Baby Name Drama: When Your Sister-In-Law Names Her Kid After Your Planned Baby Name 🍿

Baby Name Drama: When Your Sister-In-Law Names Her Kid After Your Planned Baby Name 🍿

Let’s dive into a spicy little nugget from the treasure trove that is Reddit, the home of all things head-scratching and eyebrow-raising. Picture it: two families with names to pick and birth plans to make. Both blissfully unaware—or should I say blissfully in denial—of the impending name clash of the century! Buckle up, my darlings. This story has a hefty helping of family drama, spicy name collisions, and enough sass to serve at Thanksgiving.

The Tale of Two OisĂ­ns

Our protagonist, let’s call her Jane because she kept her Reddit alias out of the spotlight (good call, Jane), had a name plan. Jane and Mr. Irish Roots had been scheming to name their bouncing baby boy OisĂ­n. Yes, that would be OH-SHEEN for you phonetic warriors out there. But wait, there’s a plot twist! Jane’s brother and his wife decided that OisĂ­n was the golden ticket for their progeny as well.

Now, I hear you all gasping. Yes, all six billion of you! How could this happen? Didn’t they know?! Oh, they knew. Oh, Jane’s brother and sister-in-law knew alright. They had to have been present in the same room when the name was discussed, maybe during one of those delightful family gatherings with too many casseroles and not enough room for everyone’s feelings.

What in the Name of Losing Your Sanity?

Jane’s sister-in-law, henceforth known as Sister-in-Law Supreme (SIL-S), had the audacity—THE NERVE—to christen her newborn Oisín Miguel. Yes, you read that right. Borrowed the name like it was a cup of sugar from a neighbor.

Did Jane get mad? Did she light the family tree on fire? Break Irish whiskey bottles as a form of expressive performance art? Absolutely not. Our girl Jane played it cool, or at least as cool as one can be when family shenanigans are afoot. She went ahead and graced her own son with the name they’d dreamed up long before SIL-S could say “baby registry.” Oisín Daniel it was!

SIL-S Loses Her Marbles

Here’s where it gets juicy. SIL-S flipped out! Clearly, two OisĂ­ns in the same family line was akin to accepting Armageddon with open arms. How dare Jane name her baby OisĂ­n when her nephew already wandered the earth with THAT name! Why oh why did Jane commit such a heinous crime against familial nomenclature?

Insert crowd laughter here, because Jane’s family found SIL-S’s meltdown utterly hilarious. And why wouldn’t they? Our Hispanic matriarchy has been recycling names like they’re going out of style. Different Carloses and Camillas weave through their history like a shimmering, confusing tapestry of name repetition. Oh, the redundancy!

The Great Naming Debate

Our girl Jane just couldn’t be bothered. She told SIL-S to “piss off.” What’s in a name, after all, apart from a lifetime of confused holiday gatherings and double-takes when someone calls “Oisín” at the family picnic?

THE MOTHER—the all-knowing, all-seeing matriarch of Jane’s clan—remained Switzerland-level neutral. Still, she couldn’t hide her shock at SIL-S’s choice. She assumed her son, Jane’s brother, would stick to something classic in honor of their late father, rather than stepping into the murky waters of stolen Irish names.

Opinions, Opinions Everywhere

Jane’s husband and his family couldn’t stop laughing. They practically rolled on the floor at the absurdity of it all. Meanwhile, Jane’s extended family thought SIL-S’s choice was just plain odd.

Of course, SIL-S thinks Jane is a bona fide a-hole for sticking to her guns. But let’s cut to the chase here. Can anyone really claim ownership over a name? And that’s why Jane threw this drama onto Reddit like a guilty button on a late-night snack binge.

Roger’s Take: Baby Name Thievery and The Family Connection Conundrum

Now, let’s be real for a hot second. Was choosing Oisín worth the familial apocalypse? Are two tiny humans cursed to roam this earth having to differentiate themselves as Oisín I and Oisín II for eternity? Maybe, maybe not.

Here’s my sassy take: The world of baby-naming is a Wild West. It’s a lawless land where all’s fair in love and baby registries. Jane had every right to name her child Oisín, especially considering she and Mr. Irish Roots practically dipped the name in gold and stuck a “reserved” sign on it since day one.

SIL-S’s decision reeks of pettiness, especially since Miguel was right there, just gleaming with opportunity. The shared genetic pool of cousins with the same name isn’t an unholy cultural abomination; it’s a chance for double trouble!

So no, Jane, you’re not an a-hole. You’re a gal who sticks to her principles, who doesn’t let anyone—even those sidestepping sister-in-laws—rain on her baby-naming parade. You deserve applause for staying true and for providing us with such delectable drama to devour.

And that’s my two cents. Or two Oisíns, if you will.

Original story

My brother and his wife has as much right to name their child whatever they want. I do not own my name.

I have no right to dictate to my brother what he names his kid.

With that in mind my husband’s has a traditional family name that I love. Basically since he and I were dating and started discussing our future we agreed that our son would have that name.


My husband is Irish. Not in the Boston, my great great great grandfather came over in the 1800s kind of way.

In the born in Galway kind of way.

Neither my family or my sister in-law have any other connection to Ireland.

She got pregnant right around when I did and her son was born two months before ours.

They named my nephew OisĂ­n Miguel.

I did get upset or anything.

When my son was born we named him OisĂ­n Daniel. Like I had told her we would be doing.

She has flipped out that two cousins will have the same name. She is nuts because our family is Hispanic and half of our cousins are named Carlos or Camilla.

She is trying to insist we call him by his middle name or change his name. I told her to piss off.

My mom is staying neutral but she was very surprised that my brother gave his son an Irish name he knew I was planning on using. She expected him to name him for our late father.

Anyways my husband’s family thinks the whole thing is hilarious, my family thinks my sister in-law is a weirdo and she thinks I’m an asshole for copying her.

Whatever. I’m posting here and sending her the link so she can see outside opinions.