AITA for threatening to call the cops?

Grab your popcorn, folks, because it’s time for another wild ride courtesy of everyone’s favorite place for drama: Reddit’s Am I The Asshole? (AITA) subreddit. And let me tell you, today’s episode is a doozy.

Picture this: A frantic parent rushing to the hospital because their kid’s appendix is about to burst like a firework on the Fourth of July, only to find some rando’s car blocking their driveway like it’s no big deal. Now, if that doesn’t get your pulse racing, I don’t know what will. So, let’s dive into the juicy details, shall we?

The Not-So-Great Gatsby Party

Our protagonist (let’s call her Mom-of-the-Year, because honestly, she deserves it) starts her harrowing tale with a late-night hospital trip that no parent ever wants to make. Her child, a cherub with more resilience than any grown adult, was suffering from intense pains. The pediatrician’s word was practically gospel: Get to the hospital, stat. Spoiler alert, it was appendicitis. Cue the ER theme music.

So, Mom-of-the-Year is ready to play Mario Kart through the streets to get her kid to the ER when she’s suddenly confronted with a real-life Tetris conundrum. Imagine her trying to push her minivan out of her driveway, only to find it blocked in by some numbnut’s car. I don’t know about you, but my blood pressure is rising just thinking about it.

Some People Just Can’t Park

In a panic, she wakes up her husband with the subtlety of a foghorn—because hello, child’s life at stake and all that. Meanwhile, our neighborhood hero (read: the inconsiderate party guest) hears the commotion and saunters out. He must have been Liars Club at that party because he has zero sense of urgency. After a flurry of hurried apologies—which are about as useful as a chocolate teapot—Captain Block-head moves his car.

Mom-of-the-Year and her kid make it to the hospital, crisis averted (sort of). But the saga doesn’t end there, oh no. The next morning, like a hungover rooster, the party host rocks up bright and early. Rather than deliver muffins or some semblance of remorse, he decides to go full tilt Karen on our heroine.

The Audacity of This Guy

Let’s paint the scene: he’s all ruffled feathers, squawking about how she dared to threaten his blissful booze-athon. “You threatened to ruin my party?” he crows, sounding like the world’s least-efficient parrot.

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but last time I checked, getting your child medical attention beats any party etiquette. But, alas, party host isn’t getting it. He’s trotting out the greatest hits of entitlement: disbelief, blame-shifting, and—wait for it—a one-finger salute. Yes, darlings, he flipped her off and strode away.

Neighboring Nightmares and Moving Mayhem

So, where does this leave our moral compass needle? Mom-of-the-Year is understandably contemplating a move because who wants to live next to a deranged frat boy who thinks a parking space is sacred? She bought her house, invested her soul into making it a home, only to deal with Mister “I think your driveway is an acceptable parking lot”.

Honestly, what is it with people parking like they have the spatial awareness of a potato?

Joan’s Wit and Wisdom

Alright, readers, here’s where I come in and sprinkle some Joan-flavored wisdom on this steaming hot mess. Let’s dissect this, shall we?

First off: Mom-of-the-Year, you are as far from the AH as possible. In fact, if someone whipped out an award for calm under pressure, you’d get it. You acted with urgency because your kid’s health was on the line. Threatening to call the police was not only justified, it was understated. Had it been me, I would have been dialing 911 faster than you can say “towed.”

Secondly: The neighbor and his party guest are the real AHs in this scenario. Who does that? Imagining someone blocking my driveway in an emergency makes my blood boil faster than a kettle left on high.

Finally, consider this: your house is your haven, your sweet escape from the daily grind. Don’t let raucous riff-raff sour it for you. If they can’t act like decent human beings, that’s on them. Maybe it’s time for a neighborhood meeting, or a strongly worded letter, or a gate for your driveway booth. Or, heck, start parking in front of their driveway just to see how they like it.

In conclusion, darlings, this story is a textbook case of who the real AH is, and it’s certainly not our gallant Mom-of-the-Year. She’s more like a superheroine who deserves a medal for not flipping tables and calling every tow truck in town. So, Mom-of-the-Year, keep your chin up, and for the love of everything good, install a “No Parking” sign with your neighbor’s name on it. You’ve earned it.

Until next time, stay sassy and remember: you’re never the AH for protecting your loved ones.

Original story

So I am currently writing this exhausted after being in the hospital since last night.

My son had a high fever and stomach pain. I called his pediatrician and they told me to get him to the hospital as it sounded like his appendix.

(It was and they had it removed from my young child)

Anyway I went to take him to the hospital and found a car blocking my driveway. (1 car driveway) not like the nose of the car the whole car was blocking me in.

I’m freaking out yelling at my husband that we need to call the cops get this towed so we can go. The neighbors were having a party and the guest came running out when he heard me.

Said he was sorry and moved. We just got in the car and left.

This morning my neighbor who was having the party came over angry asking why I threatened to call the cops on his friend and ruin his party.

I simply informed him of what happened and that if he parked on the street not blocking me in I wouldn’t have said anything and next time maybe have them park infront of their own driveway so not to impact anyone that could have emergencies.

He flipped me off and called me an AH and walked away? So am I the AH, honestly starting to want to move from this neighborhood but I love my home that we bought.