AITA for Telling My Mom I Don’t Trust Her Anymore?

Honey, buckle up because we’re diving into a tale straight from the drama-filled depths of Reddit’s AITA (Am I The Asshole) thread. This one’s got everything: family feuds, birthday mishaps, and—oh yes—a beloved pooch caught in the crossfire. Grab your popcorn, because this is one for the ages.

The Setup

Our protagonist, a fresh 20-year-old—although her mother seems to have missed that memo—found themselves in a tight spot. Mom’s new fiancé is allergic to dogs and she decided, without as much as a dinner-table discussion, that Fido had to go to the shelter. Yep, you read that right. No negotiations, no compromises, nada.

Now, let’s simmer in that for a second. How would you feel if someone told you to toss your furry friend to the curb like yesterday’s leftovers? Exactly. Fasten your seat belts because we’re just getting started.

The Great Escape

So, what did our hero do? She grabbed her dog and hightailed it to her dad’s place. Cue the dramatic escape music. But wait, it gets juicier. Mom decides to storm after her, pretending her child wasn’t legally an adult. Oh, sweet summer child, if only you had remembered your daughter’s birthday!

Picture this: a fuming mother beside herself with rage and embarrassment when she gets hit with the news that her baby girl is—surprise, surprise—actually 20 years old. The look on her face must’ve been priceless.

The Confrontation

In a desperate bid to save face—or prevent herself from being branded the ultimate villain—Mom suggests her fiancé could take allergy pills. It’s cute how she’s backpedaling now. But our heroine wasn’t here for the half-baked apologies. She told her mom, point blank, that she didn’t trust her not to pull a fast one while she’s at uni or work. Ouch. That one hit deep.

Now, the sister—bless her heart—piped up with some unsolicited advice, suggesting that maybe bluntly telling Mom she was untrustworthy wasn’t the most diplomatic move. But our brave soul stood firm, showing that she’s not about to be manipulated into relenting.

The Aftermath

In an update that gave us life, our protagonist reiterated her stance to Mom during a phone call. The dog stays, the trust doesn’t, and she’s not going back. Talk about standing your ground!

Joan’s Two Sassy Cents

Okay, darlings, here’s where ol’ Joan lays down her verdict. First off, kudos to this young woman for valuing her furry friend and standing up for herself. This isn’t just about a dog—though, of course, the pupper is the unsuspecting victim here. It’s about control, respect, and trust.

So, is she the asshole? In my not-so-humble opinion: absolutely not. Yes, the truth can be harsh, but sometimes it needs to be shouted from the rooftops.

The mom, on the other hand, might want to take a long hard look in the mirror. If she really wants to mend the relationships and blend this new family, respecting her daughter’s autonomy and beloved pet would be a stellar start.

To all reading this and thinking of booting a beloved pet for a new fling’s allergies, take a page from this story. Communication, compromise, and most of all respect are key. And if all else fails, remember allergy pills do exist for a reason. Voilà!

Until next time, stay fabulous and keep those drama radar tuned!

Original story

My(20) mom told me that her fiance is allergic to dogs and said that we are taking my dog to the shelter so that he can move in. No negotiation.

Did not hear a word I had to say. Now the age of majority of our country is 20 so up until two weeks ago I was still a minor.

My mom didn’t know that I’m already 20 though. She forgot my birthday.

When I took my dog and went to my dad’s yesterday, she came over, saying I can’t just leave like that. Even threatened to take my dad to court if he didn’t return me.

So I told her I’m already 20.

She was very embarrassed. Then she said that maybe her fiance could try getting those pills to deal with allergy.

I said no and she asked me why, so I told her I don’t trust her not to take my dog to the shelter behind my back. She was very upset to hear it and my sister told me that while she agrees with not trusting me, some things are better left unsaid and that telling mom I no longer trust her didn’t do anything other than hurt her feelings.

I’m still firm in my resolve to not go back there. I really don’t trust her.

But was I wrong for telling her so?

UPDATE : She called me and I reaffirmed my position to her, telling her that under no circumstances am I going back since there is no telling what she would try to do when I’m at uni or work. Not safe.

Just not worth taking the risk.