Am I The Jerk for Not Wanting to Dress Up Because My Aunt Said So?

Am I The Jerk for Not Wanting to Dress Up Because My Aunt Said So?

Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a teenager! Today, darlings, I bring you a tale from the realms of Reddit, shared by a young soul, a 14-year-old boy who dared to question the dictates of what to wear. Buckle up, because things are about to get delightfully dramatic.

The Set-Up: Small Concerts and Even Smaller Patience

Our protagonist, let’s call him Jimmy (because, why not?), shared his woes on Reddit, and I must say, I am here for it. Jimmy’s aunt—a lovely, opinionated woman—has a daughter who takes piano classes. Cue the adorable image of an 8-year-old in a sparkly dress plinking out ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. Now, these piano classes do what many do: they host little concerts. Small, intimate events where the family comes, pretends to tolerate Beethoven’s 5th Symphony for beginners, and claps politely as if the kids were performing at Carnegie Hall.

Jimmy, a man of principle (and jeans), attended one such concert. He showed up, clad in his battle armor: jeans and a T-shirt. Auntie Dearest, however, was not pleased. Fast forward to planning the next concert, and Auntie declares, “This time, Jimmy will dress appropriately: white shirt and a tie.”

Houston, We Have Rebellion

Jimmy, understandably, was taken aback. Did his aunt just try to commandeer his wardrobe? In his mind, there was no way he was going to succumb to such tyranny. The audacity!

So, in the midst of Sunday family time, Jimmy hears his name being volunteered for a fashion metamorphosis. The words “white shirt and a tie” sparked a defiant, “No way am I dressing up like that for a stupid kid’s concert!” Ah, yes, folks. That sizzling teenage rebellion, spiced with frustration.

Parental Plan B: The Dress-Up Match

Mom, not to be outmaneuvered, decides to throw in her two cents. Post-argument, she declares, “I would have been okay with a polo and nicer pants, but now you’re wearing the white shirt with dress slacks and the tie because you had to fight with your aunt and embarrass me.” Talk about a plot twist! Suddenly, the stakes are high, and Jimmy’s PS5 is held hostage.

Yep, you heard correctly. Jimmy’s PS5 liberation depends entirely on whether he can swallow his pride and don the ensemble of corporate America.

Who is the Real Villain?

So here we are, faced with the question: Is Jimmy the jerk for digging his teenage heels into this sartorial battle? Or is Auntie Overstep asking too much, transforming a harmless concert into a runway for Sad Teens?

Roger’s Expert (and Bemused) Take

Oh, Jimmy, Jimmy… What a delightful mess you’ve made. First, let me congratulate you on standing up for your sartorial beliefs. There’s a time and place for rebellion, and apparently, this was not it. On one hand, I sympathize—being forced into formal wear for what essentially is a glorified piano recital can feel like cruel and unusual punishment. I mean, who hasn’t felt the oppressive yoke of dress codes?

But let’s be real: You argued with Auntie Drama in front of the fambam, crossing the fine line between teenage indignation and outright defiance. It’s not just about the clothes; it’s about challenging authority and household harmony. Your mom’s caught in the crossfire, and let’s face it, sweetheart, she’s got broader battles to fight than your wardrobe hiccups.

In conclusion, are you the jerk? Mmm, maybe a smidge. Embrace the tie for one night, liberate your PlayStation, and maybe—just maybe—find a clandestine way to loosen the damn thing when no one’s looking. Use this opportunity to hone your skill of negotiating with adults; trust me, it’s an art form you’ll use well into your twenties.

There you have it, Jimmy! Dress up this once, appease the masses, and live to fight another day in casual wear.

With sassy love and impeccable style, Roger

Original story

My(14m) aunt’s daughter (8) takes piano classes and sometimes they do these “concerts” with other kids of her music school. They’re just small gigs, mostly family watching.

I went once, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, which annoyed my aunt, but I couldn’t care less.

Fast forward to last Sunday, we’re at my aunt’s, and she’s talking about the next concert this Friday. She goes, “Blah blah and Ok_Vacation will dress up appropiatly this time too!

Nice white shirt and a tie.” I wasn’t paying attention until I heard that.

I was like, no way am I dressing up like that for a stupid kids’ concert. Yeah, maybe I overreacted, but I was mad that she thought she could boss me around, especially knowing I hate to wear this!

There’s a bit of arguing, and then my mom jumps in, saying we’ll deal with it later. So, we get home, and my mom’s like, “I would have been ok with a polo and nicer pants, but now you’re wearing the white shirt with dress slacks and the tie because you had to fight with your aunt and embarass me.

And guess what? You’ll wear your tie at the restaurant too, or else, i’m taking your PS5.

” I tried to argue but no chance, she’s still pissed because i argued with my aunt and in front of my cousin.

Seriously, WTF? Just because my aunt wants me to be the only one at my age who’s dressed up at this stupid kids’ concert?

Thats embarassing and she knows very well how much i hate to dress like this! And my mom’s backing her up because I spoke up?

Of course, I’m gonna argue! Why should I put up with that?

I’m so mad. I just can’t and don’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me in those clothes after I argued with her about it before.

I don’t wanna wear that crap for a dumb kids concert! And I can’t even stay home.

I’m so pissed, but my mom acts like this is all my fault. AITA?