Apple Watches, Toxic Exes, and a Tight Squeeze: One Wild Ride of a Birthday Dilemma

Apple Watches, Toxic Exes, and a Tight Squeeze: One Wild Ride of a Birthday Dilemma

Gather ’round, folks, because I’ve got a juicy, real-life Reddit drama for you today. Our protagonist found herself smack dab in a birthday dilemma involving twin 17-year-olds, a generous partner, and a bitter ex. Buckle up, because this one takes a few sharp turns and comes with an extra side of sass.

The Twin Trouble

Let’s set the scene: We’ve got a dedicated mom pulling her hair out trying to figure out the perfect birthday gifts for her twin 17-year-olds. And because life loves to throw a wrench in the gears, she’s got an ex who I’ll kindly describe as less than supportive when it comes to her current beau. Oh, and did I mention this mother also has a 15-year-old who’s been dying for some wrist bling in the form of an Apple Watch?

The Knight in Shining Silicone

Enter the partner. Not just any partner—a modern-day knight armed with an Amex and a heart of gold (or maybe platinum, who knows?). This guy didn’t just help solve the gift dilemma; he swooped in and upgraded the whole birthday shebang! He snagged Apple Watches not just for the twins but for the 15-year-old as well. Cue the waterworks from our gal who never wanted to ask “too much” of her beau, especially since, wait for it, these aren’t even his kids. Talk about going above and beyond!

Our generous hero sees things differently. He’s in this relationship for the long haul and considers these kids as much a part of his life as their mother. Swoon.

The Toxic Ex-Traction

Now, because no good deed goes unpunished, the father of her children had to chime in. And what a shocker, he wasn’t jumping for joy over the new wrist candy his kids were sporting. Nope, instead he belittled the gifts and threw serious shade. I’m talking industrial-strength toxicity here, folks. But it gets better—his delightful little tirade had an unexpected benefit.

It seems that the twin who was still living with him decided the Apple Watches were the final straw. She could no longer stand the acrid fumes of her father’s toxic ego and asked Mom if she could move in with her and Mr. Benevolent Apple Watch Giver.

The Tight Squeeze Solution

So, now we’ve got Mom, the hero partner, a 15-year-old, and two 17-year-olds trying to make it work under one roof. Will it be a tight squeeze? Absolutely. Will it be totally worth it? You better believe it. This feels like the blended family fairytale we all never knew we needed. Besides, what’s a little tight space when you’ve got some shiny new tech gadgets to keep everyone entertained?

Roger’s Eye-Rolling Opinion

Okay, buckle up for my two cents, because you know I can’t resist:

First off, huge props to the partner for stepping up. We love a man who’s not just along for the ride but takes the wheel like Jeff Gordon. Anyone who can turn a family birthday drama into a shopping spree victory gets a gold star from me. Or, more fittingly, an Apple Watch.

As for the ex—oh honey, get over yourself. If your best tactic is to trash presents that bring joy to your kids, maybe you should take a long, hard look in the mirror. Spoiler alert: the problem isn’t the watch, it’s your ego.

Last but not least, Mom deserves kudos too. Trying to keep the peace and navigate these murky waters is no small task. Embrace the chaos, cherish the close quarters, and always remember, it’s a tight squeeze now, but the love and support are what will make this new living situation work. After all, families aren’t made in spacious homes; they’re built in the little moments—the laughs, the tears, and yes, even the tech gifts.

Original story

Their birthday was on Monday and not only did my partner help me get them each an Apple Watch, but he got one for my 15 year old son as well who really wanted one. 😭.

I haven’t wanted any help with stuff like that because I don’t want to ask too much of a him when they aren’t even his kids, but he doesn’t see it that way.

Another update as well, both of my 17 year olds want to live with us. It’s going to be a tight squeeze, but we are making it happen.

My children’s father was mad about the watches and he was belittling and trashing on the gifts. He was being incredibly toxic and so she wants to get away from him.