AITA? When Hubby Throws You Under the Bus at a High School Reunion

Oh, darlings, gather around because have I got a juicy morsel from the depths of Reddit for you today. It’s a tale as old as time, or at least as old as dating apps, which let’s be honest, in the grand timeline of human romance, is basically the equivalent of a hot minute ago. So, let’s dive into this real story from a real person that’s bound to have your eyebrows hitting your hairline faster than you can say, ‘swipe left.’

Imagine this: You’re 42, fabulous, and find yourself at your husband’s high school reunion. A setting so fraught with potential social landmines, it might as well be a screenplay for a rom-com starring Jennifer Lopez. Except, there’s no romantic comedy in sight, just a cringe-worthy horror show waiting to unfold. You’re already feeling like a fish out of water, when suddenly, you’re the main course on the menu of humiliation, served up by none other than your hubby. He, at a sprightly 48, decides it’s the perfect time to crack a ‘joke’ at your expense, suggesting to his old pals (with a nudge and a wink) that you were perhaps a tad *too* familiar with the dating app where you two lovebirds met. Cue the record scratch because what?

Now, let’s pause for a hot second. If the love of your life implied in front of a crowd that you’re the veteran of the swipe right, wouldn’t you be slightly miffed? Our protagonist certainly was, and rightly so. The ‘just a joke’ defense falls flatter than a pancake under a steamroller. Especially since she’s been nothing but true about her online romancing tenure. The walk home turns into the Bataan Death March of awkward conversations, with our heroine expressing her hurt, only to be met with accusations of assuming the worst. Classic move, right?

And here we are, left pondering: AITA for not taking a joke? Honey, if someone makes you the butt of a joke at a social event where you’re already playing the unfamiliarity game on hard mode, it’s not about not having a sense of humor. It’s about respect, or the startling lack thereof.

**Roger’s Hot Take:** Sweeties, here’s the tea. It’s one thing to poke fun at each other in the privacy of your home, where love and mutual understanding soften the blow. It’s another to do it in front of an audience, armed with nothing but your vulnerability and a plastic smile to shield you from the embarrassment. Humor, especially in a marriage, should be a two-way street, paved with the bricks of mutual respect and understanding. If one person isn’t laughing, then it’s not a joke; it’s just plain rude. So, to the lovely lady questioning whether she’s the antagonist for not giggling along as her dignity was used as a punchline, you’re NTA. Your feelings are valid, and perhaps it’s time for a serious chat with the hubby about what’s funny and what’s just straight-up folly.

And to all you dears out there in the land of love and laughs, remember: the best relationships are those where you’re both the jokesters and the butt of the jokes. But it’s all about balance, consent, and never at the cost of the other’s comfort. Now, go forth and swipe right on respect, will you?

Original story

My (42F) husband 48(M) brought me to an alumni event for his high school. I didn’t know anyone there and was slightly uncomfortable but making the best of it by his side. We got into a conversation with a group of men and one asked how we met. We told them we met on an app and then my husband says “I suspect she was on that app longer than she told me at first” and he smiled and kind wink wink at his old buddies. This didn’t sit well with me so after I asked him if he meant that and he said it was just a joke. That answer also didn’t sit well with me because it was kind of embarrassing and hurtful that he would throw that out there and it’s also just not true I never told him anything untrue about how long I was on that app. So as we walked home he asked me what I was thinking about and I said I was still feeling hurt and embarrassed about the comment he made and now we have been fighting about that and how I always assume the worst etc etc things calmed down and I’m told him that the reunion situation is awkward for me and being the butt of a joke just really didn’t help idk AITA for not
Taking a joke ?