AITA for Refusing to Install a Tracking App on My Phone? Roger Weighs In!

AITA for Refusing to Install a Tracking App on My Phone? Roger Weighs In!

Alright folks, buckle up because today’s topic comes straight from the quagmire of Reddit’s AITA (Am I the Asshole) forum. Grab your popcorn and let’s dive into the tale of a 19-year-old who is just trying to lead a semi-autonomous life without the shadow of Big Brother—er, I mean, his mom—looming over him, tracking every step he takes.

The Reddit Tale: A Privacy Battle

So, our protagonist, a spry 19-year-old male, finds himself locked in a Dickensian struggle against his mother, who insists that he, she, and his sister install a tracking app on their phones. She clings to this as an unyielding safety measure, envisioning a utopia where they can always locate each other on the map. Sounds peachy, right?

But wait, there’s more! Our hero eloquently states that he does value his privacy. He’s living life as an adult—holding down a full-time job, paying his own bills, and contributing to the household. He keeps his mother informed of his whereabouts, change of plans, and he even gives her the heads-up if he plans a night out involving intoxicants.

Now, pause and let that sink in. Imagine being a responsible adult, yet subjected to Orwellian surveillance because Mom might get the jitters otherwise. To our gallant knight, the notion of family members hovering over each other’s coordinates around the clock is suffocating at best, soul-crushing at worst. And it doesn’t help that Mom’s response to his resistance is, “If you have nothing to hide, why refuse?” Ah, the classic privacy conundrum.

Offer of Compromise

Desperate yet diplomatic, our hero offered a compromise: he would install the app with the stipulation that his location data remained off. But lo and behold, this wasn’t good enough for Mother Dearest. For her, it wasn’t just about her safety but an all-encompassing peace of mind that could only come from seeing her son’s dot on the map.

Her counter? A full-blown accusation of our protagonist hiding something. Because clearly, folks, the only reason anyone wants privacy is so they can dip into a storm of nefarious deeds, right?

Roger’s Sassy Take on the Matter

Alright, gather ’round and let Uncle Roger drop some truth bombs.

First off, what’s with this suffocating obsession with tracking apps? Guilting someone into constant surveillance under the guise of “safety”—not cool. The boy is nineteen! A fledgling adult trying to flex his independence wings, yet Mom’s snooping with all the finesse of a CIA operative.

You’ve got to give the kiddo some kudos. He’s transparent about his plans, checks in, and even offers an olive branch with his compromise. What does he get in return? Accusations and a one-way trip to Guiltville. Being an elder doesn’t give anyone carte blanche to trample over someone else’s right to privacy.

Now, Mama Bear deserves empathy—her desire for safety is understandable. Yet, her approach is textbook overreach. Safety can’t be synonymous with the complete invasion of privacy. Balance is key! Trust and communication can flourish without a 24/7 digital compass in tow.

The Verdict

Is our protagonist TA (The Asshole)? In Roger’s infinite wisdom, absolutely not! He’s asserting his right to privacy while maintaining open lines of communication. It’s about time parents realized that fostering autonomy in young adults is crucial. Take a chill pill, fam. R-e-s-p-e-c-t the boundaries, and understand independence doesn’t equal rebellion.

Pop quiz, dear readers: How would you feel about having your location broadcast 24/7? Share your thoughts or tales of woe in the comments below. And until next time, stay sassy, stay bold, and—for Pete’s sake—use technology wisely!

Original story

My mum wants me to install a tracking app onto my phone so herself, my sister, and I can track each other basically. She claims it’s for our safety and that if something happens to one of us then we’ll be able to use it to find where we are.

But I don’t want that. I’m 19(M) and I’ve told her I have a right to privacy, and that I don’t want to download the app, because I don’t see why my family should know my location 24/7.

And it’s not like I’m not honest with her, either. I tell her exactly where I’m going, when I plan on getting back, I’ll message if I’m running late or if there’s a change in plans.

I tell her if I’m getting drunk/high with people and tell her who I’m with. It’s not like I’m trying to hide something, which she’s now accusing me of because I don’t want the tracking app on my phone.

I’ve tried explaining to her that I’m also an adult too. I have a full time job, I pay for everything I use myself and I pay her housekeeping.

And whilst she accepts that, she’s completely ignoring it in the grand scheme of things.

She sees me not installing the app as me not caring about her, as I clearly don’t want to put her mind at ease and I don’t care about her safety. I’ve told her that I’ll even compromise and install the app so if she wants to, she can willingly be tracked for her safety, but that my location would be off.

That’s not good enough for her.

So, AITA for refusing to install a tracking app onto my phone?