Caught on Camera: The Tale of a Rogue Dog in a Restaurant

Caught on Camera: The Tale of a Rogue Dog in a Restaurant

Oh, dear readers, buckle up because I have a piping hot tale just for you, fresh from the no-nonsense streets of Reddit! This juicy nugget will make you think twice about where to bring your fluffy sidekick next time you dine out. Intrigued? Good. Let’s dive in.

The Scene of the Crime

Our hero—or villain, depending on which side of the kibble you munch from—finds themselves in a Chipotle-style restaurant. Not just any restaurant, mind you; this is a local gem where culinary dreams come true, and by dreams, I mean burritos the size of a small toddler. Yum!

Imagine: you’re about to embark on a delightful gastronomic journey, burrito in hand, when—halt! What’s this? Behold, a couple with their four-legged fur baby, lounging on the restaurant’s furniture as if they own the place.

Code Enforcement 101

This is where things get crusty. Our righteous narrator decides that someone has to be the health code hero Gotham—erm, their county—deserves, and takes out their phone. Click. Snap. Whoosh! Picture taken, locked, and loaded. Their plan? A health code violation report supported by irrefutable photo evidence.

And let me tell you, if there were Oscars for Health Code Vigilantism, our storyteller would be a frontrunner. “Just the facts, ma’am,” they’d say, if anyone actually said that.

The Confrontation

But not so fast. It seems subtlety was never our protagonist’s forte. Before they could slip away into the shadows like a health-conscious ninja, the couple spots them. “Halt, cretin! Why are you snapping pics of us and our beloved canine?!” they demand, eyes narrowed and voices tinged with indignation. Okay, maybe they just asked why. Same diff.

Our brave soul responds with the grace of a middle school hall monitor, relaying that they intend to submit the picture as evidence of a health code violation. Ouch. The couple wasn’t having it. They plead, whine, and ultimately resort to name-calling, labeling our hero an asshole. I mean, the nerve! Here they are, flaunting health codes like it’s Mardi Gras, and suddenly they’re the victims?

The Aftermath

Did you think our knight in shining cellophane gave in? Ha! They stood their ground like a dog with a bone, refusing to delete the incriminating photograph. Talk about owning the moment! Even as one of the couple members followed them out, shouting about privacy violations, our protagonist remained cool, calm, and sassy: “I don’t care,” they declared before driving off into the sunset in their trusty truck.

A tale as old as time—or at least a Reddit thread: vigilante justice vs. public shaming. Now the question we’re all pondering: Was our burrito-loving, health code-enforcing narrator truly in the right, or were they just being, well, an asshole?

Roger’s Verdict

Drumroll, please! Here’s what your sassy neighborhood Roger thinks.

First off, honey, who brings a dog to an indoor restaurant and lets it flop all over the furniture? Seriously, save that for the outdoor patios or the dog cafes. I love fur babies as much as the next person, but even they need to obey the rules.

But let’s talk about our narrator. Sure, they didn’t win any awards for diplomacy, and they were as subtle as a bull in a china shop. Yet, can we fault them for wanting to ensure that restaurants remain allergen-free zones? I think not.

That said, there’s also a time and place for everything—including being a health code vigilante. Maybe, just maybe, our hero could have left the confrontation to the management? A little less confrontation, a little more conversation goes a long way.

In this simmering skillet of controversy, Roger deems our narrator a solid half-an-asshole. They had the right idea but perhaps executed it with the finesse of a bulldozer.

So, next time you see a dog on restaurant furniture, maybe think twice before pulling out your camera. Or you know, consider moving to another table and letting the restaurant staff handle it. Less stress, more salsa.

Stay sassy, my friends!

Original story

Throwaway and this just happened.  

I went to a chipotle style restaurant thats local to my area.  I ordered my food, got it, and was going to leave when I noticed a couple that had a dog with them.

  It just wasn’t with them, it was on the furniture.  This shit annoys me, its indoors at a restaurant which isn’t allowed.

While I’m not allergic, but my mom and brother have severe pet allergies.  

So I took a picture.  I didn’t say anything to them, I just took the picture.

    I wanted to submit a health code violation to my county and use the picture as proof.  I wasn’t going to use it for any other purpose than to submit and document a violation.


They noticed me and asked why I was taking their picture. I told them.

  They said they didn’t want their picture used for that.  I told them they should have thought about that before .

  They asked me to delete the picture.  I refused.

  They called me an asshole.  I go to leave and one of them follows me out and says I violated their privacy.

I told them I don’t care,  I got in my Truck and left.  AITA?