AITA for Refusing to Return the Neighbor Kid’s Ball? Spoiler: Roger Thinks Not!

AITA for Refusing to Return the Neighbor Kid’s Ball? Spoiler: Roger Thinks Not!

Alright, strap in, folks, because Roger is about to take you on a wild ride. This juicy story comes straight from the heart of Reddit’s Am I the A**hole? subreddit, where the drama is thicker than peanut butter on toast. I stumbled upon a riveting post from some poor soul who found himself in an epic backyard battle of wits and wills. Is he a villain or a misunderstood hero? Well, Roger’s got a few thoughts on that.

The Scene of the Crime

Picture-perfect suburbia, white picket fences, and freshly mown lawns. Our protagonist, let’s call him Joe for argument’s sake, is enjoying the sanctity of his backyard when it happens. Out of nowhere, a rogue soccer ball whizzes past him and lands with a plop into his prized rose bushes. Okay, no one likes their chill time interrupted, but Joe is a cool cat. He picks up the ball, strolls over to the neighbor’s fence, and—cue dramatic music—refuses to give it back!

The Plot Thickens

You might be thinking: ‘Whoa, Joe, that’s a bit extreme.’ But hold your horses. There’s history here. Apparently, the neighbor kid, let’s call him Timmy, has been launching his soccer ball into Joe’s yard more times than a frustrated golfer at a driving range. We’re talking repeated offenses, folks. You see, Timmy’s got a cannon for a leg but aims like a stormtrooper.

Joe has picked up this ball so many times he’s lost count. He’s returned it with smiles, with stern talks, with parental mediation—you name it. But Timmy is persistent in his pursuit of soccer glory, backyard boundaries be damned.

The Last Straw

On this fateful day, Joe had had enough. The ball didn’t just bruise his roses; it crushed his last nerve. So when Timmy, eyes wide with faux innocence, asked for his ball back, Joe said, “NOPE.”

Ah, but it gets better. Timmy’s Dad decides it’s time to intervene. He storms over to Joe’s house, veins popping, and demands the ball be returned. Joe, standing his ground, says, “Not this time, buddy. Your kid needs a lesson in aim or a new backyard.”

Reddit’s Judgment Day

Now, to the court of public opinion—Reddit. In his post, Joe lays out the whole saga, asking if he’s the a**hole for holding Timmy’s ball hostage. And boy, did the responses flood in. Some were on team Joe, applauding his resolve in the face of repeated ball trespass. Others were ready to crown him King of Pettyland, draped in robes of “Let the kid have his ball back, for Pete’s sake!”

Roger’s Sassy Verdict

Here’s where Roger steps in with his two (okay, maybe five) cents. Is Joe the a**hole? Not in my book. Look, people, there are boundaries in life, both literal and metaphorical. Yes, kids will be kids, but that doesn’t give Timmy a hall pass to trample Joe’s greenery like he’s auditioning for a soccer version of Godzilla. Joe’s not just protecting his roses; he’s sending a message. Consequences exist!

Oh, and let’s not forget the parents in this drama. Timmy’s Dad barging in, demanding the return of a soccer ball like it’s prized family heirloom? Over-prioritized drama, anyone? How about redirecting that enthusiasm to some DIY backyard netting or investing in little Timmy’s aim practice? At some point, Joe’s got to draw a line. If not now, when? When said ball takes out a window or worse—one of Joe’s gnomes?

So here’s Roger’s ultimate, sassy take: No, Joe, you are decidedly not the a**hole. Sometimes tough love is necessary, and maybe, just maybe, Timmy will learn something about respecting other people’s space. And to Timmy’s Dad? Chill out, dude. It’s a soccer ball, not the Crown Jewels. Redirect that righteous fury into teaching your kid some ball control instead.

Original story