AITA for Not Transferring My Friends Their Taylor Swift Tickets?

AITA for Not Transferring My Friends Their Taylor Swift Tickets?

Picture this: You’re eagerly scrolling through Reddit, seeking some juicy drama to spice up your Tuesday, when you stumble upon the ultimate dilemma posted by a regretful Swiftie. Buckle up, darlings, because this tale is more entangled than your earbuds after a gym session.

Our protagonist (let’s call her Jane) has found herself in a pickle brined in friendship and pop culture obsession. You see, Jane is what one might call a ‘Master Swiftie.’ She managed to secure not just one, not two, but FOUR Taylor Swift tickets during the tidal wave of the ticket release.

Now, anyone who’s ever tried to battle the Ticketmaster beast knows this is the stuff of legends. Like, imagine finding a unicorn, dressing it in a glittery jumpsuit, and it’s singing ‘Shake It Off.’ That’s how rare these tickets are.

Jane did it. She conquered the beast. She emerged victorious with four golden opportunities to witness Swiftie splendor. Naturally, she decided to share the love with her three best mates – let’s call them Anna, Beth, and Clara.

Jane purchased the tickets well in advance, visioning a magical night of friendship-filled folklore. But here’s where things get as sticky as a melted popsicle on a summer’s day.

The Drama Begins

A few weeks before the concert, our dear Jane found out she had to move to Timbuktu for work—okay, not really Timbuktu, but a place so far away that attending the concert would be about as feasible as knitting a cardigan with spaghetti.

Anna, Beth, and Clara were devastated. Their dreams of belting ‘Love Story’ with thousands of equally enthusiastic Swifties were threatened. But Jane, bless her organized and generous heart, declared she’d still buy the tickets and her friends could transfer her the money once they were procured.

The plot thickens. The transfer of funds from friends to Jane resembled a slow-motion scene in a particularly bad soap opera (‘As the Venmo Delays’). Anna coughed up her portion almost immediately; she gets the ‘Best Friend Ever’ badge.

But Beth and Clara? They’ve been as elusive as a decent parking spot at a T-Swift concert. They each sent some money here and there, but in pennytyrian amounts, hardly matching ticket costs. So, Jane’s left holding the Taylor Swift equivalent of Wonka bars while these two drag their heels like they have cement shoes at a dance party.

Decision Time: To Transfer or Not to Transfer

Jane’s a doll but she’s no fool. She’s out nearly $600, and the glimmer of hope that Beth and Clara would pay up in full is dimming faster than a flashlight running on expired batteries. Jane’s ultimatum: No money, no tickets.

Word spread through their circle faster than rumors from a gossipmonger’s favorite luncheon. Clara’s in tears, claiming an AITA (Am I the A**hole?) violation—how could Jane betray her like this?! Beth’s incredulous, expecting free handouts like confetti at a parade. Anna, caught in the middle, anxiously fiddles with her concert OOTD (outfit of the day).

Roger’s Take: The Definitive Verdict

Oh, sweet Jane, you are a beacon of rationality in a sea of melodrama. First off, you’re offering everyone the same deal; you’re not picking and choosing favorites like an episode of The Bachelor. Second, you owe no one a debt if they haven’t paid up. This isn’t a ticket charity for freeloaders. You’ve provided ample time and reminders—the post-it note on the fridge, the group chat reminders, heck, maybe even skywriting.

So, let’s get blunt for a hot sec: if Beth and Clara wanted those golden bits of concert magic, they’d have paid their share on time. Period.

If a ‘friend’ expects something for nothing, that’s a moocher, not a mate. So, stand firm, Jane. Keep your wits as sharp as T-Swift’s eyeliner and let them know: No cash, no concert. Call it tough love Swiftie-style.

And to Beth and Clara, consider this your wake-up call. Pay up or cry into your tea while everybody else shakes it off without you.

Long story short, Jane, you’re not the A**hole. You’re a realistic and responsible adult in the strange land of Eternal Peter Pan Syndrome. Keep rocking on and revel in knowing you’ve got the tickets and integrity. It’s a rare combo, but you pull it off with style.

Original story
