Am I the Asshole for Kicking My Spouse Out? Roger Weighs In on a Real-Life Reddit Dilemma

Am I the Asshole for Kicking My Spouse Out? Roger Weighs In on a Real-Life Reddit Dilemma

Gather ’round, dear readers. Today, we’ve got ourselves a piping-hot Reddit drama that’s almost too juicy for words. But I’m Roger, and darling, if there’s anyone who can savor the flavor of a Reddit AITA post and serve it with a side of sass, it’s yours truly. So, put on your seatbelts, grab some popcorn, and let’s dive into this roller coaster of addiction, trust issues, and some good ol’ fashioned amateur sleuthing.

The Tale of Sobriety and Suspicions

Our protagonist today is a 28-year-old woman who has been wrestling with quite a predicament. She has been married to her non-binary spouse, who has had a tumultuous relationship with addiction. These two lovebirds initially met in 2017 when the spouse had already clocked in a solid year of sobriety. Fast forward seven years, and things were swimming along fine until last year when temptation knocked on their door, and her spouse answered it by raiding her ADHD medication. Yikes.

The Sleuth Godmother

Now, here’s where things start to look like a scene out of an unscripted ‘Sherlock Holmes’ episode. After the initial relapse, our Reddit reader puts on her detective hat. She recounts several instances where her ADHD meds seem to have magically vanished into thin air – first a few pills here, then a few more there. She even started having the pharmacy count them out and documented the process on video. Honey, if there’s ever a surveillance hall of fame, she’s surely got a spot reserved.

The Heartbreaking Reality

Imagine reaching a point where you know something’s fishy, but your gut just won’t allow you to fully trust the narrative. Our protagonist kept detailed records, crunched the numbers, and basically ran a tight ship. Still, things didn’t add up. Each time she was away or took a break from her meticulous tracking, pills went M.I.A. The only possible suspect in their home was her spouse. With no guests around and all the evidence pointing in one direction, she did what any rational, fed-up partner would do. She issued an ultimatum. ‘Fess up or get out! And what did her spouse do? The denial dance, of course.

Roger’s Unapologetic Take

Alright, now let’s get real. Addiction is a beast, and managing it requires Herculean strength and relentless support. But let’s not sugarcoat things – trust is the bedrock of a relationship. And honey, if that trust has more cracks than a dry lake bed in a drought, then it’s time for some tough love.

First off, our Reddit heroine has shown Mad Max levels of patience. She tried to help, forgave, and even turned into a one-person surveillance team sans eyepatch and parrot. But when behavior patterns scream louder than words and precious medication goes on walkabout, well, sweetie, it’s time to draw the line. If her spouse can’t come clean, despite overwhelming evidence, and continues to deny pilfering those pills, it doesn’t just breach trust. It blows it to smithereens.

So, am I crowning our Redditor the ‘Asshole of the Century’ for showing the door to her spouse? Absolutely not! If anything, I’m mailing her a certificate of bravery (or at least I would if I wasn’t all talk and sarcasm) for choosing to prioritize her mental health. Addicts who don’t acknowledge their transgressions cannot be helped – that’s the cold, hard truth.

Closing Thoughts

No relationship is without its challenges, but when addiction rears its ugly head and begins to erode trust, honesty becomes non-negotiable. If this Reddit reader hadn’t taken a stand, she might have continued on this merry-go-round of deception and loss. And darling, life’s too short for that kind of drama.

If you, dear reader, find yourself in a similar predicament, remember to trust your instincts, be firm but compassionate, and never feel guilty for putting your well-being first. And there you have it – my two sassy cents on this tangled tale.

Original story

My (28 f) spouse (37 non binary) is an addict. When we first met in 2017 they were already a year sober (since 2016)We’ve been together almost 7 years and they had 7 years of sobriety until they relapsed last year.

I know addiction is a disease. I never reacted in a way that was in rage (even when warranted) and immediately focused to “how can I help you”.

I feel like I’ve been incredibly selfless in our relationship and now I’m starting to feel taken advantage of. Since they relapsed last year by stealing my adhd medication, they have maintained another year sober.

Well a couple months ago I had an instance where my medication was short drastically. They told me it wasn’t them, they have their own prescription now and have a close relationship to their sponsor etc.

so I thought maybe the pharmacy messed up and shorted me (even tho they are dual controlled and signed off). It happened again but I didn’t have the pharmacy count them before I took them home.

This instance I picked up my prescription of 28, left it for a couple of days in our living room because I was sick. I go to open it and I was missing 10.

Because I had no physical proof. I assumed again, couldn’t be my spouse.

Had to be the pharmacy.

Well each prescription I’ve gotten I’ve had the pharmacy count out and I video it. I video it when I take it in the morning and use a med tracker on my phone.

And the end of last month I went out of town for a few days and got out my schedule I thought I should have roughly 17 pills but I only had 13. I didn’t think much of it and just continued on but I had a gut feeling my spouse was going thru my pill bottle in my purse where I kept them.

I started tracking it again with videos and my med tracker and ended at 9 in that bottle before I saw my doctor and actually asked for an increase because I wasn’t getting a benefit. I know I left that old bottle with 9 pills.

I kept videoing it until last Friday. I refilled my new bottle and picked it up Friday too.

I took my first one out of my new bottle (which I had the pharmacy count in front of me) saturday and videoed 27 pills left. I did not take one today (Sunday) because I woke up so late.

I videoed it and I counted out 24 pills.

I have gaslit myself into thinking I’m taking them. I know I’m not.

I went to the old bottle and there was 6 not 9. There is no one else living with us and no one has come over.

I told my spouse today when they got home they have one chance to be honest or they can leave. They still are saying they didn’t do this.

Am I the asshole?