AITA for Underdressing at a Party? A Story of Crop Tops, Drunken Drama, and Unsolicited Opinions

Introduction: What happens when a well-meaning wardrobe choice turns into a social scandal? You get an epic display of pettiness that could rival any soap opera. Ladies, gentlemen, and fabulous non-binary folks, buckle up because today’s saucy tale is inspired by a real Reddit post from a real person. Prepare for a ride through crop tops, bad decisions, and the kind of childish antics you thought you left behind in high school. Here’s Joan, your favorite expert writer with an attitude, to dish out the dirt and sprinkle some wisdom.

A Daring Outfit Choice

Picture this: A 19-year-old young woman, let’s call her **Fashionista Fab**, is invited to a birthday bash as a plus-one. Sounds innocent enough, right? She doesn’t know the birthday boy, Brandon, very well, but RSVP’ing wasn’t a Herculean task—because friends, duh. So, naturally, she decided to tag along.

The eve of the party was spent with her BFF on an utterly necessary shopping spree (as one does). The winning ensemble? A cute crop top and some shorts, perfect for slaying in the summer. Her friend assured her that showing off a bit of skin wouldn’t offend anyone because, what is this, the Dark Ages? So off she went, armed with self-confidence and wardrobe flair.

The Party: Cue the Drama

The night of the event, our **Fashionista Fab** sashayed in looking like a summer dream, crop top and all. Initially, the party buzzed with the usual chatter, laughter, and a splash of alcohol. But here comes the plot twist: as cups were refilled, Brandon—the celebrant—decided it was open mic night for mean-spirited heckling.

Starting with small jabs about her appearance that could be passed off as harmless (if you squint hard enough), it soon escalated into outright hostile comments. Drunk and devoid of manners, Brandon was more like a belligerent toddler than a host. Is there a poor taste award? Brandon was gunning for gold, folks.

Our heroine, trying to defuse the situation, tied her hoodie around her waist—a fashion statement turned makeshift armor—to no avail. When she realized that the verbal attack wouldn’t cease, she did what any self-respecting queen would: slipped out quietly without a fuss. Goodbye, toxicity; hello, sanity.

The Morning After: Wake-Up Texts and Blocked Responses

Sun rises, and so does the drama level. Ding! An **essay** of a text message appears from Brandon’s girlfriend, filled with a *TL;DR* of pure affront. Alleging that our **Fashionista Fab** had rudely underdressed and then ghosted the party prematurely without so much as a “ta-ta,” she unceremoniously dumped all the blame in an SMS tirade. And as gravy on this drama-filled roast, she promptly blocked any chance for a rebuttal. Genius move if you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon.

Confused, **Fashionista Fab** reached out to her friend, only to discover that after her departure, Brandon had an encore tirade accusing her of trying to “come onto him.” If narcissism and delusion had offspring, they’d name him Brandon. Apparently, his girlfriend had the remarkable ability to twist “comfort” into “confront.” One assumes the next trick will be balloon animals.

Sincerely, Yours in Wardrobe Realness

In summary, here we have a classic case of “blame the woman for men’s inability to act right.” Cue eye roll. The fact that **Fashionista Fab** even needs to question if she’s the jerk here is proof positive that we are collectively failing in Fashionable Fabulosity 101.

**Joan’s Verdict**: Honey, let me be crystal clear. You showed up looking fab, tolerating more than your fair share of birthday-boy BS, and exited with grace. Your outfit was not the problem; Brandon’s lack of social decency was. Him and his girlfriend win the Petty Party of the Year Award.

So to our dear Reddit poster, I say this: don’t let the party poopers dictate your style or steal your sparkle. The scales of justice are firmly in your favor, crop top and all. You’re not just *not* the A-hole, darling—you’re the hero in a tragicomedy starring the most dramatic partygoers since Mean Girls. Long live the crop top and shorts duo!

Original story

A few days ago I (19 F) was invited to a birthday party for my friends roomate (who ill call brandon) as a plus 1. I dont know the guy very well but I decided I’d go along anyway since it was my friend who invited me.

The day before, I went out with her to pick out some clothes for it. I eventually decided on a nice crop top I found.

I was told by my friend that it should be fine, and that I wouldn’t be offending anyone by showing off a little skin, plus I thought it looked cute so why not?

Come the time of the party: at this point I arrive wearing the crop top that I picked out, and some shorts. I also had a hoodie tied around my waist incase we went outside for a fire later in the night.

Most of the party was fine up until people started getting tipsy. The birthday boy in particular, had a few words to say about me.

First it was little jabs at how I look, stuff that could be played off as playful banter..

. but then he started getting more aggressive with it as the night went on, eventually it got so bad that I put on my hoodie to see if hed stop, but after he didn’t I decided to leave.

(I left quietly without a word).

This morning I was woken up to this absolute essay of a text message from the guys girlfriend. The tl;dr was basically explaining how she was “dissatisfied with the outcome of the party.

” She continued to explain that me leaving prematurely without saying goodbye was rude, and that I had no right to arrive so “underdressed”. I tried replying to the message to explain my side of the story but she blocked me.

I reached out to my friend asking if they are aware of any of this happening on their end and she told me that after I left, brandon went on a huge rant when he realized I was gone about my choice of clothes and that he made the claim that I was trying to “come onto him” which isnt true at all. She also said that she was the one who gave his girlfriend my number, but that she was told it was to “comfort me about the situation” part of me believes she misheard “confront” as “comfort”

I personally dont believe im the asshole here. But I’ve had similar moments where I really was an asshole and didn’t realize it so I thought id check here.