondering what went wrong, you’re not alone. Sometimes, soulful connections come our way, but life, with all its unpredictability, plays a different hand.

The Mysterious Ways of Fate and Faith

Now, you might ask why God lets these almost-soulmates cross paths in the first place. Well, isn’t it far more mysterious than our Netflix dramas? In my sixty years of wisdom, I believe that God uses those encounters to shape us, to teach us lessons we’d miss otherwise. Sometimes, soulmates are like angels in disguise, sent to make us better for the ones we eventually end up with. Think of it as God’s way of refining your heart in His divine furnace.

My sister, Eleanor, loved a man in her youth who played the guitar so beautifully, it could make even the most stubborn grandpa tear up. Their love was like something out of a hymn—sweet and soul-soothing. But life had other plans. They parted ways, each marrying someone else. She always said that man taught her what love should feel like and how it should be expressed, making her a better wife to her husband of 40 years.

When the Sparks Don’t Fly Both Ways

Let’s face it—life isn’t always fair, and sometimes, those soul-stirring connections are just a one-sided affair. How many times have we heard Aunt Betty talk about her high-school sweetheart who never knew she existed? Infatuations, especially the youthful kind, can fool us into believing they’re something more prophetic. But just because someone sets our hearts ablaze doesn’t mean we’re destined to walk down the aisle with them.

For instance, I remember crushing on my pastor’s son, Thomas, for years. I was convinced he was my soulmate. Funny thing is, he never looked my way and eventually moved to Canada to become a lumberjack. Turns out, my real soulmate was right under my nose—a shy, kind-hearted man from my Bible study group who knows how to fix a leaky faucet and loves my apple pie as if it were divine manna from heaven.

Timing is Everything, Even in God’s Plan

Ever heard the saying, “Timing is everything”? Well, there’s a sliver of truth in that too. Believe it or not, some of us are fortunate—or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it—to meet our soulmates at the wrong time. Love should feel like a warm, snug blanket on a cold winter’s night, but sometimes it’s just out of reach because it’s July, and who needs a blanket in summer?

Take my Uncle Joe and Aunt Mabel, who met long after they both had their share of heartbreaks. Uncle Joe would recount how he felt a divine nudge every time he saw Mabel in church, widowed just like him. Still, they met again at God’s perfect timing, proving that love is patient and kind—even if it comes with a few wrinkles and gray hairs.

A Divine Sense of Humor

If you’re still hunting for that elusive soulmate, consider this: God may have a superb sense of humor. Those romantic movies make it look so easy, but real life? Oh, it’s like a slapstick comedy where you never see the pie coming. If we all met our soulmates in the most straightforward manner, where’s the fun in that? God knows we’ve got to have a little adventure, a bit of suspense, and maybe a few missteps to make our story worth telling.

So, dear reader, next time you find yourself pondering about soulmates while driving through the country or sitting on your porch, remember this—life’s path is woven with divine threads of mystery. Don’t be disheartened by what could have been. Instead, cherish those soulful encounters. They are God’s way of weaving a beautiful tapestry for each one of us. And if you haven’t found that person who makes your soul sing yet, hold on tight. The good Lord works in mysterious ways.