AITA for Speaking to My Stepmom Like She’s Dumb?

Oh, the delightful world of family dynamics! What a tangled, messy, and sometimes hilarious web it can be. Today, darlings, we’re exploring a juicy Reddit post from a 17-year-old princess who’s stuck in the midst of a familial tug-of-war. Buckle up, because this rollercoaster of emotional carnage and sassy rebukes is a wild ride.

The Background: Meet the Cast

Our story’s leading lady, let’s call her G, has been co-starring in a drama with her stepmom since she was the tender age of four. Her biological mom? Let’s just say she exits stage left pretty early on, leaving dad and stepmom to play the heroic duo. Almost sounds like a Disney flick, minus the singing animals and the happily ever after.

In the latest act of this melodramatic play, G’s sister innocently asks dad about bio mom. Enter Stepmom, whose jealousy could rival that of a reality TV contestant. Cue the ridiculous monologues and catty comments whispered not-so-surreptitiously around the house.

Catty Comments and a Rise in Tension

Now Stepmom, bless her soul, decides it’s therapy hour and drops unfiltered, unsolicited comments about bio mom. The kind of remarks that would make even the sturdiest ice-queen cringe. From implying that bio mom chose drugs and mental illness over the kids, to dropping a disturbing truth bomb about mom’s absence, Stepmom’s not holding back. Oh honey, if consistency is key, she’s unlocked the door to family discord.

But here’s the kicker: Stepmom alleges she’s been mistreated. Because, of course, the logical response when kids ask about their biological mom is to unleash a verbal onslaught so toxic it could melt FaceTune off an Instagram influencer.

A Teen Torn Between Two Worlds

Our girl G, being the freakishly sagacious 17-year-old she is, confronts Stepmom with the grace and maturity of a seasoned diplomat (hello, future Secretary of State?). She tells her straight out: “Hey, enough of the cutting remarks about Mom. We get it, alright? She was no Mother Teresa, but chill, she’s still part of our DNA. Cut her some slack, at least during dinner!”

G even goes further, dropping truth bombs right back at Stepmom. She highlights the absurdity of the constant negativity, suggesting the tables turned wouldn’t feel so hot if disparaging remarks started flying about Stepmom’s less-than-perfect dad. Ah, the classic ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ routine. Classic, yet effective.

Stepmom’s reaction? Pearl-clutching and dramatic exits, as if she’s auditioning for a soap opera. She feels disrespected, she says. Our G? Still as poised as an Amazon Prime ballerina, emphasizing that the cold war vibe has everything to do with stepmom’s verbal landmines.

The Climax: A Stand-off in the Living Room

Oh, the suspense! The confrontation reaches its zenith with Stepmom accusing G of treating her like an imbecile. Dear reader, if you’ve ever tried explaining basic common courtesy to someone hell-bent on acting the jilted lover, you’ll know why G repeated herself. Sometimes, the only way to get through is to sound like a malfunctioning Siri.

Needless to say, after this tête-à-tête, the tension is thicker than a Kardashian contour. G’s left wondering if she stepped over an invisible line, feeling conflicted about whether she’s the A-hole in this familial fable.

Roger’s Take: A Dose of Wit and Wisdom

Alright, kittens, it’s time for Uncle Roger to dish out the sass and wisdom. Is G the A-hole here? Oh, honey, not by a long shot.

First off, can we give G a standing ovation for standing up for herself and her siblings? Stepmom needs a wake-up call served with a side of reality check. She’s been letting her insecurities run roughshod over vulnerable teenagers who didn’t pick their biological mom from a catalogue. The emotional trauma they feel isn’t something that can be flicked aside like last season’s fashion faux pas.

Stepmom’s approach is like pouring gasoline on a campfire. G’s rationality and commendable diplomacy in addressing the issue? That’s the stuff of legends. If anything, G’s a shoo-in for a future role as the family therapist.

Dear Stepmom, here’s a shiny piece of advice: Your jealousy is unbecoming, and your snide comments are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Consider enrolling in “Grace and Poise: The Stepmom Edition.” Maybe a few sessions on empathy and listening could help you out. Learn to love yourself, darling, so you can stop acting like a secondary villain in a high school drama.

So to our brave, wise-beyond-her-years protagonist G, keep that chin up and the sass levels high. You did what any self-respecting individual with a backbone and a functioning moral compass would do. And for that, you, my darling, are the furthest thing from an A-hole.

Original story

My stepmom has been in my life since I was 4 and my siblings were 2 and 1. Our parents are divorced.

Our mom is not in our lives anymore and she was a very inconsistent presence even when she was in our lives. I’m 17f now for context.

I generally get along okay with my stepmom but this past year more than any other has been so bad.

It started when my sister (14) asked dad about mom. It was because of something that came up in school but my stepmom got so jealous when the question was asked and ever since that day she will randomly make disparaging comments about mom around us or directly to us.

She has made it a point to say mom didn’t want us, that mom chose mental illness over us, drugs over us (that one we never knew about and dad was pissed at her for telling us the way she did). She also made a comment to my brother another time when he was doing a project on DNA that DNA isn’t so great when DNA doesn’t want you.

We all pulled away from her because of this and her comments got worse over time. To the point where she was getting irate about the topic of mom and us and mom abandoning us.

I told her she wasn’t helping close the distance between us with her anger and comments and she told me we were treating her like trash for no reason and disrespecting her by bringing up the mom who abandoned us when she’s right there. She told me she can’t understand us treating her the way we have been for the last year when she is the one who raised us, not our bio mom.

I told her that her comments about our bio mom were exactly why we pulled back. I said we know our mom left us, we know she chose to leave, we know she isn’t a good mom, but she’s still our mom.

She still made us. We still had a bond with her.

We still have some love and mixed emotions about her. I told her nobody wants to be reminded of that day after day or have it thrown in their face.

I told her she’s the adult. We’re the kids.

She’s been throwing a year long tantrum and diving us with her comments. I told her she wouldn’t like it if we started making comments about her dad (who wasn’t a great guy) and if we told her that her dad never loved her, he never wanted her.

So why would we want to hear that about our mom. I told her if she doesn’t want us to grow apart then she needs to apologize and stop making those comments, and I reiterated that a couple of times, that we pulled back because of the comments not because we’re trying to disrespect her.

By the end of the conversation she told me I had spoken to her like she was dumb and I didn’t need to keep making the same point over again. She told me it made her feel disrespected and she left the room.

Ever since there has been a new tension there.